To show/educate us ON the TIMING of what will happen and that Satan’s Way of Taking from others, doesn’t work.
So, the SATANIC SHOW must go on
in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air,
of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience. Ephesians 2:2
(Though “Only” the way of Love to fellow humans/Helping fellow humans works).
The purpose of this Satanic Show/VIDEO GAME being allowed to play itself out, is to PROVE that Satan’s Way does NOT work.
Put browser on Full Screen before starting this 3 minute video.
Right click on screen & choose “loop” before starting, to listen to video at least 3 times, (wait 9 seconds after each ending for it to loop).
Turn up volume to full, on video, and on your computer speakers:
Her first facial expression says: “YOU don’t know what you’re in for.” [:>) =
The “SHOW”=
must go on.
3 minute music video Click HERE>
Here in this article, the INSANITY is Explained
“A hint”= The Leader has destroyed his people;
And the “TIMING” of the coming INSANITY is set out.
The INSANITY is caused by:
Brenton Septuagint Translation
As a garment defiled with blood shall not be pure,
so neither shalt thou [Lucifer] be pure; because
thou [Lucifer] hast destroyed my land, and
[Lucifer] hast slain my people [all the white people from the 12 tribes] Isaiah 14:20:
YOU Destroyed Countries & the
USA’s(destruction is coming before 2026) AND also for the following Countries:
Editor’s Note: Most of these following Countries have already been overrun by MILLIONS of non-white aliens/illegal migrants.
This is the list of Countries TO BE
1.) USA is from the TRIBE of Ephraim Genesis 48:19 (17 MILLION+ illegal aliens entered the USA from 2020 to 2024).
2.) Britain is from the TRIBE of Manasseh Genesis 49:19 Already overrun by 5 MILLION+ Muslims.
Canada is from Manasseh but “already” OVERRUN BY a MILLION Chinese in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Australia is from Manasseh and is totally controlled by the WEF (World Economic Forum) led by Klaus Schwab,
and nearly all Countries except Russia, and Korea ARE controlled by the WEF.
Therefore we believe that Klaus Schwab “IS” currently President of the World.
New Zealand is from Manasseh. Overrun.
3.) Israel is from Judah, Israel today is overrun by 90% Khazarians, as most of the TRUE Jews are in New York, New York, USA.
4.) France is from Reuben Genesis 49:3-4 Overrun.
5.) Switzerland is from Gad Genesis 49:19 Overrun.
6.) Denmark is from Dan Genesis 49:17 Judges 18:12, 29
Ireland is from Dan Genesis 49:17 Judges 18:12,29
7.) Belgium is from Asher Genesis 49:21
Luxembourg is from Asher Genesis 49:20
8.) Netherlands is from Zebulun Genesis 49:13
9.) Sweden is from Naphtali Genesis 49:21
10.) Finland is from Issachar Genesis 49:14
11.) In all the above Tribes Simeon is scattered throughout all the Tribes Genesis 49:5
12.) In all the above Tribes Levi is scattered throughout all the Tribes Genesis 49:5
ALL the above 12 Tribes of God’s people who are all white Countries, “ARE” to be DESTROYED.
Explanation of Tribes for Bible Students:
Jacob is Tribe #12
but Jacob is divided into his 2 sons of Ephraim & Manasseh= 13 areas/Countries:
1. Reuben – France (dignified but troubled, Genesis 49:3-4)
2. Judah – The nation now called Israel as well as the Jews not in that land
3. Simeon – Scattered throughout the tribes (Genesis 49:5)
4. Levi – Scattered throughout the tribes (Genesis 49:5)
5. Issachar – Finland (sits between Europe and Russia, Genesis 49:14)
6. Zebulun – Netherlands (haven by the sea, Genesis 49:13)
7. Gad – Switzerland (will apparently have to temporarily accept EU domination, Genesis 49:19)
8. Dan – Denmark, Ireland (on the outskirts–Genesis 49:17; the tribe that named places “Dan”, Judges 18:12,29) (those in Northern Ireland mainly are descended from the Ephraim)
9. Asher – Belgium, Luxembourg (wealthy, Genesis 49:20)
10. Naphtali – Sweden (attractively described, Genesis 49:21)
11. Benjamin – Norway, Iceland (former Vikings, Genesis 49:27)
12. Manasseh – Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and probably some in South Africa and Zimbabwe (company of nations, Genesis 48:19)
13. Ephraim – United States of America (blessed nation, Genesis 48:19)
thou [Lucifer] shalt not endure forever [= shall be taken apart molecule by molecule], - thou [Lucifer] an evil seed. Isaiah 14:20
KEY to understand is that things WILL GET WORSE,
BECAUSE Lucifer has NOT killed/taken over all of the God’s 12 Tribes/whites
So the INSANITY must go on past this writing of March 9, 2024.
Editor’s Note:
The Good News is:
The INSANITY ends by October 2033 at Armageddon, with the “Return of our King” Jesus Christ/Yahushua.
OUR KING Jesus Christ will return to Rule the Nations justly, and “He” will end all the wars by October 2033:
7 years AFTER the unnecessary Daily animal Sacrifices start in Israel, then Christ will return.
In the meantime it will be especially Hell on Earth from October 2026 through to October 2033.
Now in March 2024 we are just in the Birth Pangs,
therefore things will get worse and worse= WORSE than they ever were before, and never shall be again:
News Translation
For the trouble at that
time will be far more terrible than any there has ever been, from the
beginning of the world to this very day. Nor will there ever be anything like
it again. Matthew 24:21
The unnecessary animal sacrifices should be possibly starting in Israel by October 2026,
And then the daily animal Sacrifices will be stopped by THE MAN OF SIN entering the most Holy Place in April 2030. See the following:
Re the “start” of the ruling New World Order being set up and the ending of the Daily animal Sacrifices is stated here:
(Italics show actual Bible words)
“From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation [THE NEW WORLD
is set up [starting in October 2026] there will be 1,290 days [3 ½ years] to March 2030. Daniel 12:11 NIV
RE the end of the Daily Sacrifices, is also stated in the same verse:
“From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation [THE NEW WORLD ORDER], is set up [starting in 2026]
there will be 1,290 days [3 ½ years] [=October 2033]. Daniel 12:11 NIV
*** Therefore, 3 ½ years after the start of the New World Order, the Daily animal sacrifices in Jerusalem are forcibly stopped,
“BECAUSE the above verse states that: The daily animal sacrifices “STARTED” at the same time as the New World Order started.
Read it again without the oversize text:
“From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation [THE NEW WORLD
is set up [starting in October 2026] there will be 1,290 days [3 ½ years] to October 2026 to March 2030. Daniel 12:11 NIV
RE the end of the Daily Sacrifices, is also stated in the same verse:
“From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation [THE NEW WORLD ORDER], is set up [starting in 2026]
there will be 1,290 days [3 ½ years] [=March 2030 to October 2033]. Daniel 12:11 NIV
The man of Sin/Pope “sits” in the Temple of God
The Religious Leader is the man of Sin who RIDES the Beast.
The Beast is the Governmental Leader who controls 10 Groups of Nations= controls all the Nations (not just 10 Nations).
James Bible
Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that
is called God, or that is worshipped;
so that [as if] he as God sitteth in the temple of God, [lyingly] shewing himself that he is God. 2 Thessalonians 2:4 KJV.
To help you understand the timing of events here is the
Summation re how the Animal Sacrifices
The Man of Sin sitting in the Temple of God will affect you
When the Daily Animal Sacrifices are “STOPPED” in March of 2030,
March 2030 is when THE 3 ½ YEAR “GREAT” Tribulation “BEGINS”.
That is when the Man of Sin sits in the Holy Place in March of 2030.
The Man of Sin “also” stops the animal sacrifices March 2030:
Therefore there will be no animal sacrifices from April 2030 to October 2033 (inclusive reckoning).
The animal sacrifices MUST BE approved by the Knesset/Israeli Government, and not done just by some rogue Jew.
Again for clarity, the KEY point OF ALL THE ABOVE is to show that
there are “2 parts” to the 7 YEAR TRIBULATION PERIOD:
Christ arrives 7 years to the day, “after” the animal sacrifices ‘START’, independent of when the animal sacrifices stop, AND
there are 2 parts to the 7 YEAR TRIBULATION PERIOD.
Part 1= The 1st 3 ½ years starting October 2026 are mild calamities, such as the fact the USA and Canada cease to exist,
Part 2=The second 3 ½ years STARTING March of 2030 are “EVEN MORE” HORRIBLY= WORSE events hit THE “WHOLE” WORLD!
So head for the Hills/Mountains right now, to set up your Off-Grid Homestead
A Homestead
like the 1800s
You MUST HAVE your own off grid electricity power.
You MUST HAVE your own off grid drinking water well for you AND all your animals.
You MUST HAVE your own off grid farmland food production for you AND all your animals.
Time is short for you to move to the Mountains where tanks can’t travel up because of steep mountainsides and blocked by trees.
Do NOT NOT NOT be on flat ground like in WACO, or you are a sitting duck.
Bottom line:
The USA “TOTALLY” collapses “before” 2028 (possible as soon as April 22, 2024), taking Canada down with it.
P.S.: Millions will die from Turbo FAST 2-3 month cancers.
P.P.S.: As soon as the satanic controlled elite turn up their 5 G, millions will die.
From: Jeff Berwick <>
Sent: Friday, March 8, 2024 5:29 PM
Subject: Re: March 25 Answer to your question Jeff= March 25th is the
commemoration day of the Jews attacking Persians/IRAN
Very interesting, thanks!
On Sunday, March 3rd, 2024 at 1:17 AM, The Obedient Church of God <> wrote:
March 25
Is when the AshkeNAZI could nuke/attack IRAN!
March 25th is the OLD Commemoration Day of the Jews attacking Persians/IRAN
The March 25th 356 B.C. Decree to Attack Persia/Iran
was “never” Rescinded!
So stay inside from March 25 to 26, 2024 because March 25 is Adar 13 of 356 B.C..
WWIII could start= IRAN could be nuked.
Because Adar 13 of 2024 “is”
March 25, 2024
commemorates the Adar 13th 356 B.C. ATTACK
of the Jews being given permission by by King Achashveirosh to fight Persia/Iranians= KILLING Iranians 2380 years ago.
The AshkeNAZI Jews controlling Israel operate by Dates!
(The same as Oct 7, 2023FALSE FLAG “staged” phony Attack with Army standing down for 8 hours to allow the attack
“AND” the Israeli Army for “good measure” shooting its own civilians (to create/stir the pot for World support),
MARKED The ANNIVERSARY OF 50 YEARS since Oct 6, 1973 war against Egypt/Arabs
50 years from the exact date Jewish Tanks ATTACKED Egypt in October 6, 1973= 50 years= October 7th, 2023
Of Israeli tanks crossing the Suez Canal October 7, 1973
Now on March 25, 2024 Marks the
Repeat of the March 25, 356 B.C.
attack by Jews against Persians/Iran.
“AND” that Decree to Attack Persia/Iran was “never” Rescinded!
War Against Persia [Iran] in March 25, 356 B.C.:
On the 13th of Adar [March 25th] of the year 3405 from creation (356 BCE), battles were fought [started] throughout the Persian Empire between the Jews and those [Arabs] seeking to kill them [Iran] in accordance with the decree issued by King Achashveirosh 11 months earlier.
Achashveirosh never rescinded that decree; but after the hanging of Haman on Nissan 16 of the previous year, and Queen Esther's pleading on behalf of her people, he agreed to
issue a “Second” Decree:
authorizing the Jews to:
defend themselves [ATTACK] against [Persia/IRAN] (those seeking to kill them.) 75,000 enemies were killed on that day [March 25, 3405 B.C.], and 500 [more] in the capital, Shushan, including Haman's ten sons (Parshandata, Dalfon, Aspata, Porata, Adalia, Aridata, Parmashta, Arisai, Aridai and Vaizata), whose bodies were subsequently hanged. The Jews did not take any of the possessions of the slain as booty, though authorized to do so by the king's decree. (The Book of Esther, chapter 9).
Jeff, this will answer your question of: “Why March 25th ”.
Lawrence Albert Nowell
The Obedient Church of God
P.S.: Thank you Jeff for your informed assessment of this Video Game.
P.P.S.: The ANSWER to your question re “WHY” to have this Video Game “IS”:
God will put into your new body your old cassette tape (memory) back into you when he raises you from the dead=
So that is why you have to develop good character right NOW,
to experience and to know that the way of EVIL does NOT work.
“ONLY” the way of treating you fellowman as you yourself wish to be treated, only that way WORKS,
because every civilization from the Lemurians, to the Atlanteans, have destroyed themselves, thus PROVING THAT:
“ONLY” the way of love to Fellow Man works.
And that is why God is Love, and He is still here in existence, when all the other critters are dead/killed each other.
So He is teaching us the above FACT, via this video game.