What you need to know to set up a Hobby Farm




Here are your Vital CALCULATIONS of acres needed to grow food, for when you can't buy food.

Because you will NOT be able to buy food, unless you take the Mark of The Beast.

Revelation 13:17 so that no one could buy or sell unless ... - Bible Hub


and that no one would be able to buy or to sell unless he has that mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name



You will NEED to Live on/HAVE a 5 acre Farm SO THAT you don't starve to death.


1 acre will feed 7 adults for 1 year


you need 5 acres for everything including a place to live

For you and your animals, and to grow food for your animals, and to have gardens for vegetables, etc..


1 acre of wheat berries yield/supply about 5.5 to 8 adults with their daily carb needs for a year.

Use/set aside 2 clear acres in the front on your 5 acre lot therefore these 2 acres alone, can feed 16 adults.


1 acre is taken up by buildings etc. since you will need a 60’x40’ shop, barn, goat house, chicken coop, 80’x40’wood tree lot section, house trailer, storage trailer, large gas tractor, 12’ wide tractor pulled Harrow,1 station wagon, 1 4WD Diesel pickup truck,1 30’ U-Haul Box covered van truck, 1 triple axel 40’ enclosed Storage trailer, 1 20’ food trailer, that take up part of an acre, plus the 10’ wide center road, therefore you have used up another 1 acre for living, vehicles, and a roadway on your 5 acres.


That means there are 4 acres left for planting.

=2 acres necessary for wheat/grains.

Fence off the wheat, because you are also going to have the sheep roam to feed on grasses on other 2 acres of the property,

(no goats because goats destroy everything/get into everything= are uncontrollable-have butted/smashed my car windshield on 1 car “and also on 1 truck, and butted off the hub caps and chrome),

You must use metal wire to:

fence the 2 acres of wheat to keep the sheep out and

fence the gardens also, so that the sheep don’t eat the garden plants/produce.

Joseph Donahue Follow B.S. from Salisbury University (Graduated 2010)1y Modified from another answer about wheat:


The average person needs between 225 and 325 grams of net carbs per day. Whole wheat is around 55% net carbs. Assuming you got 100% carbs from wheat for a whole year you would need 82,125 to 118,625 carbs from it which would translate to 149,318-215,682 grams of harvested wheat berries.

The average yield wheat of wheat per acre is 44.3 bushels. A bushel of wheat is 60 lbs. This is 2658 lbs or 1,205,649 grams per acre.

If you did everything by the book and got this average yield on the first try, you would need 12.38% to 17.89% of an acre to produce enough carbs for 1 average person.

To say this another way… you could from one average acre’s yield supply about 5.5 to 8 adults with their daily carb needs for a year from wheat alone. However you wouldn’t just eat wheat… to the point where you would probably get a large amount of carbs from other foodstuffs. So you wouldn’t have a direct amount of people fed by an acre of wheat…

but instead a “composite acre” where different fractions of it contributed to producing the various different foods that supplied all of a person’s nutritional needs.

We’ll cut to the chase: That means 5 acres, for all you needs described/outlined on this page.

Also know as a bonus:

Both corn and rice average yields are far more than wheat per unit area. Corn is about 4 times and rice 3 times the yield of wheat. Corn has lots of traits that make it much easier for the beginner getting into growing grains. Rice can be grown without flooding similar to other small grains at a similar level of difficulty to say wheat or barley. You can then grow other staples you would require such as a protein complement(legumes) and a phytonutrient source(leafy greens).

I would not advise getting all your carbs from a grain… which includes the aforementioned wheat, corn and rice. Many legumes have a yield per unit area similar to wheat… however they contain fewer carbs so the needed area would go up slightly if you did a wheat and legume combo.


Legumes complement grains both nutritionally (different amino acid profiles and lower glycemic index[extended energy]). as well as agronomically (based on nitrogen fixation and crop rotation).


Field peas, soybeans, common beans and cowpeas are all excellent pulses to consider.


This all proves/shows/demonstrates: at minimum you will need to have 5 acres.

Therefore set it up this way:

Here is your complete FOOD set-up:


Grain= (wheat), PLANT 2 acres of wheat (1 to eat and 1 to sell/barter).


Pulses= dried peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas ( What's a pulse? (Beans, Lentils, Chickpeas and Dried Peas) .


Leafy greens= lettuce  kale, spinach, Swiss chard,  bok choy. 


Collards=   cabbage, broccoli edible leaves, which are cooked and eaten as vegetables. 


Sheep= for milk 2 cups a day give 1 person essential fatty acids vitamin B-12 (Don’t buy a cow because a Jersey produces 100 cups per day & will eat up all your small grass/pasture field bare).

                  https://www.sheep101.info/dairy.html A ewe produces 750lbs of milk during a 180 day lactation= 1/2 gallon milk/day=64 oz=8 8 oz glasses. Protein content sheep's milk is higher than cow's milk.


Chickens= for eggs. Feed chickens for free by letting them run free all over the 5 acres eating up all the bugs in the gardens, and fields.



You need

3 ACRES planted, =2 acres of wheat (1 acre to eat & 1 acre gives 45 bushels to sell/barter with because cannot buy anything) & 1 separate acre for gardens of: pulses, collards, and leafy greens

2 sheep roaming/feeding from grasses around the other 2 acres= 1 ewe gives 64 oz/day=8 8 oz glasses/cups. Person needs 2 cups/day. 2 ewes=16 cups/day=enough for 8 persons.

21 chickens roaming eating all the bugs= 14 eggs per day= 2 eggs for 7 people (or sell/barter with the eggs).

This WILL give enough nutrients/FOOD/calories FOR 7 PEOPLE.


It is simple to fulfill your nutrition needs, “IF” you just follow this ab