Highlights of December 22 2012
December 22th 2012 Service
Dynamite Sermon Highlight:
Your ministers are victims of seducing
Come into the safety and protection of
TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
This is "PROVEN" by the "FACT" that they
move God's 7th Day Sabbath to the 6th Day Friday in half of the World.
This is a "FACT" and cannot be denied by them or
They refuse to ignore the phony 1883 International Date Line.
They refuse to put God's Sabbath back to Saturday, where it was in
They are seduced by the Devil.
You ministers are seduced by the Devil, and that is proven by
the "FACTS".
Because just like the POOP, "you" move God's Holy Sabbath
God's Sabbath Day is a "TEST" Commandment
for God to put "HIS" Mark on you. Ezekiel
And your lying ministers will not allow God to put His mark on
So into the Tribulation you all go to have your heads cut
your lying minister refused to allow God to put "His" 7th Day
Sabbath Mark on you.
Hallow My Sabbaths, that they may be a
sign between me and you... Ezekiel 20:20.
Your lying minister prevented you from receiving
God's Godly Sabbath Day Mark of Protection
on you,
because you tithe to organizations
and belong to organizations that OPPOSE GOD'S Seventh Day
Sabbath in half of the World. That is a fact, proven by the facts, and
cannot be reputed by your sinisters' empty lying words.
YOU "ARE" the 5 virgins who will be thrown out of the Kingdom.
Repent and come into the safety and protection of TO COG (The
Obedient Church of God) so that you are not thrown into the Lake of Fire
for breaking God's Sabbath in half the world = you ARE the 5 Virgins who will be
locked out into outer darkness because the Lord does NOT know you, as you
anticipate his arrival because you do not have the oil of Obedience. You
unprofitable servant. Matthew 25:30.
The moment of truth is NOW, you don't have the oil of
Obedience to light your way, and the Master states "I do not know you". Matthew
You see, you are a servant of God alright, BUT you are an
unprofitable servant of God, because you refuse to follow your Master's command
of Genesis 1:14 that Lights will mark Days, not phony
International Date Lines, that move God's Sabbath 1 day
"early" to Friday. Just like the POOP moves God's Sabbath 1 day
"late" to Sunday. God doesn't know the POOP and God doesn't know you, because
you are disobedient just like the POOP. Both of you change/move God's Sabbath
If you say you don't, then you are "also" a LIAR, and all
LIARS will have their place in the Lake of Fire. Revelations 22:15.
21st explained.
It is "now" the New Age of the
That is what happened December 21st = A door was
opened for the Serpent.
Just like the Serpent deceived Eve, "NOW" the
Serpent will deceive the whole world with the false Christ.
Light forming Apparitions/Spirits are "already"
being seen above buildings.
Sacrifice of 20 "elementary" school
young, "young" children slain/sacrificed just as children have always been
sacrificed at this time of year.
Another psy-ops man in a mask, not a deranged man.
The deranged man/patsy was in the car, just like the Theatre "masked"
The people running this world are "more" evil than you think or
They got the children to cast a spell on you using "lesser
magic", to enforce/predict/shove in your face 9-11 as it occured.
The people running the Government are Masonic and totally
On 9-11 the children were given a
"chant"/spell to cast as they read from "My Pet Goat"
Plane Must Hit Steel, Plane Must. This is evil lesser magic.
(A kite in military venacular is a "radio
controlled" plane).
You are dealing with evil deceptive lying Presidents, and you
are dealing with satanically deceived ministers in the COGs.
Realize how evil your minister is:
For him to approve of moving God's Sabbath
Day to Friday in half the world.
Things are worse than you think.
Therefore you must Come into the safety and
protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God, whom Father has given the ability to
understand all things. Understanding
specifically that your
Sinisters are keeping you out of the Kingdom, by telling you to be
"Dis"Obedient and support them as they approve of moving God's Sabbath Day to
Friday in half the world, so that Father cannot put "His" mark on
Come into the safety and
protection of TO COG
The Obedient Church of