Satan "is" the "prince of the power of the air" in Ephesians 2:2.
Satan "is" the "ruler of this world" Luke 4:6, John 12:31. Satan rules over the world and the people therein by causing them to obey "his" days and ways.
You are caught "in the snare of the devil" 2 Timothy 2:26,
you lie in the "power of the evil one" 1 John 5:19 NIV
and are in bondage to Satan Ephesians 2:2.
Satan is at work inside you "because" you are disobedient.
Satan himself rules over the unbelieving world in "this" specific way:
Those who do "not" follow the days and ways of the Bible = you are following Satan and Satan's days and ways and agenda.
Satan has deceived you and the "whole" world. Revelation 12:9
3.) Easter= Ishtar gODDESS of Sex, rabbits, egg hunts, fertility feast by Painting & Rolling eggs on the Whitehouse lawn.
Mother Goddess Day the DAY of the great whore Ghia who gave birth to all the gODS & gODDESSES in May/Springtime.
Sky Fathers Day by the longest day June 21st of the year to honour the PAGAN gOD OF THE SKY.
4.) Halloween= Witches High Sabbath to Samhain gOD of the Dead.
5.) Turkey Day masquerading as thanksgiving= Cosmic Goose representing of Ra/Osiris. Deut 12:32 Do NOT add a day.
6.) Christmas= Baal sun gOD celebrating by the shortest day of year:
Red Fire God-Santa (anagram/rearrangement of letters for Satan),
Setting up Green X-mas Trees SYMBOLIZE Tammuz who sprang BACK TO LIFE from an EVERGREEN tree.
Claims about Tammuz claims that:
At a sacred time of his "passion in Jerusalem", he "wore a 'crown of thorns' made of myrrh."
He was annually sacrificed in the Temple in Jerusalem.
Was called "only-begotten Son", and "Son of the Blood"; as well as Healer, Savior, Heavenly Shepherd, and Anointed One.
He "tended the flocks of stars, which were considered souls of the dead in heaven."
Acharya adds that Tammuz/Adonis was "representative of the spirit of the corn" and
this connects with Bethlehem meaning "House of Bread" or "House of Corn."
Tammuz claim that he was "born in the very cave in Bethlehem now considered the birthplace of Jesus.
Little you possessing/having TAMMUZ Crosses that symbolize adoration & fidelity to Tammuz.
Know you not that you are servants to whom you obey. Romans 6:16
New Living Translation
Don't you realize that you become the slave [and choose to
follow the Devil]
of whatever
you choose to obey?
You can be a slave to sin, which leads to death, or you can choose to obey God,
which leads to righteous living. God states/COMMANDS in HIS 2nd commandment:
Thou shalt not make...any...likeness of anything Exodus 20:4-6
including phony pictures of Jesus/Yahushua who did
not have long hair, because it is a shame to have long hair.
Does not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long hair, it is a shame to him? 1 Corinthians
7.) New Years Day= the end Feast of the Sun gOD
Celebration of the pagan Winter SUN gOD Solstice/REBIRTH.
(Jesus was born in the fall on the Feast of Trumpets in September NOT on December X-Mas).
You must change to the Bible days and ways, or else you will remain the servant of Satan. Know ye not that ye are the servants to whom you obey. Rom 6:16
Please “obey” the points outlined on this site to start the process of your spiritual healing. You will then be turned right side up, and forward.
You "will"
perish eternally if
you do not choose to follow God's days and
ways and "if"
you keep
following Satan's days and ways.
Know ye not that the un-righteous shall "not" inherit the
Kingdom. 1Cor 6:9
If the righteous man is scarcely saved, 1Pe 4:18 what will be the end of the ungodly?
Grace is a period of time to repent in. Grace is not a licence to commit sin daily.
DEDI in Greek means
You "must" SURRENDER "YOUR" ways
to God's Ways.