This September 2023 the 7 years could start
they also approve the Daily Sacrifice.
The SDG [Sustainable Development Goals] Summit, in September 2023,
[that has 17 Development Goals] must signal a genuine turning point. It must mobilize the political commitment and breakthroughs our world desperately needs. It must deliver a rescue plan for people and planet.
At the center of this rescue plan, Heads of State and Government must recommit to seven years of accelerated, sustained, and transformative action, both nationally and internationally, to deliver on the promise of the SDGs. Leaders can show their resolve by adopting an ambitious and forward-looking political declaration at the SDG Summit and presenting global and national commitments for SDG transformation.
Is the fact that the globalists of our day are thinking in terms of “seven years” prophetically significant?
In the seventy weeks of Daniel 9:24-27 the last week of seven years, as the prophet describes in 9:27, awaits a future fulfillment.
Writing in about AD 95, John tells us that the coming beast, … will open “its mouth to utter blasphemies against God, blaspheming his name and his dwelling” Revelation 13:6. This is the man of Daniel’s prophecy 9:27 as well as the one Jesus referred to Matthew 24:15. He’s also the “man of lawlessness” of 2 Thessalonians 2. 06/28/23
Editor’s Note:
The first 3 ½ years of the 7 years,
IS TO be used for:
“SETTING UP” the SYSTEM for the Beast to take over totally during the “last” 3 ½ years.