Come into the safety and protection of  TO COG The "Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by Lawrence A. Nowell
April 23, 2012
1st Day of God's Second Month, 5993
The Obedient Church of God

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Come into the safety and protection of 
The "Obedient" Church of God
Subject: Sermon April 23-12
April 23, 2012
 Sermon by Lawrence A. Nowell
Sermon Highlights:

April 23, 2012/Ziv 1 5993
Sermon Highlights
April 23, 2012
Subject: Sermon Apr 23-12

April 22, 2012 - Ziv 1, 5993
Highlights of God's New Moon Day Service 
Ziv 1, 5993. 
(Monday April 22, 2012).

1.) On New Moon Day the gates of God are opened for you to come and learn and worship, and "none of you show up".
You are going your own way, instead of worshipping God.
You will have your own way, instead of appearing before God.
You are working on New Moon Day instead of appearing before God.
The Gates are opened on New Moon Day so that you can worship. Ezekiel 46:1-3.
2.) There are 2 "different" events:
The Passover
and The Lord's Dinner (supper).
3.) Last night (on the evening of the new month of Ziv, you had the Lord's Dinner (supper) as you do every New Moon just as David did, and all the patriarchs did.
4.) At :34 minutes of the Video:
Are you going to stop worshipping on God's 7th Day Sabbath, just because you feel like it?
Ergo: Likewise are you going to stop worshipping on God's commanded New Moon Day, just because you feel like it?
Give your head a shake.
5.) At :35 minutes of the Video:
1 Faith, no ecuminicalism allowed.
6.) At :36 minutes of the Video:
Will the church you are in get you into God's kingdom, when they are a disobedient church?
Will you church get you into Hell, for being disobedient!
You have a Harlots forehead.
You also have hardened your Heart.
7.) In 900 days you will be dead along with 90% of the World. Isaiah 6:13.
8) We should sue Monsanto for:
Genetic Pollution of our food supply.
The truth about "GMO"s.
9.) At :47 Minutes of the Video:
Indoctrination of Palestinian children.
10.) At :49 minutes of the Video:
5 year old "suicide warriors".
A broadcast titled the "Children's Club" on the official PBC (Palestine Broadcasting Corporation) television channel, is produced by the PA (Palestinian Authority) Ministry of Education. That broadcast has 5 year old children singing: "Oh my sister, sing constantly about my life as a suicide warrior... each and every part of your soil I have drenched with all my blood, and we shall  march as warriors of jihad".
Your tax dollars are paying for this via the US Agency for International Development giving 1/2 a million dollars in equipment and training, and more than 6 million in aid from the European Union.
11.) This is allowed in order to carry out the Masonic plan to forment war between the Arabs and the USA/Israel in order to bring in  rising up of the "King of the South" and the NWO (New World Order) via order out of chaos.
12.) At :58 minutes of the Video:
On April 19 the Warsaw Jewish Ghetto was attacked and women and children were murdered by the Nazis.
On April 19 the Oklahoma City bombing took place.
On April 19 the Branch Davidians in Waco were murdered/were burned alive.
13.) The whole USA is a prison now, with surveillance everywhere.
14.) At 1:03 of the Video:
All your typing on your E-Mail messages is sent via a splitter in the Network to a center called Room 641A for analysis of buzz words, indicating you are an enemy of the State.
15.) If you want to see Jesus/Yeshua's Army return from a million miles out appearing as a light in the heavens, you need to stay alive during the Tribulation.
16.) The untold story of the Jewish Resistance to the Nazis occupation was that the Jewish civilians who fought as resistance fighters against the Nazis, lived longer than the Jewish civilian who walked onto the boxcars.
17.) At 1:26 of the Video:
Another New World Order is coming:
Yeshua's New World Order.
18.) At 1:55 of the Video:
It is not just "obedience", it is obedience plus a personal relationship with Father and Yeshua.
19.) A 100% "personal relationship" with Father.
20.) Father is not just your God, He is your "best friend" along with Yahveh/Jesus.


c Lawrence Nowell
The Obedient Church of God
 c Lawrence A Nowell
c c Lawrence A. Nowell