Buy and butcher

1 small without blemish, male, under 1 year old, lamb

or purchase Simple Truth™ Natural Whole Leg of Lamb Semi-Boneless $9 in USA at Kroger’s, $15 in Canada

To eat most of it at the Last Dinner

With just 1 small piece with horseradish 2 days later at Passover.

King James Bible
Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year: ye shall take it out from the sheep, or from the goats
. Exodus 12:5.


Last Dinner LEISURELY MEAL in homes, Foot washing, ends with a Hymn, taken in small groups of 12 at homes= NOT at the Hall.

Passover Rushed quick taking of a 1 small piece of Lamb covered in bitter herbs/horseradish, and 1 ounce of wine.


Last Dinner Meal with foot washing= April 21 (1 day later April 22 in Pakistan)

=2 days “before” Passover

Leisurely taken slow dinner with foot washing and Hymn at end


bean stew,



bitter herbs,

a fish sauce, unleavened bread=Matzos 1” broken by hand,,


fermented wine

The above were on the menu at the Last Supper, says recent research into Palestinian cuisine during Jesus's time.

The food wasn't eaten during a formal seated gathering at a rectangular table, as shown in many religious art paintings, but with Jesus and his apostles reclining on floor cushions, as the Romans did at that time.

The study by two Italian archaeologists relied on Bible verses, Jewish writings, ancient Roman works and archaeological data to investigate the eating habits in Jerusalem at the beginning of the 1st century A.D..

Passover taken 2 days later April 23 2024 (April 24 for Pakistan)

Passover in Haste=taken in a rush= hurry STANDING UP

And thus shall ye eat it; with your loins girded, your shoes on your feet, and your staff in your hand;

and ye shall eat it in haste: it is the LORD'S passover. Exodus 12:11

The meal was to be eaten “in haste,” as liable to be interrupted at any moment by a summons

to get out of Egypt and set out for Canaan


Service lasts just 10 minutes and

Service starts 10  minutes before sundown

No Hymn= just rush home after, and stay inside all night till dawn.

Wine 1 ounce,

Matzos 1” square hand broken piece,

Small piece of lamb with bitter herb/horseradish