YOU "MUST" appear.
Three times in a year 
you "MUST" appear 
before the LORD your God. 
= NOT just 1 
Three times a year all your men must come into the presence of the LORD your God at the place he will choose: at the
Festival of Unleavened Bread, the
Festival of Weeks, and the
Festival of Booths.
But no one may come into the presence of the LORD without an offering. Deut 16:16 Gods Word Translation.
2012/5771 Holy Day Calendar
1st Season:
Passover Friday April 6*
Feast of Unleavened Bread- 7 days- Saturday April 7* through to Friday Apr 13*
(no work on April 7* nor on April 13*)

2nd Season:
Pentecost/Shavuot Sunday May 27*/Sivan 5 Holy Day/no work

Appear in Home congregation (not at Feast Site):
Trumpets/Yom Teruah Tuesday September 18* Holy Day/no work
At-One-Ment/Yom Kippur Thursday September 27* Holy Day/no work/no food/no water

3rd Season:
Feast Of Tabernacles/Sukkot- 7 days- Tuesday October 2* through to Monday Oct 8
(no work on Oct 2*)
Shemini Atzeret Tuesday October 9* Holy Day/no work
*All days start at Sundown the evening before.
2012 "Detailed" Event Calendar:

God's Holy Days 2012 / 5771
3 times [Seasons] a year,
all males are to appear before The Lord your God,
at a place that He chooses. Deuteronomy 16:16.

1. Passover/Unleavened Bread:
April 6  friday= Passover Bread & Wine / Seder) "on" friday Evening April 6 (Evening of April 6th "is" also the start of Nisan 15) Nisan 14.
April 7 saturday= 1st Day of Unleavened Bread/self examination (*Begins the evening before) **Holy Day, no work. Nisan 15.
April 8 sunday= 2nd Day Unleavened Bread/self examination/get sin out of your life.
"and" it is "also" Wave Sheaf Offering Day starting the Omer count to Pentecost's 50th day. It is Nisan 16.
April 9 monday= 3rd Day of Unleavened Bread/self examination/get sin out of your life.
April 10 tuesday= 4th Day of Unleavened Bread/self examination/get sin out of your life.
April 11 wednesday= 5th Day of Unleavened Bread/self examination get sin out of your life.
April 12 thursday= 6th Day of Unleavened Bread/self examination get sin out of your life.
April 13 friday= 7th Day of Unleavened Bread / self examination (*Begins the evening before) **Holy Day, no work. Nisan 21.

2. Pentecost:
May 27 sunday Pentecost** Sivan 5 Shavuot (*Begins the evening before) **Holy Day, no work Sivan 5.

Meet in your local area:
September 18 tuesday Feast of Trumpets/Yom Teruah (*Begins the evening before) **Holy Day, no work. Tishri 1.
Not "necessary" to travel to Headquarters (because Yeshua is busy Fighting) on:
September 18 tuesday Feast of Trumpets/Yom Teruah (*Begins the evening before) **Holy Day, no work. Tishri 1.
10 days of Yeshua fighting subduing the NWO 10 Kings/10 days to At One Ment. During these 10 days Yeshua subdues all the Nations:
Replacing 1 King per day. Subduing 10 Kings (not 10 Nations), because the 10 Kings control 203 areas per Wikipedia:
The internationally-recognized sovereign states section lists 193 states, consisting of all member states of the United Nations[1] and Vatican City.[2]
The other states section lists 10 states which have de facto sovereignty or independence, but are not widely recognised diplomatically by other states.

Meet in your local area:
September 27 thursday Day of At-one-ment/Yom Kippur (*Begins the evening before) **Holy Day, no work. Etamin/Tishri 10.
Not "necessary" to travel to Headquarters (because Yeshua is busy INSTALLING THE SAINTS/YOU IN YOUR OFFICE).
The earth is "finally" at Peace, (on the Day of At-One-Ment, because Yah fought from Trumpets for 10 days (Days of Awe) subduing/going through all the Nations replacing all the government Leaders with us being put in charge of the Governments) 

1 Corinthians 6:2 Do you not know that the saints will judge the ...

Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye ... You know that the saints will rule the world, don't you? ...

3.  Seven day Feast of Tabernacles plus Shemini Atzeret:
October 2 tuesday 1st Day of Feast of Tabernacles / Sukkot (*Begins the evening before) **Holy Day, no work. Tishri 16.
October 3 wednesday 2nd Day of Feast of Tabernacles*.
October 4 thursday 3rd Day of Feast of Tabernacles*.
October 5 friday 4th Day of Feast of Tabernacles*.
October 6 saturday 5th Day of Feast of Tabernacles* & also weekly Sabbath, no work.
October 7 sunday 6th Day of Feast of Tabernacles*.
October 8 monday 7th Day Feast of Tabernacles / Great Last Day* Tishri 22.
October 9 tuesdaythe extra "separate" Day / Shemini Atzeret (*Begins the evening before) **Holy Day, no work. Tishri 23.


Passover is on the evening "of" April 6th = friday evening, "not" the evening "before" April 6.

The evening of April 6 is also the evening of the start of the 1st Day of Unleavened Bread.

See the wonderful symmetric matrix of how
the "beginning/Hebrew Evening" of the 1st Day of Unleavened Bread,
you are "un"leaveaned/WASHED by Father 
(of your sins via Yeshua's sacrifice).

You are cleaned/purified by Yeshua's sacrifice/Passover Supper Bread and Wine/Body and Blood at the very "start" of the day (night start ((evening is the "start" of God's day Genesis 1:5))), of the Days of Unleavened Bread.

You are washed clean by Yeshua's blood at the beginning of the Days of Unleavened Bread=

You are "prepared by God", by being made clean on/at the exact start of the Days of Unleavened Bread, so that you can be clean/unleaveaned throughout the 7 days of Unleavened Bread (and indeed your existance for that year from that 1st starting night on).

Rediscovered Truth:
Father gives you a RUNNING START!
Your feet hit the ground running at the precise "start" of the Days of Unleavened Bread.

Blue coloured days are "not" Holy Days= Regular Work
Purple coloured days "are" Holy Days = No work.
* Starts the evening before. 
All days start the evening the day before, at sunset, and all days end at sunset of that day, because God's "evening" starts the day. And the "evening" and the morning were the 1st day. Genesis 1:5.

** Holy Day / No work.

*** The 7th day of the Feast of Tabernacles "is" The Great Last Day:
The 7th day of the Feast of Tabernacles "is" The Great Last Day, "because" it "STARTS" THE GREAT 1000 YEARS of Christ Jesus'/Yeshua's GREAT reign. We "know" that the 7th Day of the Feast "is" The Last Great Day, "because" it was the day that Jesus stood up "on" the last day of the water oblation ceremony, where the Priests went 7 times round the Altar (on the 1st Day of the Feast the Priests only went 1 time around the Altar, 2nd Day = twice, etc.) and poured water on the horns of the of the Altar. I will raise him up on the LAST DAY John 6:44. The Great Last Day is "BEFORE" the start of the 8,000th year, because Jesus/Yeshua spoke of water "during" the 7th day of the water oblation ceremony on the 7th day of the Feast. And Jesus then stood up (in the Great Day of the Feast) and said: If any man thirst, let him come to "Me" and drink. John 7:37. The day that Jesus raises all the Dead is at "the end" of the 7,000th Year (not the beginning); and the rest of the dead were not raised until the end of the 1000 years. But the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished. Revelations 20:5.

Then, once raised, there is 100 years for the person to repent. Isaiah 65:20.

The 7th Day of the Feast of Tabernacles "is" The Great Last Day because it is the "GREAT Day" when Jesus/Yeshua "starts" to reign. That is what makes the DAY (Last Great Day) "GREAT".

Then in the 8,000th year Yeshua/Christ Jesus delivers the Kingdom (the Planet Earth) to The Father.

*** Further Proof that the 7th Day of the Feast is the Last Great Day:
The "7th" day of the Feast of Tabernacles "is" The Great Last Day, "because" it "STARTS" THE GREAT 1000 YEARS of Christ Jesus'/Yeshua's GREAT reign. (The 8th day Shemeni Atzaret is "NOT" The Great Last Day.) 

We "know" that the 7th Day of the Feast "is" The Last Great Day, "because":

1.) It was the day that Jesus stood up "on" the last day of the water oblation ceremony,

2.) where the Priests went 7 times round the Altar (on the 1st Day of the Feast the Priests only went 1 time around the Altar, 2nd Day = twice, etc.) and poured water on the horns of the of the Altar. [The Priests went round the Altar 7 times on the 7th Day and that was the end of it (The Feast) not 8 times)].

3.) I will raise him up on the LAST DAY John 6:44.

The Great Last Day is "BEFORE" the start of the 8,000th year, because Jesus/Yeshua spoke of water "during" the 7th day of the water oblation ceremony on the 7th day of the Feast. And Jesus then stood up (in the Great Day of the Feast) and said: If any man thirst, let him come to "Me" and drink. John 7:37.

The last day, (wrongly called the 8th. Day) Shemini Atzeret = is mistakenly referred to as the eighth day of the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot).
Shemini Atzeret is a Holy Day unto itself.
The Lulav and the Etrog are "not" waved and held up before God on Shemini Atzeret. They are waved and held up "only" during the Feast for "7" days.
There is no use of the Sukkah on the Shemini Atzeret, because God commands: For you shall dwell in booths for seven days. Leviticus 23:42. ["NOT" 8 days].
Shemini Atzeret is a holiday unto itself, and it is "NOT" to be called the 8th Day.

The day that Jesus raises all the Dead is at "the end" of the 7,000th Year (not the beginning); and the rest of the dead were not raised until the end of the 1000 years. But the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished. Revelations 20:5.

Then, once raised, there is 100 years for the person to repent. Isaiah 65:20.

Editor's Note:

[ ] Added by Editor.

There is "1" High Day this Year on Saturday April 7, 2012.
It is interesting to note that this year, a weekly Sabbath "STARTS" the Days of Unleavened Bread!= A High Day/Double Sabbath.
(A High Day is when a Feast Day on which there is no work, "also" falls on the Sabbath Day (Saturday).

c Lawrence Nowell
The Obedient Church of God
 c Lawrence A Nowell
c c Lawrence A. Nowell