Sent: Saturday, September 30, 2017 7:58 PM
Subject: "GOD" did NOT command anyone to throw the goat over a
cliff. RE: FW: Tell Ray that we do NOT throw Azazel goat over the cliff BECAUSE
then you miss the point that sin will return and TEMP YOU for the REST OF YOUR
Subject: Re: FW: Tell Ray that we do NOT throw Azazel goat over the cliff
BECAUSE then you miss the point that sin will return and TEMP YOU for the REST
dear bear..... I believe he was simply reading the history of the event. that they did just that... back the goat off a cliff... WE don't do that today... and
you are saying its not biblical that they destroyed the goat?
*** RIGHT.
*** It is disobedience to God ON THE VERY DAY OF ATONEMENT.
*** It is NOT NOT NOT Biblical to destroy the goat.
*** "GOD" did NOT command ANYONE to throw the goat over a cliff.
*** You are to tie a red string on the Azazel goat’s horns, NOT NOT NOT throw him over a cliff,
so that you know him/SIN when he/IT comes back to TEMPT you every day.
It is not once saved always saved because as long as we are alive we are continually sinning, we continually need the atonement;
ERGO: We are ALL SINNING and need Atonement,
until God changes us into spirit after/at Christ’s return.
If satan will be destroyed.... and I think we may agree on that....then , would it not make sense to destroy the goat to make the analogy?
*** NO NO NO it would not make sense BECAUSE God “ALLOWED” the goat to come back, IN ORDER to TEACH US THAT SIN PERSUES US/YOU.
*** IF you throw the goat over a cliff you are WRECKING GOD’S PLAN to teach you ABOUT SIN DAILY PERSUING YOU.
*** Bottom line is:
*** "GOD" did NOT command anyone to throw the goat over a cliff.
Subject: Tell Ray that we do NOT throw Azazel goat over the cliff BECAUSE then you miss the point that sin will return and TEMP YOU for the REST OF YOUR LIFE
We do
“NOT” throw Azazel goat over the cliff
like the Khazarian Satanic today’s false Jews “say”. BECAUSE then you miss the point:
The POINT is that sin will pursue you and return to you toTEMP YOU for the REST OF YOUR LIFE= YOU miss the whole lesson that you MUST resist the goat/sin the rest of your life as SIN PERSUES YOU/EVERYONE.