so that you can



Write these words on the consent form:

add  “THIS” sentence writing verbatim:

“I am ‘NOT freeing the (write in your State and country),

which obliges me to this vaccination,

from any adversity, resulting illness, or any undesirable effects that result from it.'”






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Covid, 50 years old changes the consent form: “Responsible state”. Doctors don’t vaccinate her

Posted on January 16, 2022 by State of the Nation



English https://romah24.com/metropoli/news/covid-50-enne-cambia-il-modulo-del-consenso-stato-responsabile-i-medici-non-la-vaccinano/?fbclid=IwAR16nEuifEmMDYLeRxoLojo2HEbTF0

Italian https://romah24.com/metropoli/news/covid-50-enne-cambia-il-modulo-del-consenso-stato-responsabile-i-medici-non-la-vaccinano/?fbclid=IwAR16nEuifEmMDYLeRxoLojo2HEbTF0

14 January 2022 – 14:53 . Chronicle

Covid, 50 years old changes the consent form: “Responsible state”. Doctors don’t vaccinate her

Submitted by Our Greater Destiny

You want to change the informed consent form to get vaccinated. Doctors do not allow this and do not inject the dose. The result is a diatribe that risks reaching the courtrooms. The amendment related to the non-acceptance of the non-liability of the State in case of damage from inoculation.

The protagonist of the story is a Roman woman over 50 years old following the entry into force of the vaccination obligation. Arrived in the hub in via Alvaro del Portillo, in Rome, to receive the expected dose, the woman pretended to add a sentence to the sheet on informed consent to specify that “it does not free the Italian State, which obliges me to this vaccination, from any possible adversity, resulting illness, or any undesirable effect derived from it”.

To make known the story is the Codacons, to which the woman turned for legal assistance after the medical staff refused to administer the serum. “The events took place on Wednesday 12 January at the Cesa Vaccination Center in via Alvaro del Portillo, where the woman went to undergo the Moderna anti-Covid vaccine – reconstructs the Codacons.

At the time of signing the informed consent that, as known, all the vaccinated must sign, the woman pulls out a pen from the bag and, on the page where it is specified that the citizen has ‘understood the benefits and risks of vaccination’, adds a sentence writing verbatim ‘not freeing the Italian State, which obliges me to this vaccination, from any adversity, resulting illness, or any undesirable effects that result from it.'”

“The health personnel of the Vaccination Center – continues the Codacons – notices the postilla written in pen by the woman, and a heated discussion arises with the intervention of the director of the structure that leads the doctors present to add to them once a counter-postilla to the form on informed consent, writing ‘You take vision of the postilla inserted by the patient on the first sheet and do not consent to vaccination on the basis of what is reported and written by the patient. The patient is informed that vaccination can be carried out only after signing the informed consent”.

The lady is thus forced to report in writing on the same form ‘I want to get vaccinated here and now, but I am not vaccinated because I have inserted the postilla that does not exempt the Italian State’. A story that could now end up in court.

The lady has in fact turned to Codacons reporting the case and asking to be legally protected, and the association is studying the feasibility of a legal action against the State and the Vaccination Center that refused vaccination, a circumstance that could realize in the hands of the doctors involved the crime of abuse of office “.