Come into the safety and protection
The "Obedient" Church of
Video Sermon given by Lawrence A. Nowell
May 12,
20th Day of God's Second Month, 5993
The Obedient Church of God
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Come into the safety and
protection of
The "Obedient" Church of
Subject: Sermon May 12-12
May 12, 2012
Sermon by Lawrence A. Nowell
Sermon Highlights:
Mother gODDESS Day came from the
Babylonian Mystery Religion.
You will be judged by what you "do".
1.) The 2nd "Sun"day in May is the celebration
of the Great Mother gODDESS, the Mother of all the gODS. "You" can't
practice Mother gODDESS Day, Sky fATHER'S Day, and Turkey gOD Day and say
you are following Christ, "because" you are marching in Hitler's/Satan's Parade
(of Days). The evidence is piling up against you.
All have sinned, no one is righteous, no not one.
Not a woman, nor a man.
All have committed evil.
Mother gODDESS Day gives the impression that women do not commit
2.) Facts:
It isn't the Government murdering
the children,
it is the mothers.
Wake up!
2.) 50% of all
marriages end in divorce, with children left without the other parent, because
the mother signs Divorce papers.
3.) 10% of all
children are not fathered by the husband, but by an outsider.
4.) Get your DNA checked
so that you today can know who your father "really" is.
5.) Insurance Companies
can't insure you when they use DNA family profiling, because they don't
know the Medical History of your "real" father. 52:11 on
6.) The Catholic Church
adopted Mother Goddess Day/Mother Church straight from Paganism.
7.) Eve got us into this mess,
because she the mother of mankind, deliberately chose the Tree of good and
Participating in/revering Mother gODDESS
3.) The truth about the Queen Mother/Queen of
England that she is the Satanic Head of the Illumanati (Order of the Garter)
over her son Charles.
(Charles said that he wants to be reincarnated as a
virus, so that he can deplete/kill the World's population of 7 Billion down
to just 500 million. This is the family that you are dealing with: A
mother who is head of the worldwide Illumanati, and her son Charles who
wishes he could kill everyone as a virus. That is how she raised her
4.) The Black Pope will kill the White
5.) The 3rd Mystery Secret of
Fatima: The "actual" words read out from the apparition of the
satanic Holy Mother, a demon masquerading as Christ's mother. The Holy Mother.
The Secret explained to you/for
you. Hint: It involves the NWO, the Black Pope, the Illumanati, "and" the
Mother gODDESS Demon "CONTROLLING" the whole operation. Signs and wonders
6.) The
last appearances of the satanic Holy Mother
apparition were on the 13th of every month, "the same" as Mother's
7.) The Black Pope, Illumanati, Masonic political
leaders Shimone Perez, Benjamin Netanyahu, Barack Obama (all Masons) will set up
the NWO (New World Order) Man of Sin after the Black
Pope kills the White Pope.
They will unite/incorporate in every religion
on earth. Just like the White Pope had Shaman and Occultists and Taoists,
Shintoists, Christians, Jews, Muslims, etc., all as one group in the
Only TO COG (The Obedient Church of God)
understands all of the implications of the above points and the Black
The Mother Church incorporated all of the pagan
days, under the Holy Mother/Mother Church. These days are proven to come from
Babylonian paganism. The true God "smashed" Babylon, but you want to keep
Babylon Mystery Religion alive by your practicing its Pagan Days.
You can't have Mother gODDESS Day, Sky fATHER'S
Day, Turkey gOD Day, and say you are a Christian, because now you are practicing a "running stream" of Pagan Days in your
Wake up. 3 Strikes (Mother
gODDESS Day, Sky fATHERS Day, Turkey gOD day) "ALL"
go back to Pagan antiquity= 3 strikes against you for "your"
practicing/PARTICIPATING in a Nazi like parade of Pagan days = you are out
of God's Kingdom for your disobedience against Deuteronomy 12:32, Galations 1:6;
9, causing a lie Revelations 21:15, practicing a lie Revelations 22:15. And
Jeremiah 7:18 [mothering] cakes for the queen of heaven.
You have 364 other days to honour your mother. Do
not use mother gODDESS day.
Editor's Note:
And after you are dead and gone it will still be
mother gODDESS day, no matter what little you said. How are you going to explain
that to God on Judgment Day, when the Books are opened, judged according to your
works. Revelations 20:12.
You are judged according to what you "do". Not what
you say.
Mother gODDESS Day came from the Babylonian
Mystery Religion.
You will be judged by what you
May 12, 2012/Ziv 20 5993
May 12, 2012
Sermon Highlights:
Highlights of Sermon
Ziv 20 5993
Subject: Sermon May 12-12
April 22, 2012 - Ziv 20,
c Lawrence Nowell
The Obedient Church of God
c Lawrence A
c c
Lawrence A. Nowell