Holy Day Calendar 2014
God's 5994 sacred year has 13 months as the barley was not Aviv/not found ripe until the seeds have reached full size and are filling with starch, but have not dried yet.
Aviv accordingly also means Spring, therefore you "cannot" have Passover in the Winter, before March 21. Ergo: "MUST" default to 13 months last year.
Start of God's Sacred Religious Year 5994 is
Tuesday April 1 2014 = New Month Day*
3 Times [Seasons] a year you are to appear before The Lord. Deut 16:16
1st Time is Spring - Birth Season
Passover Day is Nisan 14=Monday April 14*
1st Day of Unleavened Bread Holy Day/no work is Nisan 15=Tuesday April 15*
7th Day of Unleavened Bread Holy Day/no work is Nisan 21=Tuesday April 21*
2nd Time is Pentecost - Grown Season of Firstfruits
Pentecost Shavuot Holy Day/no work is Sivan 5=Wednesday June 4*
Yeshua puts down Satan's Governments:
Trumpets Rosh Hashanah Holy Day/no work is Tishri 1=Friday Sept 26* (or Sat Sept.27)
It takes 10 days (10 Days of Awe)
before we can have peace (At-One-Ment) in the World,
by installing us as the Godly peaceful new rulers circa 2022.
Atonement Yom Kippur Holy Day/no work is Tishri 10= Sunday Oct 5* (or Mon Oct 6)
3rd Time is Fall - Great 7,000 Year Harvest Season
Feast of Tabernacles Sukkot Day 1 Holy Day/no work Tishri 15= Friday Oct 10* (or Sat Oct 11)
Feast of Tabernacles Sukkot Day 7 Tishri 21= Thursday Oct 16 (or Fri Oct 17)
Last Great Day Shemini Atzeret Holy Day/no work Tishri 22= Fri Oct.17* (or Sat Oct 18)
Editor’s Note:
1.) * Starts at sundown the evening before.
2.) “or” qualification is dependent on the “visible” sighting of God’s monthly 1st crescent of His moon per Genesis 1:14.
3.) There are 7 Holy Days/no work days, in God’s yearly Sacred Calendar.