The coronavirus
Bioweapon injection
could only have been launched WORLDWIDE, and successfully covered up,
an exceedingly powerful group of state actors, Corporate entities and
Transnational Institutions
that subscribe to the New World Order Globalist Agenda.
NWO motives will become crystal clear with each passing month. Globalism is NOW
of the [opposition to the NWO by nationalist governments and patriot movements
springing up across the planet. Hence, the globalists [WANT TO SPEED UP] put
plans FOR A Global Control Matrix
into overdrive via the coronavirus flu scare as a means of compensating for so
much time lost [and due to Trump causing a 4 year delay].
It’s of paramount importance for every resident of planet Earth to understand that the NWO perpetrators have a timeline set
to establish a totalitarian One World Government.
NWO [true evil] motives of the NEW WORLD ORDER will surely surface [be seen evident by all] in the months ahead.
1.) Foisting a One World Government upon the World Community of Nations [via
Medical Dictatorship].
(2) Accelerate the Inauguration of Israel as the World Capital of a Global
Government Run from Jerusalem [which happens during the 7 years Tribulation].
(3) Ensure the Rapid and Widespread Military Deployment of 5G Globally.
(4) Institute Forced Vaccination Programs Worldwide, Mandating [POLICE HOLDING
YOU then nurses JABBING YOU] Coronavirus Vaccines
(5) Distract Humanity from Rampant Globalist Corruption and Criminality [by
having plenty of other controversial topics coming out on the news from UFO’s
etc., etc..]
(6) Foster a Conducive Environment for the Hot Phase of World War III and
Trigger Event for Armed Conflict [with China over Taiwan].
(7) Fabricate a Pretext [more phony medical reasons to shut down businesses]
for the Controlled Demolition of the Global Economic & Financial System
(8) Effectuate a Genocide in China, as well as “Global Depopulation Event”
threatening to Become an Extinction Level Event
(9) Fear-monger [over their flu variants] throughout the [World] Planetary
Civilization in order to Exert Draconian Controls Over the Mind-Controlled
(10) Expand and Strengthen the UN Powers Granted to the World Health
Organization Toward a Global Medical Tyranny [by using a “MEDICAL
(11) Coerce China to comply with American Economic Demands and Trade Policies
(12) Advance the Greater Israel Project by Disabling Chinese, Russian and
Indian Support for Iran
(13) Establish an International Cashless Society [claiming that cash that we
have used for 300 years spreads disease] with a One World Currency via a Single
Digital Cryptocurrency
(14) Infect the Entire Global Population with the Coronavirus so That Future
Outbreaks Can Be Triggered via Vaccines, 5G, Chemtrails, etc.
(15) Pose a Serious Threat to Trump’s Re-election with a Black Swan Event that
Crashes the Stock Market and Collapses the U.S. Economy
(16) Promote the Build-out of the Internet of Things as a Solution to Future
There are other significant reasons,
Using a deadly infection agent, designed to wipe out the targeted populations
in China while
leaving the buildings intact standing with no damage.
They already tried: SARS, MERS, Swine Flu, Bird Flu, AIDS, Marburg virus which
was carried into Germany by African green monkeys. Seven out of 25 research
workers who contracted this lethal little bug were killed. Lassa fever, unheard
of until the 1970s, was also found to be so virulent that researchers at Yale
University Laboratories were forced to terminate all work on the virus.
[Marburg virus and Lassa Fever were too unmanageable to be used].
“And” [YOU MUST REALIZE] the same mass-murdering Masonic cabal was responsible
for the French Revolution, Bolshevik Revolution, World Wars I & II, Korean
War, Vietnam War, Iraq Wars, Afghanistan War, Libyan War and Ukraine Civil War.
We MUST Prosecute the Government’s Leaders as “WANTED Criminals” — “For Crimes
Against Humanity”. This includes prosecuting Trump who initiated the Jab as
“his” Operation Warp Speed. Republicans and Democrats are the 2 wings on the
same vulture bird!
Only by prosecuting these evil people, will the world-at-large be saved from
more war and the inevitable mayhem that is left in its wake.
Prosecute the evil men and evil women in:
The Bretton Woods institutions, THAT YOUR POLITICIANS APPROVED OF
including the:
International Monetary Fund, the
World Bank and the
World Trade Organization WTO; the
Trilateral Commission; the
Business Roundtable; the
Economic Forum, and the
numerous other rich men’s clubs.
Elite lobbying groups play an increasingly
powerful role in controlling the
U.S. Congress
these days while
an array of mega-corporations–whose assets tower
over the collected wealth of most of the world’s countries–have a large role in
constructing U.S. policies for their own benefit.
The phony Federal Reserve Corporation that is “not” Federal [that it is as Federal as Federal Express FedEx] and has NO RESERVES.
Is owned by 13 families.
These 13 families just print TRILLIONS of dollars out of THIN AIR. IF you were a crook like they all are, you too could also print money out of thin air, and then charge so much interest on your non-existent money, that NOT one cent of American Taxes goes to pay this debt, and all your taxes go to pay the fraudulent interest on the fraudulent debt. YOU CAN’T MAKE THIS UP, BECAUSE IT EXISTS AND IS SO EVIL.
It is NOT a conspiracy theory, it is a FACT. E.g.: The Bank of Canada is NOT owned by Canada. Nor are the other Banks around the world that call themselves Bank of _ _ _ _
E.g. Bank of England:
_ In 1977, the Bank set up a wholly owned subsidiary called Bank of England Nominees Limited, (BOEN), a private limited company, with 2 of its 100 £1 shares issued. According to its Memorandum & Articles of Association, its objectives are:- “To act as Nominee or agent or attorney either solely or jointly with others, for any person or persons, partnership, company, corporation, government, state, organization, sovereign, province, authority, or public body, or any group or association of them….” Bank of England Nominees Limited was granted an exemption by Edmund Dell, Secretary of State for Trade, from the disclosure requirements under Section 27(9) of the Companies Act 1976 , because, “it was considered undesirable that the disclosure requirements should apply to certain categories of shareholders.” The Bank of England is also protected by its Royal Charter status, and the Official Secrets Act.
The phony IRS which is a private corporation which
prints the Income Tax was never Ratified by all
50 USA States, and is not even registered as part of the United States and is based in Puerto Rica (offshore below Cuba), therefore
the IRS is an illegal, unapproved, thieving, organization. And nowhere in Legislation does it say you have to pay taxes to
the IRS. The corrupt judges ignore the law, and
prosecute people who don’t cooperate with the
illegal IRS corporation that is not
even a part of America.
The freedom loving USA citizens presently cannot prosecute all those evil
people involved, - the people that DAILY “ILLEGALLY” run the USA.
The Council on Foreign Relations often referred
to as the "invisible government" and is considered the most powerful organization of
its kind. The CFR along with other tax-exempt organizations, actually is a secret government that sets most of the major policies of the federal
government. The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), founded in 1921, is a
United States nonprofit think tank specializing in U.S. foreign policy and
international affairs. It is headquartered in New York City, with an additional
office in Washington, D.C. Its membership, which numbers 5,103, has included senior politicians, more than a
dozen secretaries of state, CIA directors, bankers,
lawyers, professors, and senior media figures.
CFR meetings convene [command/setup meeting with/for] government officials,
global business leaders and prominent members of the intelligence and
foreign-policy community to discuss international issues. CFR has published the
bi-monthly journal Foreign Affairs since 1922, and runs the David Rockefeller
Studies Program, which influences foreign policy by making recommendations [commands] to the
presidential administration and diplomatic
community, testifying before Congress, interacting with the media, and
publishing on foreign policy issues= CONTROLS THE USA.
And it is the “NOT” just the Military Industrial Complex,
because it is
the CONGRESSIONAL Military Industrial Complex
that gives all your money to the WAR Machine.
As PROVEN by the BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in 2024 being sent to the Military Contractors in Ukraine.
Earlier BILLIONS went to the War Machine in Vietnam, then for 20 years to the War Machine in Afghanistan, and now to the War Machine in Ukraine.
Some of us are “not” FOOLS. We see what is continually going on.
All of the above Corporations ARE COMPLICIT in the
The problem is that these evil people have been
successful and will continue to be successful, in depopulating the world
by 90%=
A time of trouble for the USA is coming by 2026 which shall be WORSE than anything that has ever happened before, and shall never happen again.
Only Christ Himself can handle all these EVIL people, and
“WILL” throw them all out of office WORLDWIDE,
in 9 years, circa 2033.
“Then” the prophecy of “The meek SHALL inherit the earth”
WILL BE FULFILLED, Matthew 5:5 is the fifth verse of the fifth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. It is the third verse of the Sermon on the Mount, and also is the third verse of what are known as the Beatitudes.
Micah 4:4 states: "but they shall all sit under their
own vines and under their own fig trees, and
no one shall make them afraid…."4
This phrase refers to the independence of people who are freed from Congressional Government Military spending
And freed from
Federal Government IRS Taxes, and City Government Property Tax oppression,
And criminal and police TYRANNY!5
Locking you in your house whenever they want, as they did in 2022-23.
Refusing to let you go to outside= YOU are NOT free.
BUT Christ “WILL” set you free.
This “IS” the Gospel
of the Kingdom.
That you were never
told of.
Help is coming soon:
I was so much older than, I’m younger than that now: