Dynamite Sermon Highlight:
The longest day of the year, the Satanic Sky Father's Day is tomorrow.
Don’t you dare thank your children for calling you on Hitler’s/Satan’s Day.
Jade Helm is also explained.
Click here for Video> https://youtu.be/wWv03MXId8w that explains Jade Helm to you:
Jade Helm Wooden Shoes represent DESTROYING the USA
via throwing shoes
(Editor’s note: French shoes=Sabots
A sabot is a clog from France or surrounding countries such as Belgium.
Sabots are whole feet clogs.
into the gears
of orderliness, to jam the gears of orderly society via Covert 'Suspicious' Actions.
To stop the functioning of law and order,
so your Satanists /Politician leaders (that “you” voted in) can start their Martial Law program.
The Satanic NWO and their Illuminati political leaders in the White House, the Pentagon, the Congress and numerous US law enforcement and intelligence agencies are:
Planning to unleash the Great American Holocaust. The purpose of this operation is the mass murder of all true Christians and the purging of all patriots and dissidents who do not believe that sodomists should marry.
BUT I the Editor understand these evil plans, because the Spirit is given to those who OBEY Acts 5:32,
“NOT’ your minister who DISobeys, and I the Editor, live in the shelter of the Most High.
Here is something to strengthen you:
Psalm 91
I live in the shelter of the Most High
And I find rest in the Shadow of the Almighty
This I declare about the Lord on High,
He (Father) alone is my rock and my
He is my refuge and where I go to hide
When my enemies surround me
And a thousand fall at my side
Traps and snares try to grab me
But the Lord rescues and I rejoice gladly
Deadly diseases and a world of evil things
Yet My God covers me and protects me under His wings
His promises are yes and true
Our armour, protecting me and you:
I will not be afraid of the terrors in the night
Though the world tries to fill each heart with fright
The Lord goes before me, He strengthens
me with His might
No evil can touch me, my prayers reach His heights
For I know He hears each word I pray
Protecting me each night and every day
I have made the Lord my refuge, a shelter is He
Therefore He’s promised no evil can conquer me
Plagues cannot touch those I love
His angels protect me, commissioned from above
They hold me up with their hands
And protect me as I walk through this land
I love my God, whose throne is on High
And Jesus, His Son, on His right Side
He is with me through all my troubles and fear
Always besides me, always near.
Video # 369
June 20, 2015