Pentecost: The Count

Starts from the “FESTIVAL” SABBATH.


We must follow the “exact” words of the Bible, and not man’s words that are used in place of what the Bible states, or else we are not Christians. 2 Thess 2:12

Let us start with God’s words for a Festival Foundation to show how important words are.


Then God said:

“LIGHTS” ...

“WILL” ... “MARK” FESTIVALS. Gen 1:14 GWT (God’s Word Translation).


Anyone know what a light is?

Huuuuuuu...mmmmmmm: I think we have seen some on street corners. They are red, yellow and green.  


Where is the “red” light? Bottom or Top.

We have all see the traffic lights “all” our lives.

If you are wrong you go into the Lake of Fire

if you are right you go into the Kingdom.

5 seconds to think are now up, (and the 6000 years are also almost up so we had better think clearly.

Hands up: How many say the red light is on the bottom?

Hands up: How many say the red light is on the top?


Point 1:

The point “is”:

Some of us have not learned and do not even know, what we have seen all our lives. You need someone to tell you that the red light is on the TOP, though you’ve seen it there on top all your life. NOW you know how important ““KNOWING” and not just seeing is, and how important it is to be continuing to examine yourself whether you are in the faith. 2 Corinthians 13:5. The Bible does not tell you to sit back not knowing where the light to stop or to go is. The Bible clearly tells you that the Light to know when to Go = when to start to Count the beginning of the year, is in the 1st visible Crescent of the New Moon in the Sky Gen 1:14. So now we have just learned that even if we think we know where a light is we had better know “exactly” what it does. Just because we think we know something we still had better examine ourselves to make sure if we really “do” know it “correctly”, even if we have seen it for years and “think” we know all about it.


Point 2:

The ““Government” puts lights on street corners to tell us "WHEN" TO stop and GO.

Now do we have to wonder what God meant when "HE" stated:


WILL... MARK ... FESTIVALS.... Gen 1:14

Maybe we should put up calendars on street corners so that everyone can know when to stop and go, 1 day early or late, instead of lights <rhetorical grin>.


We should not try and complicate God's word and make it of no effect. That is what the ministers of  Satan have done with all of God’s Holy Days = changing the days to false days like Christmas. But this is also what honest but deceived COG ministers in all the Churches of God have done with God’s Holy Days (except for 1=Triumph Prophetic Ministries Church of God


COG Ministers have changed the days = the times of God’s Holy Days. Dan 7:25


All COG ministers, except TRIUMPH PROPHETIC MINISTRIES CHURCH OF GOD, have made God’s word of no effect, by their tradition  of following the Apostate Hebrew Calendar invented in 358 A.D.. COG ministers try to claim they can replace God’s Calendar of Genesis 1:14; Lev 23:1-44; Exodus 12:2-19 with the Hillel II calendar of 358 A.D..  


1.) Deceived ministers do not believe in the Bible because they refuse to believe in the Bible’s words of: ‘Lights... “WILL”...MARK DAYS’ Genesis 1:14 and so they follow the Apostate Hillel II 358 A.D. Hebrew calendar


It appears that these ministers, as well as not believing in Genesis 1:14, also do “not” believe in the Bible which states that any man who changes 1 word of the Bible is ACCURSED Galatians 1:6-9.


2.) Members themselves also do not believe in the Bible which states that:

If you follow the Traditions of men = you follow the Apostate 358 A.D. Apostate Hebrew Hillel II calendar which is 1-2 days early or late most years

= You worship God in vain. Mark 7:7.


3.) The Bible states: He created the Moon for Mo’adim (appointed times) Ps 104:19 and therefore if you do not “show up” at the “appointed time” and worship a day early or late, the Hillel II calendar causes you work on the Holy Days of God!!!


Now we all know what will happen to people who break God’s Sabbaths, (I shudder to think). Therefore we MUST acknowledge that “if you knowingly” do not show up at the appointed time, you will “not” be in the Kingdom, =  you are “literally” toast, you will be burned up because then:

There remains NO MORE SACRIFICE FOR SIN. Heb 10:26.



You are in worse shape than you know. To help you think clearly:

Since when does the clay, tell God the Potter,

on which days God the Potter should worship? Isa 29:13.


If  someone invites you to a wedding and you show up a day early or a day late, you miss the wedding. But somehow ministers think they can tell you that you can show up a day early or late for God’s Holy Days and you will not miss the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. It all comes down to: Who are you going to follow, the words of Tom, Dick, of Harry, or the words of the Bible? Mark 7:9


4.) Some members are blind partisans that just go along with the party line of whatever denomination they belong to, instead of following the Bible. But the Bible states:

Refuse a love of the Truth and BE CONDEMNED. II Thess 2:12; Deut 29:19.


5.) Other members go into an escape modality mode in order not to face the issue of why they are not following the Bible, by “placing the blame”, on the policies of their ministers or denomination. Again they are not off the hook for NOT following what the Bible states, because the Bible states that we are to follow the example of the Pharisees of the 1st Century who sit in Moses' seat =

“DO“ what “THEY” tell you. Matt 23:2-3, and

““NOT” what every Tom, Dick, and Harry Church of God minister tells you!


It is that EASY to follow the simplicity of Christ, who told you to follow what the 1st Century Pharisees did.


The FOUNDATION is now plumb and CORRECT


We now have the Foundation plumb and correct. So next:

Now that we know that we must start God Year by God’s Crescent New Moon = (not by the day late or early Hillel II calendar), we now must go to the  Bible again to know when to “start to” count Pentecost’s 50 days.


HOW DO WE “KNOW” from the Bible

WHAT DAY to start counting 50 days?


It is really very simple “if” we just follow what is written in the Bible.


The Pharisees counted Pentecost after the 1st day of unleavened bread. The Disciples, Jesus, and Paul “ALL” attended the FEASTS at the Temple ““RUN BY” the Pharisees.  They “ALL” counted the 50 days of Pentecost starting the day after the 1st day of Unleavened Bread.


Again it is that simple. Plus again remember that Jesus “COMMANDED” YOU: The... Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat...DO and observe... = “DO” what “they” tell you. Even Herbert Armstrong counted Pentecost from after the 1st day of Unleavened Bread from 1927 to 1936.


But COG members blindly still follow what their minister says, and try to excuse themselves by lazily saying, “It is the Ministers job to know the doctrine”. But again they ignore the Scripture that tell them that “they themselves” have to study the word to show themselves approved, as a workman who does not have to be ashamed, but who correctly handles the word of truth = (correctly handle the Bible and do not just believe what every Tom, Dick and Harry minister tells you) 2 Timothy 2:15.


The truth is that we are all responsible for the decisions that the congregation that we belong to makes, because:

You will be judged by the Biblos (Books) and not by what your minister told you.


Therefore the blind partisans that just go along with the party line of whatever denomination they belong to, (instead of following the Bible), will be judged by the Bible when the Books of the Bible are opened. Rev 20:12.


Again: You will be judged by what is written in the Bible Rev 20:12, and not by what your Minister says.

The Bible states that: “YOU” ARE RESPONSIBLE to work out your own salvation, with fear and trembling (=not complacency of following ministers) Philippians 2:12-18.


So whether you like it or not, the Bible does “NOT” let you off, or give you a free pass  into the Kingdom, if you “blindly” and lazily follow your minister, for:

“You” will reap what “you” sow Galatians 6:7

Make no mistake about it,  some WILL “not” make it into the Kingdom Dan 12:3 and that could be YOU, if you blindly follow a man, instead of your Bible.


Even Herbert Armstrong stated: Do not follow me, follow your Bible. So when you find that the FOUNDATIONAL Holy Days are held at the “wrong” times, YOU must leave that Apostate minister and his Denomination behind, and move onto where the truth is being followed, so that you do not work on God’s Holy Days and end up in the Lake of Fire. Remember we read:

You MUST work out your own salvation, and not let any Tom, Dick or Harry minister work it out for you, by telling you that you do not have to obey God’s 1st Century Sacred Calendar, that the Disciples, Jesus, and Paul followed.

You have got to have guts to be a Christian, and tell your Tom, Dick, or Harry minister that he is heading straight for hell and that you are NOT going to be in Hell with him.


You have got to take the Kingdom by force. Matt 11:12 = not cow toeing to any Tom, Dick or Harry minister. Tell that minister you are NOT going to Hell with him, by working on God’s Sabbath Holy Days because of his Apostate Hillel II “averaging” calendar, which is 1-2 days early or late each year, and therefore destroys and disavows the Bible’s “APPOINTED” days, CAUSING YOU TO WORK ON GOD’S HOLY DAYS.

1.) Tell that minister you WILL “NOT” work on God’s Sacred Calendar Holy Days.


2.) Tell that minister you “ARE” going to follow God’s Sacred Calendar which is on: and

YOU will then not be in Hell with that Tom, Dick or Harry minister, because you used force, intestinal fortitude/guts, to follow God’s way, and took the Kingdom by force.


One other basic point regarding the Hillel II calendar is that YOU are “not”” supposed to stay in that congregation to keep eating from the wrong tree of good “and” evil.


You are to only be in a congregation that teaches the 1st Century Bible Doctrines of Jesus, the Disciples, and Paul, and NOT stay in a congregation that teaches the Hillel II 358 A.D. Apostate Hebrew calendar.


You cannot stay in a congregation that has doctrines of good mixed with the evil, and a congregation that changed the “fixed” “APPOINTED” DAYS OF GOD!!


The good news is you still have free will to change to the Bible Sacred Calendar ways and the same days of Jesus, the Disciples, and Paul. =

There is still time for your to change to TPM Triumph Prophetic Ministries Church of God, and there “is” time for you to change today and make the correct Bible based decision on your own and not rely on a Tom, Dick or Harry minister's decision.


Because of God's great love for us..... his children, He gives us/you free will.
We are given the choice to either accept or reject God’s Sacred Days that Jesus, the Disciples and Paul all kept.

Just as we want our children to come to us willingly and lovingly, God wants us to come to him that same way.... and as much as we love our children God loves us more. So

God gives you total free will.


Your choices are either to follow God’s Bible, and inherit the Kingdom, or follow ministers’ human words and end up in the Lake of Fire/Hell. It is as simple as that.


The only problem is that your decision today may cast your fate "forever” and put you into the Kingdom, or put you into Hell.


God does not want anyone to perish, but “we” choose our final home by:

1.) By your “obedience” to God’s Bible, by “not” following Tom, Dick, and Harry deceived ministers, or

2.) Your “disobedience” to God’s Bible, by your following deceived or lying ministers.


God cannot and will not allow your deliberate sin to go unpunished. Heb 10:26.


So now that we KNOW:


1.) What the lights that God put in the sky “ARE” for, = Kindergarten level.

2.) Next we know how to count to start the 1st Pilgrimage Feast of God’s Holy Days Passover and Unleavened Bread = Grade 1 Mathematics of counting from when the light was in the sky.

3.) Let us now look into HOW to know “HOW” = by what method to start to count larger numbers as in up to 50 to Pentecost, from after the 1st Day of Unleavened Bread’s Festival Day, which was set by the light that was in the sky that marked the beginning of the year the 1st of Abib/Nissan.


“Now” we are no longer in 1934 Kindergarten just knowing that there are days that we go to School/Services. And “now” we are no longer in Grade 1 learning how to count to 14 to get to the Passover and The days of Unleavened Bread. We are “now” going on to Grade 2 Mathematics and literature, with some Historical “reasoning” and Apologetics being taught.


Remember that “now” we are on a firm “rock solid” Foundation, because in this study on Pentecost observance we “God stated we had to” start with God’s lights in the sky, and when we now mention Passover/Days of Days of Unleavened Bread, we “had to” use that light in the sky to BUILD A FOUNDATION on, before we can move on to a Grade 2 mathematics level.


Again God made it so simple (if we just follow the Bible):

1st at Kindergarten level:

We know that there are days that we have to go to School.

Then Grade 1:

Then we look in the sky to see when the light comes on to tell us “when” we should start counting. So we start counting to 14 to know when to go to School/hold Passover night, which starts the foundation “for” the Days of Unleavened Bread and the Holy Day of Pentecost.


Always plum line the foundation perfectly, “BEFORE” you go on to build the next levels,

or you will have a crooked and/or collapsing building later on.



Again for repetition learning’s sake, because this is “so” important:


Grade 1 (after the Kindergarten of knowing that there were Holy Days), then Grade 2 was look to the Lights in the Sky (1st Crescent of the visible New Moon) to know:

A.) when to start the new year and

B.) when to count from and hold God’s first Festival of Passover and

C.) then when to count from to hold God’s second Festival: The Days of Unleavened Bread.


With our Grade 2 Math and previous knowledge of “when” to start counting, we can count up to higher numbers “properly” like 50.

The Bible commands: “Count 50 days.” BUT from when?


Remember that the Disciples, and Jesus, all went to the Temple run by Pharisees. That “means”:

Count 50 days from the day after the first day of Unleavened Bread which is after the 1st High Day  of Unleavened bread. There is no work on the first day of Unleavened Bread. = the 1st “Festival” Sabbath of the Days of Unleavened Bread.



via Restoring HIS (God’s) Sacred Calendar Holy Days

Just as God did before in the Physical Restoration of THE EARTH


As a Sidebar: It is interesting to note that God re-created the earth from waste (tohu = a worthless thing Strong’s 8414),  and confusion= (bohu Strong’s 922 undistinguishable ruin) in 7 days;

and ““now” God is again re-creating, but this time re-creating man (un-leavening man = 

de-leavening man) from being a waste (Man as a worthless thing) &

de-leavening Man from being a confusion (Man as an undistinguishable ruin).

Man today (just like the earth before) is being destroyed by an ongoing Satanic “Spiritual” rebellion in refusing to follow God‘s Laws and ways, and Satan is influencing the Tom, Dick, and Harry COG ministers to also rebel against God’s Sacred Bible Calendar. First Satan destroyed the planet Earth in a Satanic War. It took God 7 days to re-create the planet Earth, and NOW in the 21st Century, God is again taking 7 Days = the seven days of Unleavened Bread to re-create a “DE”-leavened Man.


Strive for a Better Resurrection


Follow God’s Sacred Calendar plan PRECISELY on the “APPOINTED DAYS”” so that God can properly De-Leaven you. God had PARTICULAR “specific” days planned for when He recreated the planet Earth. God did this at a “particular” specific time during a multi-million year period. God has “HIS” EXACT SPECIFIC PARTICULAR TIMETABLE.

You cannot show up 1 day early or late, or you will miss the event.


Only after man is de-leavened according to God’s “PARTICULAR” APPOINTED TIMES = “WHEN” the “correct day” occurs for a person to be cleaned up, will that person be cleaned up.


That person/plant has to have its genetics (character) perfected and cleaned up from Satan's mutations on the “exact” days of Passover & Unleavened Bread. This means = that only when cleaned by the “exact” Days of Passover & Unleavened Bread, (and the 49 day Pentecost Sephirot Godly qualities of the 50 day Pentecost count), can that person proceed to the “next step” of growing as a 1st fruit planted Godly Barley. God has an “exact” PARTICULAR plan that must be followed, and THAT PLAN must not be changed by the Apostate Hillel II calendar.


Be a 1st fruit in the 1st resurrection vs. being resurrected in the 2nd resurrection, or being cast into the Lake of Fire. Strive for a better resurrection Hebrews 11:35 DBY by FOLLOWING GOD’S SACRED CALENDAR PLAN.


Plants/Spiritual Creations do not wait till the weekly Sabbath to Start Growing

after they are cleaned up on The Passover


That person/new creation or plant does “NOT” wait till the “weekly” Sabbath to start growing once he is cleaned up on Passover.


That person starts growing “the very next day” after the day after the 1st Festival day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, (the day the Omer Pentecost count begins).

This is IMPORTANT, SO THAT ONE DOES NOT LINGER AND LOAF till the weekly Sabbath “before” starting to grow.

One starts to grow “IMMEDIATELY” the next day after being cleaned up.

That person is not put on the shelf waiting to be planted on the weekly Sabbath.


The parallel is: It is just the same as we are not to loaf all week by “not” doing our spiritual Bible Study due diligence, for we are “NOT” to just show up on the weekly Sabbath, without having done our Bible Study each day of the week. This is because when you strengthen the Spirit “during” the week, (as well as on the Sabbath), “then” with the combination of the 2  (not just 1), you will “have success”.


WE HAVE TO BE GROWING 7 DAYS A WEEK, and not just hanging around loafing to grow till the weekly Sabbath comes along, or else we will be a stunted spiritual plant, (if a plant at all). How can we grow and mature if we have not been watered, and have not been drawing in life giving nutrients from the soil that we were planted in for 6 previous days?

We will surely die.

As a parallel again: Therefore the Growing/Counting STARTS as soon as the plant begins to be de-leavened/purified which IS “the day after the 1st Day of Unleavened Bread“.


God is separating the Sheep from the Goats


Herbert Armstrong started off in Kindergarten, and quit learning WHILE still learning his A,B,C's after being led to understand that there were:

“Kinds” of days = H. A. found out that there were “kinds of” days to go to school on, and stopped there.


God allowed that because the end-time was not there in 1934. God wants each generation to keep repenting as each generation RE-discovers even “MORE” RE-discovered truth from the Bible. That way God can continue to separate the sheep, from the goats who will “not” keep changing as the Bible is RE-Discovered more and more, generation after generation.


Go you way Daniel (Herbert Armstrong) because these things are sealed till the time of the end. Daniel 12:9.


Even so: WCG/Herbert Armstrong could have learned a little more. God just flinched, when WCG/Herbert Armstrong did not go on to Grade 1 to learn his Grade 1 Math numbers 1-14, his “SACRED CALENDAR” days for Passover, and stick with his 1927-1936 “SACRED CALENDAR” Days for Unleavened bread. God flinched because H. A. feven forgot his numbers, and then did not go onto Grade 2 to learn his re-learn his numbers up to 50, and worse, did not go up to Grade 3 to start learning his Grammar/Apologetics lessons.


It is NOT a Feast of Sabbaths because “then” there is dead time for you to perish after you are cleaned up after the 1st Day of Unleavened Bread, if you have to wait for the Weekly Sabbath to start growing.


Let us highlight this and put this down in our Grade three Grammar/Apologetics book (because we “must” all still be children of God with a “TEACHABLE” spirit. We have to keep learning our whole lifetime, for will not graduate until we die, (unless  Christ arrives before we die). Unfortunately many will have to be purified by Fire in the Tribulation, and not by the Sacred Calendar Days of Unleavened Bread, because some people do NOT want to learn the gentle way of “following” and responding to God’s Calendar of schooling of God’s and “ONLY” God’s Days (not Hillel II days and ways), “before” the Tribulation.




Here are the Apologetics

(the branch of Theology concerned with the defense or proof of Christianity)

 To Count Pentecost.


For our NEXT word to learn:

A.) All throughout the chapter of Lev 23:1-44 the text is speaking about

“FESTIVAL”” Sabbaths.


The whole topic and focus of  Lev 23:15 is about the timing of “FESTIVAL” Sabbaths. So how in the world can you possible switch to “weekly” Sabbaths, when the “context” of the whole chapter is FESTIVALS and “FESTIVAL” Sabbaths. The context of the chapter has NOTHING to do with “weekly“ Sabbaths! Every scholar knows that text without context is error.

Therefore just by the context alone, we know that we are to count from the “FESTIVAL” Sabbath, after the first day of Unleavened bread.


B .) What if there are 2 weekly Sabbaths during the Passover and the 7 Days of Unleavened Bread?


To add to COG/man’s confusion of wrongly counting from “weekly” Sabbaths, COG/man’s confusion continues:

If the “weekly” Sabbath occurs on Passover and the “weekly” Sabbath again occurs on the last Day of Unleavened Bread:

Which “weekly” Sabbath do you start counting from?

What chaos!


C.) Now for the argumentative Scholars who demand “Peer Review””(our points from our detractors abridged because the rebuttals are nonsense):


1.) The Wave sheaf offering (Leviticus 23:9-14) is always performed on Nissan 16, the day after the1st High Holy day Sabbath of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Since Leviticus 23:10 follows verse 7 which mentions the “first” Holy Day, an “annual” Sabbath, of Unleavened bread, "the morrow after the Sabbath" actually means "the morrow after the first “Holy Day”.

2.) Joshua 5:10-12, "proves" that Wave sheaf Offering day is always Nissan 16.

3.) Matthew 23:2-3 shows we are to follow the Pharisees in the Holy Days we observe, including Pentecost.

4.) Paul was a Pharisee, Acts 23:6,

5.) The “Bible” COMMANDS US to follow the Pharisees in Temple administration = “DO” what ...“they” tell you. Matt 23:2-3

6.) The great Jewish Historian Josephus, was a Pharisee, and Josephus states: The Wave Sheaf Offering day was on Nissan 16.

7.) Starting the Pentecost count from the wrong “weekly” Sabbath during the Feast of Unleavened Bread “was” commanded by the Sadducees, who did not even believe in the Resurrection of Christ. The Sadducees “weekly” Sabbath (to start counting for Pentecost) is “not” to be used because they were "liberal Hellenistic Jews." Leviticus 23:11

8.) The Septuagint (Greek translation of the Old Testament), also known as the LXX, is one of the most reliable scriptural translations. “The Septuagint” translates the Leviticus 23 passage with the understanding that Wave Sheaf Offering day “is” Nissan 16.

9.) The Wave sheaf offering was an integral part of the seven day Feast of Unleavened Bread and therefore "MUST" fall "within" it.

10.) Christ fulfilled the Wave Sheaf Offering on Friday, Nissan 16, 30 A.D., when His sacrifice was accepted by God.

11.) Pharisees said this Shabbat was “not” the weekly Shabbat, but the first “annual” Shabbat, Abib or Nissan 15, the first Holy Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread.

12.) The "Sivan 6 Theory" correctly states that since verse 11 follows verse 7, therefore the Wave Sheaf Offering Day must be Nissan 16.


Old Corn & Joshua 5

Joshua 5:10-12 states that Israel on the 14th day of the month at even, kept the Passover on the fourteenth day of the month at even, and ate of the old corn of Palestine on the morrow (day) after Passover, WHEN the manna ceased = when only UNLEAVENED BREAD could be eaten. This account of Joshua 5:10-12 "proves" Nissan 16 as the Day of The Wave Sheaf Offering.



We Should Follow Pharisees when they are Correct


The Pharisees, were the guardians of the Law and were not liberalistic, but were strict and “conservative guardians of the law,“ especially in their counting of Holy Days such as Pentecost. Matthew 23:3 says that we “have to” follow the Pharisees in ALL that they command us to observe. In keeping with Jesus’ COMMAND to follow the Pharisees, we DO what Jesus COMMANDED= we MUST listen to the guardians of the Law the Pharisees, because they sat in Moses’ seat.


The abbreviated points again are:


The Pharisees count Pentecost after the 1st Day of Unleavened Bread.

The Disciples, Jesus, and Paul “ALL” attended the Feasts at the Temple ““RUN BY” THE PHARISEES. They “ALL” counted the 50 days of Pentecost starting: The day AFTER the 1st day of Unleavened Bread. It is that simple.


Plus again (even if you do not like the Pharisees), Jesus “COMMANDED” YOU:

The Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat...DO and observe...= “DO” what...”they” tell you. Matt 23:2-3.


Remember: Even Herbert Armstrong counted Pentecost from after the 1st Day of Unleavened Bread from 1927 through to 1936.


AND regarding Paul: The Pentecost count “starts” after the 1st Day of Unleavened Bread, by the authority of Paul, who was a Pharisee. Acts 23:6; and who wrote most of the New Testament Letters to the Churches. Paul was the “CHIEF-EST” Messenger/Apostle 2 Cor 12:11 KJV and as such was in charge of the Temple where Jesus and all the Disciples attended.


Jewish history is dominated by the Pharisees' influence, because they gained complete ascendancy after 70 A.D. and the Sadducees disappeared (and God could have had something to do with the disappearance of the Sadducees and their “false” doctrines).


We must have the humility to follow the Pharisees as they follow God,




For ten years from 1927 through to 1936 Mr. Armstrong kept a Sivan 6 Pentecost

Then without proper proof Mr. Armstrong changed:

1.)  to a Monday Pentecost in 1937, and

2.) then to a Sunday Pentecost in 1974, and

3.) by the1990’s the WCG kept NO Pentecost at all.


The Pharisees “did” preserve vital valid oral tradition which included the Hebrew Calendar and its rules, until 358 A.D..


We TPM have said to our Detractors:


The Septuagint is "God inspired." Why the Septuagint? Because the disputed Hebrew phrase, mi-mohorat ha-shabbat, "morrow after the Sabbath" (KJV) was translated by the Septuagint as "the morrow of the first day," meaning the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. The modern Jewish Publication Society translation, in line with Pharisee belief, renders it "the morrow of the day of rest." In other words, the first day to count toward Pentecost is this "morrow of the first day," or "morrow of [after] the day of rest." The Septuagint supports the position of the Pharisees.

The above is correlated from the detractors who succinctly state our position, to their own detriment.


Different Speeds at which different Christians ripen

IS reflected in a “Yearly Different Day” for Pentecost


So this all means the Day of Pentecost “changes” every year to a “different” day of the week, to reflect the different speeds at which the first fruit generations ripen in each year.




You and I, are the Firstfruits of God’s spiritual early harvest, so we can assist our King, Jesus-Yeshua, Christ. We will assist our King for the first 1,000 years of His ruling on earth, to reign and bring in “His” kingdom, and “HIS” Days and Ways, over every city and town on this whole earth. We as 1st Fruits will be given the earth’s Cities to guide and rule over when Christ our King arrives. Jesus with his Army on White horses “will” subdue every Nation, City, and Church Denomination minister that does not follow Jesus’ Bible Days and Ways, including Jesus’ Sacred Calendar.

Remember that the clay does not tell the Potter on which days to worship. Isa 29:13


Jesus Christ is “NOT” going to change “HIS” Holy Days or “HIS” Sacred Calendar by 1-2 days early or late to conform to the Hillel II calendar when He returns.

Just the opposite:

Christ will obliterate any minister AND any “member” or members who stubbornly refuse to use HIS (Christ’s) Sacred Calendar by sighting the New Moon Crescent, as Abraham, Issac and Jacob did.


Therefore now: We do not wait as firstfruits sitting on the shelf, waiting to be told to start growing days later on the weekly Sabbath, and to use God’s Sacred Calendar later when Christ returns.


We are to be growing all week, and the count for our growing “starts” right after Passover which cleanses “Us Seeds of the FIRST FRUIT Harvest” by Jesus’ blood, to be planted “right after we are cleansed“, and then planted after the 1st “FESTIVAL” rest Day of Unleavened bread.


All the above points from page 1 are irrefutable. Follow your ministers’ advice and refuse a love of the truth, and be condemned. II Thess 2:12 We must follow the Bible and “not” Herbert Armstrong “traditions” or WCG ministers, or offshoot WCG ministers else we are not Christians. Mark 7:7.  We are “ONLY” to follow the Bible.


Remember always the Conclusion of the Matter


FEAR God and Keep “HIS” Commandments Eccl 12:13; 9:3; 1 Tim 6:4; Prov 1:7; 1:22; Psalm 111:10; 14:1-3; 36:1 Isa 29:13

Do Not follow the commandments of Hillel II, Herbert Armstrong, or any other minister).



Come to even “MORE” Biblical 1st Century Re-Discovered Truth and understanding by attending each Sabbath via “live” phone Service in the Weekly Sabbath Service of Triumph Prophetic Ministries Church of God. Just dial 1 918 222-7102 and enter your pw (password) 2415# and you will then “continue” to GROW in grace and KNOWLEDGE of God’s ways.









c Lawrence Nowell
The Obedient Church of God
 c Lawrence A Nowell
c c Lawrence A. Nowell