For Pakistan Pentecost is on Saturday June 15 daytime*
*Starts the evening before at sundown.
There no funds needed to celebrate Pentecost.
It is a strictly a Worship Service,
Telling people that we live in a totally evil world with everyone lying, stealing, and cheating for money. We tell people that cheating for money is NOT a Christian way, cheating for money is a world’s way.
We are to be “SEPARATE” FROM this world and its ways.
We are given the Holy Spirit by the laying on after we have been immersed totally submerged for 3 seconds under the water at baptism.
The minister then lays hands on us and ask God the Father to give us the Holy Spirit.
The “Minister” himself does NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT give us the Holy Spirit.
The minister only “asks” God the Father to give the immersed person the Holy Spirit. The Minister does NOT give the member the Holy Spirit. God does.
With the POWER of the Spirit strengthening us, we are to live a NEW LIFE, of not lying, stealing, cheating for money and not killing robbing or harming others.
Pentecost is about a NEW BEGINNING.
After/since the 1st Pentecost in 33 A.D., we “now” have access to the power of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is a power like electricity is a power.
The Holy Spirit is not a person, it is a gift of “POWER” from God the Father.
That is what Pentecost is about.
You can NOW overcome any sin you have, by calling on and using the POWER of God’s Holy Spirit.
Preach that to the congregation on the Pentecost Service.