The cowardly
are condemned to Hell.
Your ministers are too timid to tell you
That you must be BRAVE
To inherit the Kingdom.
No cowards allowed in the Kingdom.
Revelation 21:8 states that “cowards” will burn in Hell.
The coward is condemned to hellfire along
with murderers and sorcerers. Other translations use the word fearful in
place of the word cowardly, but these words are synonymous.
“The cowardly” is what Revelation 21:8 speaks of.
In the Greek, the word translated “cowardly”
in Revelation 21:8 implies fearfulness and timidity. The dictionary also
defines coward as someone who lacks the courage to
do difficult, dangerous, or unpleasant things. A coward consciously shies away
from unpleasant situations, doing whatever he can to save his own
skin—enslaving himself to fear.
This scene is shows you NOT to be a coward:
Buy a Knife>
and a Gun
Don’t be a coward.
In Tennessee it is “legal” to carry any kind or any size of a knife:
In Tennessee, you may carry a folding pocket knife openly or conceal them without any special permit. There are no restrictions on the length or type of knife that can be carried, and previously prohibited knives such as automatic knives, ballistic knives, and switchblades are now legal.
In Tennessee it is “legal” to carry a concealed gun:
As of July 1, 2021, an adult can carry a handgun, openly or concealed, in Tennessee without a permit,
If the person is: 21 or older.
Make sure you buy a Gun as well as your knife, because today you can’t bring a knife/sword to a Gunfight.