Come into the safety and protection of  TO COG The "Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by Lawrence A. Nowell
February 12, 2011
Adar 8, 5770
The Obedient Church of God

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Come into the safety and protection of 
The "Obedient" Church of God
1.) Because in our Newletter on January 31 we "predicted" that Egypt's Mubarak will be gone/fini/kaput.
Then on February 2nd we "wrote/predicted that "it would happen on February 11".
Here is the "Exact" quote we wrote on February 2nd:

Can't help wonder if it [February 11] might be significant to the PTB [Powers that be] in some way. 
*** Yes, because "McWorld" will be changed out/destroyed,
in the whole of the Middle East ["ON" February 11].
And the PTB will have to try to start all over, by corrupting the "New" Middle East again.
*** The King of the South, will begin to be set up because the only choice now is between:
Mubarak the brutal Egyptian 30 year dictator (who i E-Mailed everyone about on Jan 31 that Mubarak is finished),
and the choice of a new Middle East "system" even an Ayatollah = a "C" change/cultural change in the whole Middle East. Out with the old/Capitalists/USA!
*** 11022011 [11th Day Thursday of February 2011] IS the "backlash" of the Eagle who is having its Middle East feathers plucked.

We wrote this on February 2nd.

Editor's Note:
Mubarak was "Kicked OUT" PRECISELY "ON" February "11th" (Thursday), "PRECISELY" which we predicted THE "EXACT DATE" we wrote  = put in writing per the above proof sent on February 2nd. 
Stick with TO COG for your knowledge.
2.) Sermon on Valentines.
3.) Sermon on Birthdays.
In conclusion:
Those who are "OBEDIENT" to Yah's/God's "every" jot "WILL"

Original King James Version (1611)

Read Psalms 111:10 in context parallel the King James Version (1769). Read Psalms 111:10 in context.
The feareº of the LORDº [is] the beginningº of wisedome,º a goodº vnderstandingº haue allº they that doeºº [his commandements]:
his praiseº endurethºº for euer.º
Psalm 111:10
A good understanding have all who [obey] every JOT of Yah's Bible Word.
To obey means:
 1.) NO 1800's phony Date Line,
2.) NO hiring restaurant workers on Sabbath,
3.) NO adding a pagan RA/Osiris turkey day to Yah's/God 7 day Feast of Tabernacles
4.) NO singing "Pagan casting spell/Happy Birth Day" to/on yourself.
The "WISE" will understand. Daniel 12:9
Listen weekly to
The Obedient Church of God
we search the Scriptures for you.
So you can
one of the
Acts 17:11 Search the Bible
[with The Obedient Church of God]
to find if these things
[points above 1-4]
are really so
"Prove" all things!
or perish.

c Lawrence Nowell
The Obedient Church of God
 c Lawrence A Nowell
c c Lawrence A. Nowell