Summation of this page is:
WCG members who are still on the membership roles of the WCG, lose 3 ways:
1.) God will vomit you out if you continue to remain alive.
2.) You will have to go into the Tribulation to prove you will follow the Bible days and ways if you continue to remain alive.
3.) Or the worst of all:
You could die "before" the Tribulation, and be eternally damned as incorrigible.
It is a lose, lose, lose,
situation to stay in, or on, the membership rolls of the WCG.

You are vomit material, therefore:

God “will” vomit out*Rev 3 :16 “all” who:

Condone the practices of the WCG, by their continued presence in the WCG.

You are vomit material *Rev 3:16, if you are presently in the WCG:

And you are cursed by God because the WCG added days to the Bible. *Gal 1:6

1.) If you are in the WCG, God will vomit you out of His Kingdom,*Rev 3:16 and you will die eternally,

2.) Unless you go into the Tribulation to make your robes white *Rev 7:13),

3.) But you may die "before" the Tribulation and therefore you are lost forever:

For if you were baptized in the WCG and die before the Tribulation, (before you can make your robes white) it appears:

You “will” be thrown into the Lake of Fire as an incorrigible, disobedient, unteachable brat.

So that you do not corrupt His ways for eternity, (as one Satan was enough).


You are vomit material if you belong to an organization that is espousing the blatantly false Doctrine of

incorporating the pagan days of Sun worship on Sunday- the sun god Baal’s day, Christmas- little round Christ cakes to the queen of heaven, and Easter- Ishtar the goddess of sexual love into its organization’s beliefs system.

Incorporating pagan days into your belief system is a “blatant” “violation” of God’s clear instruction to have “no” part in intermingling pagan days and reappropriating pagan days, and adding those days to His pure days and ways.

You are not to do so, and that is clearly delineated (spelt out) in the Bible,* that you cannot intermingle pagan days to honour the true God by worshiping with pagan days.

The Bible clearly states that: “You shall not do so to the Lord your God. You shall not inquire of the heathen how they and on what days the heathen worships his god’s, so that we may do so unto the Lord your God” . *


By your presence in the WCG, or by your membership listed on the rolls of the WCG, you are “advocating”that:

You are advocating that (incorporating Pagan days) is OK doctrinally.

Whether you like it or not, if you are part of an organization, you are therefore part of its beliefs.

If you are a member of the Liberal party, or the Nazi party, you are advocating acceptance of that party's beliefs,  

by your continued presence or membership in the WCG, (or your presence in any such organization that advocates a Sunday, Easter, and Christmas).

No way does God allow you to be part of such a group.


Still being part of such a group as the WCG after 1972 (when 40 of God’s true ministers quit along with thousands of true believers who quit the WCG in 1972, ((the true-real split was in 1972 "not" the 1990's))),

for you to still remain a member of the WCG "is" blatant sin.

You are not to participate in WCG blatant sin

by your presence in the WCG, because that will cause you to be vomit material that God will spew out of His mouth.

If you are in the WCG:

You are vomit material,
for GOD states: He “will” spew you out of His mouth and God “will” vomit you

out of His Kingdom,

and if you die, in your and the WCG sins, "before" the Tribulation proving period,

you are damned dead-eternally-forever.


God cannot, and will not, stomach pagan days in His congregation, and clearly states He does “not” condone such practices in the worship structure of His Church.*

Therefore God states: He will vomit you out.

That means presently you are vomit material,

because you are part of an organization (WCG) that uses the pagan days of Sunday, Christmas, and Easter.

Go ahead and be stupid!
Go ahead and be blind!
Get drunk without any wine! Stagger without drinking a drop!
The Lord has made you drowsy, ready to fall into a deep sleep. The prophets should be the eyes of the people, but God has blindfolded them (Isaiah 29:9–10, GNB).
They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man, and are at their wits' end (Psalm 107:27, KJV).
In my covenant I promised them life and well-being, and this is what I gave them, so that they might respect me.
 In those days they did respect and fear me. They taught what was right, not what was wrong.
They lived in harmony with me;
they not only did what was right themselves, but they also helped many others to stop doing evil. It is the duty of priests to teach the true knowledge of God. People should go to them to learn my will, because they are the messengers of the Lord Almighty.
 But now you priests have turned away from the right path. Your teaching has led many to do wrong.
You have broken the covenant I made with you (Malachi 2:5–8, GNB).


God “cannot” and will not stomach Pagan Days, and will vomit out “all” who attend the WCG, and those who tacitly condone pagan days by their continued membership in the WCG.

If you do not repent and cease attendance or membership in the WCG, that has added pagan days,

then you “will” go into the Tribulation, and if you die naturally before the Tribulation, you “will” go into the Lake of Fire as an incorrigible.

The “only” solution to your dilemma is to now go over to the which is the “only” group in the World that has kept the 1st Century Doctrines pure from their re-discovery in 1934 (which is nearly 70 years ago).

These pages are religious logs, also known as a WebLog, or Blog, by Lawrence A. Nowell totally independent.
This article was written also, because, many who I know through International Pharmaceuticals, are sick and dying, and have asked me:
"How" and "why", do you "Lawrence" have such faith, kindness, and confidence in God:
The answer is:
Do "you"
love God enough to do things "His" way?




c Lawrence Nowell
The Obedient Church of God
 c Lawrence A Nowell
c c Lawrence A. Nowell