Video Sermon given by Lawrence A. Nowell
October 16, 2010
Bul/Chesvan 7, 5771
The Obedient Church of God
October 16, 2010
Bul/Chesvan 7, 5771

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1.) If you are hiring Restaurant Workers on Yah's/God's Sabbath day you are a liar if you call yourself a Christian. You are what you "do", not what you say. Go into  Jerusalem on the Sabbath Day and try to open up a Restaurant before sundown. There remains Ex 31:12-18 a Sabbath Covenant, and Heb 10:26 states there is NO sacrifice for sins, if you sin willfully. Unspeakable characters called Ministers, teach others to buy food on the Sabbath Day. Transgressing 1 John 3:4.
We NOW have "NEW" Groups of "Laodiceans": UCG, LCG, TPM, COGTE are "ALL" Laodicean. They all say they are going to buy food on Yah's Holy Sabbath.
The Sabbath was made for man= for mankind to rest on= not to be hiring people to work on Yah's Sabbath.
2.) All the people West of the USA are celebrating Yah's Sabbath on the WRONG DAY!
3.) None of the Church of God will acknowledge God's Date Line at the Euphrates. So their members West of the USA work on Yah's Sabbath.
4.) Bankers and Wall Street are "LEECHES" that do not produce any goods, and only suck your blood, and won't be allowed to exist in the Kingdom.
5.) Way back in 1966 Iron Mountain's 1966 Plan is/was to weaken the USA Economically, so that the USA will be "more" easily be brought into the NWO (New World Order) Beast Power. Original BBC (British Broadcasting Document).
6. ) Scriptures that "prove" Oprah and Obama are "WRONG": There is only 1 way into the Kingdom, and that 1 way is "only" through Yeshua/Christ Jesus. 1 John 5:11-13 = Only he who has Yeshua/Christ has eternal life.
Believe your Bible.
If you do not believe that I am "HE", you "will" DIE. John 8:24. Opra and Obama won't believe their Bible.
Obama gave address at Georgetown University and said: We build our Faith on the "ROCK" on 5 Pillars. "5" Pillars is the Muslim Faith. The Rock is the Christian Faith. Obama "IS" mixing Christianity with Islam, "just" as the Beast Power will do, to deceive the "whole" World. Obama, Deut 4:2 you shall "NOT" "NOT" "NOT" add the words: "on 5 pillars", when you are quoting the Bible/Mat 7:21.
The Good News
is 1 Corinthians 15:1 By this gospel you are saved, "if" you hold firmly to the word I preached to you
by which you are saved which I preached
[not what Oprah or Obama preach!]
Acts 4:12 There is NO "other" name under Heaven by which you can be saved.
They ARE
the enemies of the Cross of Christ. Philippians 3:18
7.) Childrens' representative speaks at the UN and begs the UN to stop the destruction of the earth, but children AND "you" don't know that Yeshua is the only one who will/can stop the destruction of the earth. 
You "MUST" yearn for
to Rule the World.
That IS your/our "ONLY" hope.

c Lawrence Nowell
The Obedient Church of God
 c Lawrence A Nowell
c c Lawrence A. Nowell