What is The MARK of the Beast?

Do NOT believe the nonsense that the Mark is a chip or tattoo on your forehead or hand,

BECAUSE that is NOT the Mark of the Beast.

The Mark of the Beast is: 1.) What you believe in your mind= your Forehead, and 2.) What you physically do= your Hand.


1.      The forehead represents MENTALLY what is in your head= Your BELIEFS of either believing in “his” antichrist Beliefs, or believing written text Bible Beliefs.

The antichrist will control us by OUR ”Beliefs”, by “his” teaching us that:

       A.) “he” is the Christ, and

       B.) making us think that “his” way is the best way.

 2.) When the Bible speaks of the right hand, the Bible is speaking of our PHYSICAL works/ACTIONS=

What you actually “DO physically.

BECAUSE people will DO what the antichrist says.

Some will “do” what “he” says:

1.)    out of convenience or

2.)    fear, and

3.)    others will DO what “he” says in exchange for “him” allowing them to buy food, and car gas, and house electricity.

He will “Decree”.

that no one will be able to buy or sell, unless they have taken:

The  Mark, or

the Name of the Beast, or:

the Number of his name.




Those that are understanding of the truth and stating “he” isn’t Christ, will NOT be allowed to buy “anything”. BECAUSE


their/your Central Bank digital currency will be suspended

until you live by and do what “he” says. That is how “he” will control you.

AI computers will control/stop everything you try to buy. You will starve to death if you are in the city.

 In Revelation 11 the TWO Witnesses will be preaching

“AGAINST” everything that the Antichrist says, and preaching

“AGAINST” everything the Antichrist tells you to do.

The TWO Witnesses will tell you that:

The Mark of the Beast is your believing in the pagan SUNday instead of God’s 7th Day Sabbath.

 Be sure to Read this:

MARK of the Beast vs The MARK of God Ezekiel 20:20

YOUR ministers are idiotic liars when they try to tell you the commandments were nailed to the cross.


God’s Bible STATES:

If you want to enter eternal life KEEP” the commandmentsMatthew 19:17

...hallow my sabbaths [Saturdays & 7 Holy Days]; and they shall be a sign between me and you, that ye may know that am the LORD your GodEzekiel 20:20Ezekiel 20:12

=The 7th day Saturday & KEEPING God’s 7 Holy Days “ARE” The “SIGN that I am your God per Ezekiel 20:20 KJV

1.) 1st day of Unleavened Bread 2.) 7th day of Unleavened Bread 3.) Pentecost 4.) Feast of Trumpets 5.) Day of Atonement 6.) 1st day Feast of Tabernacles 7.) 8th day.

Therefore let us keep the feast... 1 Corinthians 5:8


but 9 DAYS of:

1.     SUNdays and the Pagan Holidays OF: 2. New Years Day/Janus, 3. Mothers Day/Ghia,

4. Lent/Tammuz, 5. Easter/Ishtar, 6. Fathers Day/Father of ALL the gODS, 7. Halloween/Samhain

8. click here> Thanksgiving/Ceres, and 9. Xmas/Nimrod/Baal the Sun comes back:

are the SIGN that Satan "IS" your God.

“BECAUSE” Sundays ARE the OPPOSITE of the Sign of God, because Sundays are the “first” day and Saturdays are the “last” day.

Editor’s Note: And who in their right mind starts their new week by resting? You rest at the “end” of your week’s work, NOT at the beginning!

And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done.

Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it [made it a “HOLY” DAYDictionary dot com states sanctify meansto make holy; set apart as sacred; consecrate…]

because in it He rested [On Holy Days do NO work, do NOT buy anything, do “NOT” buy food at a Restaurant=making others work on God’s Sabbath, do NOT sell=He rested] from all His work… Genesis 2:2-3 KJV.

Editor’s Note: If you want to get together for a meal on the Sabbath you meet in a home, you prepare the meal on Friday the preparation day, then just bring it and warm it up.

Sunday is a Catholic counterfeit Day, whereby the Catholic Church states that their church is above God’s commands:

Sunday is our mark of authority… The church is above the Bible, and this transference of Sabbath observance is proof of that fact. Catholic Record Sept. 1, 1923.

“The observance of Sunday by the Protestants is the HOMAGE they pay, in spite of themselves, to the AUTHORITY of the [Catholicchurch. Louis Gaston de Segur, 1899 French Catholic Prelate and Official at Rome.

Editor’s Note: And just like the Catholic Church that moved God’s Sabbath, COG (Church of God) ministers today move all the rest of God’s 7 Holy days with their phony averaging calendar.

Satan “has” deceived you Revelations 12:9, 2 Corinthians 4:4Ephesians 2:2

When Jesus comes back, He will find YOU” practicing ALL of Satan’s PAGAN days,


NONE of the days Jesus practiced and taught you, to follow in His footsteps.

Jesus didn’t practice “ANY” of these following PAGAN days and TOLD you “NOT” to practice them either.   

When He comes back will He find faith on this earthLuke 18:8. Rhetorical Answer is NO! Because


YOU practice & YOU “WANT” Satan’s Days.

So you are NOW following Satan by NOW celebrating on any 9 of Satan’s Pagan days:

Baal weekly sun gOD’S DAY Sunday,

Janus the day dedicated to Janus even the month is named January, god of gateways and beginnings= New Years Day,

Gaia the great whore that gave birth to ALL the other gODS, mother earth Mother Goddess Day= Mothers Day,

Tammuz gOD Pan 40 days of fasting, abstinence, weeping for Tammuz= Lent,

Ishtar gODDESS of Sex with Rabbits and Eggs= Easter,

Sky Father King of Heaven sky god addressed as "father", the father of a pantheon King of the Gods longest day of the yearFathers Day,

Samhain the LORD gOD Of The Dead Hallow=Sacred + een=Evening= a Sacred Evening= Halloween,

Ceres gOD of the Corn & The Goose gOD gave its life for its young, Ra Osiris,= Turkey gOD Day tricking you as= click here> Thanksgiving Day,

Nimrod sUN godshortest day of the year, you must celebrate to bring Nimrod/Baal the sUN gOD back to life= Xmas.

Your participation in:

SUNday/Baal, New Years Day/Janus, Mothers Day/Ghia, Lent/Tammuz, Easter/Ishtar,

Fathers Day/Father of ALL the gODS, Halloween/Samhainclick here> Thanksgiving/Ceres, and Xmas/Nimrod/Baal the Sun comes back.


The SIGNs that Satan “IS” your God.

Editor’s Note:

You can’t use Hitler’s Birthday/Satan’s Days to celebrate God.

YOU” have been deceived into practicing Paganism and “you” don’t know it.

YOU shall NOT do so to the Lord.

You shall not worship the LORD your God with such thingsDeuteronomy 12:4 King James Bible

Ye shall not do so unto the LORD your God. Deuteronomy 12:4 Christian Standard Bible

The number stands for the name.

It is the number of a man, and his number is 666.

Vicarius Filii Dei is a phrase first used in the forged medieval Donation of Constantine to WRONGLY refer to Saint Peter, who is WRONGLY regarded as the first Pope by the Catholic Church. Catholicism is not Christian, because Catholic beliefs are NOT Christian Bible Beliefs. Catholic beliefs such as a 1st day of the week (Sunday) as God’s Sabbath: is NOT found in God’s Bible.

 The Pope’s papal title, Vicarius Filii Dei, has a numeric value of 666. Preterist, Futurist, and Swedenborgian writers have used this numerological method.

    Research has demonstrated, that there is “greater” historical evidence for the connection of this number 666                             with the Pope’s title of Vicarius Filii Dei, than has been previously recognized.

The POOP will force you to worship on SUNday.

SUNday is the Pope’s Mark

That you must NOT TAKE!=

You must NOT worship on SUNday.

“The observance of Sunday by the Protestants is the HOMAGE they pay, in spite of themselves, 

to the AUTHORITY of the [Catholicchurch.

Louis Gaston de Segur, 1899 French Catholic Prelate and Official at Rome.

You must NOT NOT NOT pay that HOMAGE