Dynamite Sermon Highlight:
and your Minister will be thrown into HELL, https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=FuX4HAlDFc4
for willfully moving God's Sabbath to Friday,
1.) "YOU" pay money to your minister agreeing to let him move God's Sabbath Day to Friday.
Deny that you are moving God's Sabbath to Friday in 1/2 the World and that makes you a LIAR breaking God's 9th Commandment.
How World War III will start:
3.) The 100th Anniversary of the 1914 WWI is on this November 11.
4.) WW III was planned in 1876.
5.) List of the 10 Groups of the New World Order's SUPER STATES.
6.) Bonus:
The Bar Code prefix that will tell you if your food is GMO or not.
7.) Characteristics of Joshua that allowed Joshua to enter the Promised Land.
SO THAT: you might have a clue about how to enter the Promised Land.
# 328
November 8 2014
The Obedient Church of God