Quantum Dot Tattoo
The Gates foundation & MIT have been creating an ink that can be safely embedded into the skin alongside a vaccine which is only visible digitally. This is meant to document vaccination records if electronic or paper records are lost to ensure children are vaccinated.
This invisible “tattoo” is a pattern made up of minuscule quantum dots and is administered through hi-tech needles.
In order for the “Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System” to work it uses an enzyme called luciferase. Thus, many see the word “Lucifer” and connect the dots (no pun intended) – saying that the vaccination must be satanic in nature. Especially because they believe this dot may be the mark of the beast that could be put on your hand.
Microsoft submitted a patent for a microchip that has a “cryptocurrency system”
using your body data.
Nov 24 2020
Coronavirus outbreak theories
Some have started taking a deeper look into the coronavirus outbreak – crafting some wild theories concerning this international upheaval. Hold onto your tin foil hats, these crazy coronavirus theories may just convince you that something larger is at play here.
Judy Mikovits details her theory explaining how Fauci shipped the coronavirus to the Wuhan, China lab, from his lab in North Carolina.
‘Citizen Investigator’:
Fauci Created Coronavirus in North Carolina Lab
A “citizen investigator” named Greg Rubini has a novel conspiracy theory. He says Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, created the coronavirus in a lab in North Carolina in order to bring down Trump. And One America News Network — Fox News on steroids — is promoting him and his work.
Most news sources right now are trying to quell rising coronavirus conspiracy theories, including Sinclair Broadcasting. Though Sinclair was set to air a news report of commentators offering discredited conspiracy theories, they quickly halted the story due to tremendous pushback. What story is making Sinclair sweat?
The segment Sinclair delayed featured an interview with Judy Mikovits. Though widely discredited as a medical researcher, Mikovits presents a theory that Dr. Anthony Fauci created COVID-19 in her video called “Plandemic”. Head of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases, most want to believe Dr. Fauci is bent on eradicating the virus – but Mikovits claims he is the one responsible.
On the Sinclair segment, Mikovits details her theory explaining how Fauci shipped coronavirus to Wuhan, China. She also asserts that Fauci is responsible for millions of deaths during the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Most sources say that her video is unfounded and pushing misinformation – but she’s not alone thinking that the virus was man-made within a laboratory.
Wuhan laboratory
Vaccinations: The Mark of the Beast
On mainstream media, there’s a serious emphasis that the only way we can return to normalcy, is when a coronavirus vaccine is developed and available for release. Vaccines will give more people immunity to coronavirus – thus limiting the spread and saving lives. Some conspiracy theories (especially many very Christian ones) have griped about this hyped vaccination – fearing that it could be “the mark of the beast.”
According to the book of Revelation in the Bible, people will be forced into receiving “a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads.” Those without the mark will not be able to “buy or sell.” So, conspiring Christians believe that taking the vaccine will somehow give you this mark and will eventually crash all currencies, creating a “cashless society.”
Microchip of the Beast
The idea of having a microchip implanted into you doesn’t sound too pleasant. Especially when, according to some Christian conspiracy theorists, it is actually “the mark of the beast.” But how will we get the microchip of the beast?
Well, conspiracy theorists have been thinking that the microchip could be inside the vaccine (or the needle?) somehow. According to the theory, this microchip will then act as a “new digital wallet” but “evil powers” will use the microchip to create bitcoin type cryptocurrency. To back up this idea, people are pointing at Microsoft.
Billionaire Bill Gates has donated millions to coronavirus vaccine & treatment research. Conspiracy theorists have sourced a patent website which shows that recently Microsoft submitted a patent for a microchip that has a “cryptocurrency system using body data.”
On Reddit, someone called “thisisbillgates” indicated that: “Eventually
we will have some digital certificates to show
who has recovered or
been tested recently or when we have
a vaccine who has received it.”
This “digital certificate” is what some Christians think may be the mark of the beast. BBC also mentioned that Gates talked about digital certificates in an interview (though he didn’t mention microchips of course.)
DNA harvesting
If coronavirus is just a ruse to get you to take this vaccination and get the mark of the beast, theorists present all kinds of fears about what exactly the microchip will do. Those invested in this conspiracy think that
the microchip will be used for DNA harvesting – Microsoft will be able to go into your bloodwork and put information into their supercomputers.
People also worry that the microchip could allow
GPS tracking with a digital ID. Some have even said that
microchips coming through the vaccine will be particularly bad because you will become one with the “hivemind system.”
Quantum Dot Tattoo
The Gates foundation & MIT have been creating an ink that can be safely embedded into the skin alongside a vaccine which is only visible digitally. This is meant to document vaccination records if electronic or paper records are lost to ensure children are vaccinated. This invisible “tattoo” is a pattern made up of minuscule quantum dots and is administered through hi-tech needles.
In order for the “Human Implantable Quantum Dot Microneedle Vaccination Delivery System” to work it uses an enzyme called luciferase. Thus, many see the word “Lucifer” and connect the dots (no pun intended) – saying that the vaccination must be satanic in nature. Especially because they believe this dot may be the mark of the beast that could be put on your hand.