Adar 19, 5993 March 2, 2013 Sermon Highlights:
1.) You don't have to wonder or argue
anymore about when Yeshua was born:
Proof by the "Stars" that Yeshua was born September 11, 3 B.C. between the lady's waist and knee,
being under her feet on "precisely" September 11 just as He will come back on
2.) Pope was given the "Seat Of David" for June 2013
Jerusalem, and now owns the room of the Last Supper in Jerusalem.
He will distribute the Bread and
Wine in the "same" room that Yeshua did=just as Yeshua did 2000 years ago.
Editor's Note:
This is "MONUMENTAL" and he will deceive
many this summer, as if "he" is Jesus. He is
really JeZeus.
3.) A Secret agreement between Jerusalem and the Vatican was
made in 1992.
4.) March 22 this month should have
"another" False Flag event, such as:
A.) Deliberate San Francisco quake to be caused by
or B.) A giant gas explosion at a refinery, etc..
or C.) A New York City tunnel collapse giant
or D.) The collapse of the Hoover Dam, caused by
or E.) A massive Nuclear Reactor event in Hanford, Washington
or New York, etc..
or F.) An Alien encounter.
Because it is 33 years since the Georgia Guidestones were
placed by the Illuminati in 1980,
plus 3 22 on the "Skull and Bones" Flag= March 22,
5.) Wrap your wallet that holds all your Credit Cards, Drivers
License, and Passport, in Tin Foil so that you cannot be tracked by
6.) The Black Popes who rule the White Popes take an "EVIL"
Blood Oath signed in their own blood from above their heart.
7.) The "actual" words of the Extreme Oath and Induction of
the Society of Jesus (the Jesuit Order). The Oath is to plant insidiously the
seeds of jealously and hatred between Countries to create Revolutions and Civil
Wars. And The Oath states that anyone who does not accept the Pope will be
"He who will not accept him as
the Vicar of Jesus and his Vice-Regent on earth,
let him be accursed and exterminated".
8.) The "Vatican Agenda" written
papers explained and read to you.
9.) The Vatican is "stealing" the old city
of Jerusalem, and most of East Jerusalem also.
The Poop will be ruling Jerusalem with the U.N..
10.) Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, 78, (Italy) Vatican Secretary
of State, and camerlengo of the Holy See. Bertone holds the second highest
position in the Catholic Church, beneath only the pope. Born December 2, 1934,
in Romano Canavese, Italy, could be , 
oops we meant pOO, oops we meant a "zero" not a
Hero P0PE =
Peter the ROMAN from Romano= the next Poop. The Anti-P0PE who
will "allegedly" clean up the Vatican's 
Mess of Homosexuality and
Money Laundering,
and will be the Anti-Poop who will then go on to deceive the
whole World.
The Anti-Poop will
be "just like"= "will" do like Joe Tkach Sr. did.
There is a twisted "duality" evil farce at play
11.) The Anti-Poop will be with the Man of Sin Obama leader of the UN,
brought back to life/healed from a Deadly Wound. All the World will marvel
at the 2 of them.
12.) All the World will want to take from the
Anti-Pope this June, the Bread and Wine in
the Room / from the
Room that Yeshua originally gave the
Bread and Wine to "HIS" Disciples.
13.) Roman Catholics could "flood" into Jerusalem this June, and take
over the Old City.
14.) Make sure you have your Passport "NOW" today, and apply for Dual
Citizenship in Jordan, so that you can be ready to leave before/in the
spring/summer of 2015. With the USA's budget crisis, staff will be cut in
all the processing departments.
15.) You want to leave in the 1335 days, and not the last second of
the 1290 days. It sometimes takes over 6 months to a year to go through all the
hoops to have Dual Citizenship, so that you are not kicked out of Jordan after 3
months, back into a FEMA camp in the United States.
Visas obtained in Jordanian
consulates are valid for 3-4 months from the date of issue, and can be issued
for multiple entries.
Tourist visas allow a stay
of up to one month initially. However, this period
can easily be extended for up to another two months.
that date you must exit and re-enter the
country, or undergo immigration
If your visa has not been
renewed properly by the time you leave Jordan you will have to pay a fine at the
border. If you plan to stay for more than two weeks in Jordan, you will need to
register at the nearest police station.
16.) FEMA Camps are the same as the Jewish Ghetto of Nazi Germany.
Get out of the USA/Canada/Australia/New Zealand/England etc.. You must get
your papers in order NOW!!! It is the same now as 1936 Germany in the USA.
17.) Make your "Flight in the spring of 2014 or
summer, not in the winter:
Matthew 24:20 = NOT in Winter.