Dynamite Sermon Highlight:
Mourning (dressed in BLACK) MOURNING for the Eternal Death of my friends AND the death"S" of Ministers who won't change.
Your Ministers are leading "you" into Hell, by their Disobedience to God's Bible, and "you" are following them like lemmings.
King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.) Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: ... The man who is fit to enter the kingdom of God on earth, shall also enter into that in heaven. Be not deceived... 1 Corinthians 6:9.
Dressed in Black until they repent,
to "show" we are in mourning for them and "YOU", to make a statement of their-"your" condition, that they-
my friends,
That is how serious this is, for the time of the end is "NOW" at hand, repent!