How they Will release the Marburg Virus


They “already” put the Hydro Gel (with the Marburg Virus inside the Hydro Gel) along with transmitter receiving graphene oxide,

into the Vaccine 3 years ago, injected into the vaccinated in 2020.


Now in 2024 they will “activate” the Hydro Gel inside vaccinated persons:


They will Broadcast a 5G signal at 18 Giga Hertz for:

1 minute and will do this for

3 separate times in a 24 hour period, and


that RELEASES the Marburg Disease inside you. See 2:20>


Answer to escape this evil= Live in a house in the woods,

away from the city’s 5G towers.

And take 2 EDTA Chelation capsules daily, to get the Hydro Gel out of your body.