Make Preparation to flee:

Realize that you will “NOT” be able to have/buy a Driver’s License, you will not be able to buy a car License Plate.



YOUR “RIGHT” To Travel


and this see 6 minutes>



“YOU” will have to claim your God given Right TO freely TRAVEL


The Mark of the Beast will “NOT” allow you to purchase/BUY any Licenses.


that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name. KJ21

It will not allow anyone to make a purchase or sell anything unless the person has the mark with the beast’s name or the number of its name. Revelation 13:17 CEB

preventing anyone from buying or selling unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. Revelation 13:17 CJB

they all had to have this mark, or else they could not buy or sell anything. This mark stood for the name of the beast and for the number of its name. Revelation 13:17 CEV




To “TRAVEL” by your car, truck, or motorcycle, or even moped (using any regular vehicle that is a “noncommercial” vehicle that is not being used for Commerce):

YOU then have to claim your “Sovereign” Status WHEN dealing with the Police road pirates.


Sovereign Status:

“LEGALLY” does NOT require a Driver’s License, does NOT require Insurance, does NOT require Vehicle Registration, does NOT require License Plates=

When you claim your Status as:

A FREE MAN on the Land”

the USA Supreme Court has ruled that

you do NOT need “ANY”

Government Issued papers

nor licenses, etc., to travel controlling a car.

YOU are not Driving”,

because only Commercial Drivers Drive”.

YOU “MUST state that you are

Because you will have NO Driver’s License, NO License Plates, NO Insurance BECAUSE:

YOU will NOT be able to buy or sell ANY of those, unless we take the Mark of The Beast.

Again for clarity: This means that YOU will NOT be able to buy Insurance, nor a Driver’s License, nor License Plates.


So you MUST state and claim your “Free Man on the Land” Status.

YOU will have NO CHOICE.

BECAUSE you will NOT take the Mark of The Beast, so:

PREPARE your mind NOW

to opt out of

the Beast’s System

“when” you can’t buy a Driver’s License, and you can’t “BUY” a License Plate.