Dynamite Sermon Highlight:
Video Sermon click here> http://youtu.be/Qlgb5Oy3qKg
Passover is "ON" Nisan 14, 19 minutes "before" the start of Nisan 15 because in Exodus 12:8 "night" is a mistranslation.
Ergo: Night is a “mistranslation” of Exodus 12:8 where the real word layil # 3915 (same as H3883) and is properly translated: A "TWIST AWAY" from the light, which is 19 minutes of Twilight before BEFORE "BEFORE" the start of Nisan 15.
And Exodus 12:14 day should instead be translated: The "hot" part of the day, not the cold part. "Day" as in the "warm" hours= Nisan 14 when it is still hot HOT "HOT" at twilight. Day is a mistranslation because it is translated from 3117 which root meaning is HOT= still warm. Day as in the warm hours AT the twilight of Nisan 14, just before the start of Nisan 15, the Day of Unleavened Bread.
Verse :14 is the "end" of the instruction for partaking of the Passover.
This [warm] part of the day refers to Nisan 14, because the root meaning of "day" #3117 is "HOT".
Referring to Nisan 14, your Bible in verse :14 states: “THIS” day shall be a memorial, and you shall keep it [the 14th] throughout your generations. The "14th" is an "EVERLASTING" Ordinance. Little human you cannot change the "EVERLASTING" Ordinance of the 14th to the 15th. Exodus 12:6 states the 14th= “THEN” they SHALL eat it verse :8 a TWIST AWAY from the light= NOT the 15th.
Verse :15 starts the whole "new" topic of the Days of Unleavened Bread, so put a line in your Bible between verse :14 and verse :15 so that you can "see" this fact, because verse :15 is now talking about 7 days of eating Unleavened Bread which is a whole "new" Topic.
You are to "keep the Feast... with sincerity and TRUTH= NOT WITH LIES of the wrong Moadim/Appointed times. Passover is on Nisan 14 and the second Passover is on the 14th of the next month Numbers 9:11= "NOT" the 15th. Wake up and follow your Bible.
In this Sermon there are all kinds of tidbits of VALUABLE INFORMATION too numerous to mention, such as: What the Holy Grail “really” represents.
Hint: The so-called Holy Grail
is not a Cup, nor an object, but a piece of INFORMATION.
but is a Kabbalah set of Higher Magical Teachings.
Utterly Kabbalistic in its origin, the Holy Grail is the Highest Kabbalistic secret, and is that:
Physical Matter
can be transformed, molecule by molecule
by the USE OF incantations of ancient Hebrew letters and numbers.
And that the nature of Reality is really an illusion.
Hint: The Spiritual Dimension “IS” really Reality.
Editor’s Note:
The SUPERnatural is really the NATURAL.
The Obedient Church of God