Come into the safety and protection of  TO COG The "Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by Lawrence A. Nowell
Jul 26, 2014
27th Day of God's Fourth Month, 5995
The Obedient Church of God

Come into the safety and protection of 
The "Obedient" Church of God
Subject: Sermon Jul 26-14
Highlight of Jul 26 2014 Sermon:
Jul 26, 2014
 Sermon by Lawrence A. Nowell
Sermon Highlights:

Highlights of Jul 26 2014 Sermon:

Jul 26 2014 Service


Dynamite Sermon Highlight:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jul 26, 2014
The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Jul 26, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of Jul 26, 2014 Sermon:
Jul 26, 2014
Sermon Highlights
Jul 26, 2014
Sermon Highlights:
Highlights of Sermon

Tammuz 27, 5995 Jul 26, 2014 Sermon Highlights:
Highlights of Tammuz 27, 5995 Sermon:

Sermon Highlights
Subject: Sermon Jul 26-14

The Obedient Church of God;



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Highlights of Service:


To All off shoot Worldwide Church of God Ministers:
If you DON'T do "ALL" the Bible's Practices

you are then only 1/2 full of oil

and will be thrown in Hell.



You "have to" feed on "ALL" of God's Words, and not just browse on what you have been taught by men.

All the off shoot Churches of God are MAL-nourished,

only 1/2 full of oil/Bible practices.


They are cutting parts of the word of God from their diet.

You have got to learn to eat "EVERY" Word of God= ALL of God's Bible.

You have got to live by "EVERY" Word of God.

That means the 4 fasts of The Lord. Zachariah 8:19 and

God's New Month Day Ezekiel 26:3.


You only have 1 year left before the 7 years of Tribulation start.

Teaching them to observe "ALL" things.

Psalm 50:5 Gather to me my people [faithful ones].

Gather together into the protection of The Obedient Church of God, which will lead you in safe paths.

There will only be about 240 people in the Place of Safety, because when you divide 144,000 by 6,000 years you arrive at 24 people. 10 years of 24 people per year= 240 people.


Do NOT think that the Bible says to wait for Yeshua to restore all things "before" you start obeying, because:

Hebrews 10:26 states:

If you know what is right, and do NOT do it, there is NO SACRIFICE FOR YOUR SINS, but instead a trip to Hell for you.

REPENT and start following "ALL" things such as: New Month Day on this Tuesday July 29 and the 2nd of the 4 fasts of The Lord on Av 9 (this August). 


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New Topic:


The 2 Malaysian Aircraft, the one that went missing and the one that was shot down, were sabotaged "deliberately" by their Illuminati owner. (Malaysian Airline planes have a disquised Giant #33 on their tail. Picture is shown on Video to prove it).


The one that went missing was to steal the technology from the 20 Scientists aboard the plane, who were about to register a patent for a new electronic warfare device for military radar systems. With their disappearance, the Patent was given instead to the Illuminati

The 2nd plane was shot down, because there were 100 Scientists on it, that had the cure for Aids/HIV infection that the Illuminati does not want the cure to be known, because the Illuminati's Georgia Guidestones Number 1 commandment is:


To reduce the World's population to 1/2 Billion via:


Chem Trails Barium and Aluminum causing Alzheimers Dementia,

Fluoroacetic Acid in your drinking water causing 1 in 3 people to have cancer,

GMO's in your food that cause the 3rd generation of mice to die from holes in their stomachs, 

your doctors killing 200,000 of you with drugs, and

chemotherapy shutting down your immune system and killing you, 

pesticides on your food,

hormones in your meat and milk,

antibiotics in you meat and milk, etc., etc..

There is no way to stop them, except for Yeshua to destroy them.


Video picture of Satanist Alister Crowley's Witchcraft Book Cover showing the Kabbalistic 10 Sephirot on its cover.


Israel is deliberately allowing missiles to be smuggled into Gaza because Israel has the technology of Satellite Imaging Devices in the sky to see every underground tunnel going into Gaza. Yet Israel does not close the tunnels. The reason is the Hegalian Dialectic of the New World order by the Masons Shimone Perez and Benjamin Netanyahu which is:

1.) Cause or allow the Problem,

2.) Ramp up an Outcry through the media that: "Something has to be done, MUST be done.

3.) Then provide your solution.


1.) Let the missiles be smuggled into Gaza, and then let the Palestinians shoot the missiles at Israel.

2.) Then let the Media ramp up the problem continually.

3.) Then provide the solution which will be: The New World Order.

Explanation of the I Peter 2:7 Scripture: "Destined" to Stumble:

God does not "destine" anyone to stumble or fail, and be destined to be thrown into Hell.

What the Scripture really says is: "YOUR" actions/DISobedience destines you to be thrown into Hell.

ALL ex-Worldwide Church of God offshoots are destined to be thrown into Hell, because they choose to be DISobedient. They refuse to repent and follow "ALL" of the Ways written in God's Bible and they are therefore only 1/2 full of oil and will be locked out of the Marriage Supper, to be thrown into Hell where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. Matthew 13:42.


Sabbath of God's 4th Month Day 27/

Roman/Julian/Gregorian 7th Month Day 26, 2014
Video Broadcast #309

The Obedient Church of God; TO COG




c Lawrence Nowell
The Obedient Church of God
 c Lawrence A Nowell
c c Lawrence A. Nowell