ACCEPTING the Governments Debit Card “WILL” LEAD to your accepting the Mark of the Beast.
Summation before you read so you don’t miss the truth:
1.) First the Governments get citizens to WEAR MASKS like COMPLIANT idiots. To teach/train you to be compliant in your nature!
2.) Then the Governments set up A GOVERNMENT ISSUED Currency DEBIT Card for/assigned to EVERY CITIZEN, for you to buy and sell I.E., to buy necessities, giving you $1.400 USA free money on the card.
3.) Then the POOP MOUNTS/rides the Governments. As the POOP rides the Governments of the whole World, the Poop also will be ENFORCING SUNDAY Worship as a condition, SO YOU CAN GET your card money.
You don’t care, because you just want your money so you can eat. So you/nearly all people will say: “Yeah, for World harmony and World peace, I will agree everyone worships on Sunday, who cares what day.”
The 1% owners of Corporations that CONTROL all the Politicians of the World have succeeded in getting everyone in the World in EVERY COUNTRY to:
1.) WEAR THE useless MASK OF THE BEAST, (that does NOT stop transmission because the virii particles are so microscopic that they go through and around the MASK).
That was just the Beta test to train you to be compliant:
Now that they have accustomed you the sheeple in all the Countries of the whole World, to NOW put on THE MASK OF THE BEAST, = Do what they say:
2.) The Corporation Owners will:
instruct the Politicians IN EVERY COUNTRY OF THE WORLD to set up A GOVERNMENT ISSUED Currency DEBIT Card, on the false premise that cash (paper and metal) money causes Pandemics.
YOU will then be forced to take the BEAST’S CURRENCY CARD with its I.D. Number FOR YOU or you will not be able to buy or sell, nor buy food, nor pay rent, nor own property, nor own houses UNLESS you accept the TERMS and Conditions written in the fine print of THE CARD that gives you free money.
3.) Then the Corporation Owners will get the Politicians TO:
write in the fine print of the card Terms and Conditions paperwork
for you to swear allegiance to the NWO (New World Order SYSTEM ) “AND” RATE/SCORE you compliance (Social Score as in China now), using that as
the TERMS AND CONDITIONS for using your NEW Currency Card,
CONDITIONS that you must AGREE to IN THE FINE PRINT, to be able to ACTIVATE THE CARD= to be able to get your money to be able to buy or sell.
Now here the Key to the whole matter:
Since the POOP is later riding The BEAST/Governments, the POOP WILL UNITE THE WORLD with SUNday worship (everyone worshiping on 1 day SUNday), AND to get your money you NOW AGREE TO:
All the Terms and Conditions of the Debit Card, which the POOP adds Sunday Worship to the Terms and Conditions of the free Debit Card, and your agreeing to Sunday= your taking the Mark of the Beast.
BECAUSE you want the money in the Debit Card, in order to eat;
The POOP ends up riding the BEAST, the BEAST that gave you the government Debit Card so that you can buy things. So, their plan is:
1.) FIRST: The Government gives you a FREE DEBIT CARD that has your $1,400 stimulus payment:
Nearly 4 million people are being sent their Economic Impact Payment by prepaid debit card, instead of a check, according to this news release on the IRS website.
“The determination of which taxpayers received a debit card was made by the Bureau of the Fiscal Service, a part of the Treasury Department that works with the IRS to handle distribution of the payments,”
2.) Then later the Government cancels all your debts including your present “OTHER” outstanding Credit Card debts and forces you to only use 1 Card= The Government issued Debit Card.
3.) Then later the POOP starts to RIDE THE BEAST/CONTROL THE Government that issued you your 1 Government Debit Card, and if you don’t accept the POOP’S SUNday Law, the POOP gets the Government that he is riding to turn off your 1 Debit Card.
Since you don’t want to starve to death and be homeless, you agree.
And now you have accepted the Mark of the Beast, in order to eat and have a place to live.