Come into the safety and protection of  TO COG The "Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by Lawrence A. Nowell
April 14, 2012
22nd Day of God's First Month, 5993
The Obedient Church of God

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Come into the safety and protection of 
The "Obedient" Church of God
Subject: Sermon April 14-12
April 14, 2012
 Sermon by Lawrence A. Nowell
Sermon Highlights:

April 14, 2012/Abib 22 5993
Highlights of today's Sabbath Sermon:
1.) "MORE" new USA legislation has been passed to oppress your rights.
2.) Explanation of:
The sins are passed on to the 3rd and 4th Generations.
3.) There are "2" Groups of 144,000:
1st group is "only" from the 12 tribes.
2nd Group is comprised of converted Gentiles, etc..
"2" loaves are waved by Yeshua.
4.) How to "not" slip back into your old habits after the Days of Unleavened Bread.
5.) How to be without spot or blemish in the coming year.
It involves visualizing yourself as God's child, and setting your goal to act accordingly as God's child.
Subject: Sermon Apr 14-12

April 14, 2012 - Abib 22, 5993


c Lawrence Nowell
The Obedient Church of God
 c Lawrence A Nowell
c c Lawrence A. Nowell