Lyme Disease Symptoms
The Diagnosis of Lyme Disease is a Clinical
Diagnosis of the "Presentation" which means the "Presentation of
'Symptomatology'", and the diagnosis of the "absence" of Lyme Disease is not to
be diagnosed Serologically.
IE: It is a "Clinical Diagnosis" and not a
"Serological Diagnosis" which means that the determination of whether or
not Lyme Disease is present is:
To be determined "only by" the presentation of the
Symptomatologies; which means you "rely on" the "Symptoms of the
Disease" to determine if Lyme Disease is present, and "not" the blood
The blood work is only to be
used to "confirm" the presence of the disease and "not" to be used for
a diagnosis or non-diagnosis of the disease.
Again: Blood work is only to be
used to confirm the Clinical Diagnosis, and is not to be used to diagnose Lyme

If you present with over 7
(seven) of the following Symptoms
seek "immediate" treatment from
your Health Care Professional.

As part of your current illness, have you had any of the following: (Yes or No)
- Tick Bite ..............................................................Y N
- Rash at bite site
- Rashes at other sites
- Fever, chills, sweats
- Weight change (loss or gain)
- Fatigue, tiredness
- Unexplained hair loss
- Swollen Glands
- Sore Throat
- Testicular pain or Pelvic pain
- Unexplained menstrual irregularity
- Irritable bladder or bladder dysfunction
- Sexual dysfunction or loss of libido
- Upset stomach
- Change in bowel function, constipation
- Chest pain or rib soreness
- Shortness of breath, cough
- Heart palpitations, pulse skips, heart block
- Joint pain or swelling
- Muscle pain or cramps
- Twitching of the face or other muscles
- Headache
- Neck creaks and cracks, neck stiffness
- Stiffness of the joints or back
- Tingling, numbness, burning or a stabbing
- Facial paralysis (mouth is crooked on one side when you talk in front of a mirror-Bell's Palsy)
- Eyes/vision: double, blurry, pain, increased floaters (specks in front of vision)
- Ears/hearing: ringing, buzzing, ear pain
- Dizziness, poor balance, increased motion sickness
- Light-headedness, wooziness, difficulty walking, clumsy bumping into objects
- Tremor
- Confusion, difficulty in thinking, difficulty in concentrating, difficulty with sticking with task
- Difficulty with concentration or reading
- Decreased short term memory
- Disorientation: driving past your turn, getting lost, going to wrong place
- Difficulty with speech
- Mood swings, irritability, depression
- Disturbed sleep: too much, too little, early awakening- goes through cycles sometimes too much
- Exaggerated symptoms or worse hangover from alcohol
- Slowed pulse
- Testicular enlargement
- Nodules on earlobes
- Stomach distension
- Breathing with mouth open
- Eye lesions
- Nasal stuffiness /restriction
- Shortness of breath
- Hypersensitive olfactory organ (sensitive to the slightest odours / smells)
- Feeling drunk without drinking
- No desire to do anything- including favorite hobbies
- Too slow a pulse when resting
- Rapid pulse with slightest exertion
- Perfuse sweating- soaking wet if you go snow skiing
- Muscle pains, cramps or charley horse
- Pains switching from one side of the body to the other
- Enlarged lymph glands
- Stiff aching neck
- Changes in vision
- Generalized acheyness
- Limbs- especially arms feel heavier than normal.
- Diminished or absent reflexes
- Brain fog
- Poor coordination/ataxia
- Continual infections
- Poor concentration
- Decreased ability to spell correctly
- GI distress/abdominal pain
- Poor word retrieval/Aphasia
- Anxiety
- Difficulty swallowing
- Nausea/vomiting
- Anorexia
- Vasculitis
- Loss of muscle tone
- Changes in taste or smell
- Obsessive-Compulsive symptoms
- Panic attacks
- Changes in cerebral blood flow/brain waves
- Number reversal
- Light Sensitivity
- Trigeminal neuralgia (TMJ)
- Dilated cardiomyopathy
- Loss of temperature control
End of Symptom Sheet