Come into the safety and protection of  TO COG The "Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by Lawrence A. Nowell
August 11, 2012
21st Day of God's Fifth Month, 5993
The Obedient Church of God

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Come into the safety and protection of 
The "Obedient" Church of God
Subject: Sermon Aug 11-12
Aug 11, 2012
 Sermon by Lawrence A. Nowell
Sermon Highlights:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
August 11, 2012
7th DAY
14th Day of Av 5993 
The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:


1.) Billy Graham is a Satanic Devil worshipping 33rd Degree Mason, who worships the "Light Bringer" Lucifer as his gOD.

 Billy Graham promotes the LIE that we will all go to Heaven. When in fact no one has gone to Heaven but Yahveh. The dead are in the ground awaiting their resurrection.

For Spiritual Healing to know God's Truth click here> A.) No man is ever going to go to Heaven, nor has any man ever gone to Heaven except He who ascended (Joh 3:13) to Heaven-Jesus.

2.) Bill O'Riley is a Satanic Devil Worshipping/Lucifer worshipping Mason and a loud mouthed lying trickster and bully.

Click here>
These are "not" great men, nor are they Christians, like Bill Dankenbring said.
They are insane Luciferians and bullies.

3.) Shawn Hannity is a Satanic Devil worshipping/Lucifer worshipping 32nd degree Mason.

So is Benjamin Netanyahu, Shimone Perez, Obama all 32nd and 33 Degree Satanic Masons.

They are all Satanists, who believe Lucifer is the bringer of Light.

They will all burn in the Lake of Fire if they don't repent.


The "continuing" Deceit and Lying by the WCG Offshoot Churches of God

4.) You ministers must stop "bearing false witness" by lying about Herbert, saying Herbert did not commit incest with his daughter Dorothy.

You ministers MUST stop "bearing false witness":

Learn your commandments especially God's (9th Commandment).

Thou shalt not bear false witness... Exodus 20:16.

You who teach the Law, wilfully "break" God's Law (9th Commandment bearing false witness) when it serves your purpose "to lie" bearing false witness!

5.) Herbert admitted in Court under Oath, that he raped and fornicated for 10 years with his daughter Dorthy. Herbert answered: "Sometimes I haven't been as close to God as i should have been".

6.) Herbert "NEVER" DENIED raping and fornicating with Dorothy for 10 years.

At least Herbert didn't lie.

YET todays WCG offshoot Church ministers "LIE" about it.

LCG, UCG, UCGWA, COGTE, PCG all "lie".

The proof is in the FACTS.

 (Not what they lie about).

 Herbert never denied raping and fornicating with Dorothy for 10 years,


LCG, UCG, and COGTE especially "LIE"

about the self-evident truth.

7.) Love truth. Zechariah 8:19 [not lies].

8.) Attention Ministers et al: S

If you do not have a love of the Truth you will be burned up in Hellfire. 2 Thessalonians 2:10.

These "Black Magic/LYING Women/CHURCHES will make a lying Devil out of you.

You will start repeating their lies.

Substitute the word "churches" in place of Woman click here>

They cast their spell on you: "Turning your heart into stone". Instead of turning your heart to value TRUTH. Only the TRUTH will set you free from the guilt of LYING about Herbert.

And THEY "will" cause "you" to lie, about Herbert's fornication.



9.) Romney is a Satanic Mormon. Mormons believe in the demon Moroni= Moroni — the "resurrected prophet" who gave the Book of Mormon plates to Joseph Smith — was really an angel of Satan.

Mormons are "NOT" Christians

1.) Mormons believe Christians are their enemies. Mormons despise Christians.

2.) Mormon leaders were Satanic Masons. The founder Joseph Smith and his family were Masons who lived by the tenents of Freemasonry. The father Joseph Smith Sr. was a documented member in upstate New York. He was raised to the degree of Master Mason on May 7, 1818 in Ontario Lodge No. 23 of Canandaigua, New York.

His older son Hyrum Smith was a member of the Mount Moriah Lodge No. 112, Palmyra, New York.

3.) Mormons teach that God was born by another gOD.

4.) Mormons teach that God was just a man on another planet.

5.) God is just another exalted "man".

6.) God is married and God has a wife.

7.) God and his wife have spirit babies.

8.) We all used to live in Heaven.

9.) You must provide the paperwork to prove you are giving 10%, or you won't be allowed in their Temple.

10.) You must be baptized for the dead.

11.) Mormons believe Joseph Smith restored the truth.

12.) Mormons believe that Mormon Spirit Missionaries come down to you.

13.) Mormons wear "magic underwear" that they believe will protect them.

14.) Mormons believe that the phony Book of Mormon is superior to God's Bible.

15.) Mormons believe that Jesus wasn't born, but was the brother of the Devil.

16.) Mormons believe that Jesus was married to 3 women: Mary Magdalene, Martha, and the other Mary of Bethany.

17.) Mormons believe that there are 3 Heavens. 1 for criminals, 1 for Buddists, and 1 for Mormons.

Wake up: Mitt Romney is a Mormon/Satanist.

Mitt Romney is also a "Vulture" Capitalist who in the past destroyed Companies,

broke the Companies and sold the pieces.

Like a car, you can make money if you sell the pieces,

piece by piece, and destroy the car.

Money is their drug, and

they can never get enough,


Christians don't vote. We are Ambassadors, Ambassadors for Christ. Ambassadors don't vote.


The Last Temptation of Christ

The movie, "The Last Temptation of Christ" was based on one of the oldest Manuscripts, which said that Mary was bethrothed/married to Jesus.

The secular reader gets it all mixed up.

You are bethrothed to Jesus, and I am bethrothed to Jesus.

Just like the Manuscript states.

We as Christians (with God's Spirit in us) "know" we are bethrothed to Yah

and indeed we are Yah's Bride.

Secularists don't have a clue,

and get it all wrong,

as if Mary was "physically" married to Christ,

while in fact Mary was "spiritually" married to Christ/Yah,

just like you and I are.



5 hour old "Breaking News"
Paul Ryan is Mitt Romney's Running mate.
You heard it here first at

1.) Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney support trillions in budget-wrecking tax cuts for Millionaires.

2.) That will weaken the recovery, to pay for those Tax cuts for Millionaires.

3.) That will result in Tax hikes on the Middle Class.

4.) That will result in deep cuts on Education.

5.) According to Harvard economist Jeffery Liebman, Paul Ryan's budget plan could cost the U.S. more than 1 Million jobs.

6.) Ryan's extreme budget plan would only benefit the wealthy.

7.) Middle-class families could pay thousands of dollars mor a year in taxes, to help fund the tax cuts for the millionaires.

8.) To pay for tax cuts for the wealthiest, Paul Ryan would have to gut middle-class security=

9.) Cutting Pell Grant scholarships for nearly 10 million students.

10.) Cutting clean energy investments by 19%.

11.) Slowing scientific and Medical research.

12.) Eliminating tens of thousands of grants.

13.) Paul Ryan's plan would end Medicare as we know it.

14.) Paul Ryan's plan would turn Medicare into a Voucher system, costing seniors $6,350 more dollars per person per year.

15.) Ryan would privatize Social Security, subjecting seniors' retirement security to the Stock Market to be gobbled up.

16.) Ryan voted against the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.

Ryan is a walking nightmare, and a disaster for the middle class worker and senior citizen.

Editor's Note:

A Riddle wrapped in an Enigma

This Editor believes that the Republicans are "deliberately" throwing the election so that the New World Order Obama can get in. Because no one who wants the common people's votes would advertise destroying all the benefits to the common man, unless they "wanted" to lose, to "let"/cause Obama to win.

So that Obama can then move on to lead the Western half of the NWO (New World Order).

The Evil doers all waxing worse and worse, and more and more deceitful. 2 Timothy 3:13 Bad men and imposters will wax worse and worse.



for Yah to


Aug 11, 2012
Sermon Highlights
Aug 11, 2012
Sermon Highlights:
Highlights of Sermon


Sermon Highlights
Subject: Sermon Aug 11-12

Aug 11, 2012 - 


c Lawrence Nowell
The Obedient Church of God
 c Lawrence A Nowell
c c Lawrence A. Nowell