PROOF that we are in Orwell’s 1984 Right Now in 2023
as we are told men are women if our leaders say so, and if we don’t call a man that wants to be a female a women, “then” we are “breaking” the Law, a
and if we dare speak out we are censored/deleted on Social Media and we are attacked and criminalized for speaking out>
For those who are unfamiliar with the author George Orwell please see his Animal Farm movie,
as we ARE the farm animals being milked dry with 50% taxes (35% personal tax and 14% Provincial and State Sales Tax= 49% tax), and:
our owners/Masters are the corrupted Politicians that enslave us, for “their” own gain being controlled and given campaign money from the Corporation Lobbyists.
See what happens, that even if we overthrow them, we will still be overtaken/oppressed again by our own Groups. The only answer is Christ’s Reign on Earth.
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