Come into the safety and protection of  TO COG The "Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by Lawrence A. Nowell
May 31, 2014
1st Day of God's Third Month, 5995
The Obedient Church of God

Come into the safety and protection of 
The "Obedient" Church of God
Subject: Sermon May 31-14
Highlight of May 31 2014 Sermon:
May 31, 2014
 Sermon by Lawrence A. Nowell
Sermon Highlights:

Highlights of May 31 2014 Sermon:

May 31 2014 Service


Dynamite Sermon Highlight:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
May 31, 2014
The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
May 31, 2014

The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of May 31, 2014 Sermon:
May 31, 2014
Sermon Highlights
May 31, 2014
Sermon Highlights:
Highlights of Sermon

Sivan 1, 5995 May 31, 2014 Sermon Highlights:
Highlights of Sivan 1, 5995 Sermon:

Sermon Highlights
Subject: Sermon May 31-14

Do not delve into the Satanic Kabbalah's Seipherot Count.

WE are on the Offensive against all "so called" teachings that are NOT in God's Word.

Click here>

Do a Wednesday Night Bible Study using this missing but recovered May 31st Service that Satan did not want you to hear:

The 10 Seipherot Spheres/Orbs with 22 Channels Are The Devils Words= Not God's Words
It is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good "AND" EVIL.
It is NOT the Tree of Life, because it contains "EVIL"!
It was taken out of the Kaballah, which was written by the Devil.

The Kaballah was written by automatic writing, whereby the priest just holds the pen and the pen writes. Similar to past life regression where the person is allegedly taken back into a past life and if she thinks she once was a Concert Pianist in a past life, even though she cannot play a note today, but while under regression, she can automatically play with the virtuosity of a Concert Pianist, "BECAUSE" it is NOT her that is playing but a Demon that is inside of her. The same is true for the automatic writing of a Priest writing the Kaballah and Zohar that the Kaballah was based on. IT IS "ALL" SATANIC. Good mixed with EVIL.

Have no part of things that are not in the Bible. Because you do not know what you are dabbling in!
What you are dabbling in is SATANISM that the Witches and Warlocks practice to "balance" themselves, by NOT using the Word of God!
Use the Bible's fruits of the Spirit in Galations 5:23; "NOT" the Devils Handbook of Seipherot from the Satanic Kaballah!
Use God's tool the Bible, not the Devil's tool the Kaballah!

Have NOTHING to do with the works of Darkness.
Seipherot is used by Kabbalists to restore man to his higher place.
Thereby avoiding the Sacrifice of Jesus.

Ephesians 5:23
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. Ephesians 5:23 King James Version.
May 31, 2014 Missing Sermon

that Satan did not want you to hear.





c Lawrence Nowell
The Obedient Church of God
 c Lawrence A Nowell
c c Lawrence A. Nowell