Motion in CD8 cytotoxic T cell co-receptor [cd8]

Known Domain Motion, Unclassifiable Mechanism [D-?-2]
    • Protein motions play a crucial role in antibody-antigen
      interactions. In CD8, the T-cell cell-surface receptor, the alpha-3
      domain reorientation is the only significant conformation change
      observed by Gao et al (1996) upon binding of HLA-A2 antigen by
      CD8. Changes focused at the pivotal point of the alpha-3 movement
      apparantly transmit conformational change from CD8 binding into the
      peptide-binding groove (and vice versa), although no such efect was
      apparent from the CD8 alpha-alpha/HLA-A2/peptide complex studied (see
    Particular values describing motion
    • Creation Date = 19971130
    • Experimental Methods = x (Traditional x-ray)
    • Modification Date = 19971130
    • Gao GF, Tormo J, Gerth UC, Wyer JR, McMichael AJ, Stuart DI, Bell JI, Jones EY, Jakobsen, BK
    Data and Graphics
    • Graphic-1. Diagram depicting approximate positions of T-cell and antigen-presenting cell surfaces during binding, adapted from Gao et al., 1996.

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    Copyright 1995, M. Gerstein
    Update Wed Jan 17 00:17:20 EST 2001