Come into the safety and protection of  TO COG The "Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by Lawrence A. Nowell
October 27, 2012
10th Day of God's Eighth Month, 5993
The Obedient Church of God

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Come into the safety and protection of 
The "Obedient" Church of God
Subject: Sermon Oct 27-12
Highlight of October 27 2012 Sermon:
Oct 27, 2012
 Sermon by Lawrence A. Nowell
Sermon Highlights:

Highlights of October 27 2012 Sermon:

October 27th 2012 Service


Dynamite Sermon Highlight:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
October 27, 2012
The Obedient Church of God

Sermon Highlights:

Come into the safety and protection of TO COG The"Obedient" Church of God.
Video Sermon given by
Lawrence A. Nowell
Oct 27, 2012
Chesvan/Bul 10, 5993
The Obedient Church of God

Highlights of October 27, 2012 Sermon:
Oct 27, 2012
Sermon Highlights
Oct 27, 2012
Sermon Highlights:
Highlights of Sermon


Highlights from the October 27, 2012 Sermon:
1.) GCI (Grace Communion International) formerly WCG leadership EXPOSED stating and we quote their own paper:
"The days we meet on for worship don't matter for salvation"... . page 1 paragraph 3.
That is an outright lie because Deuteronomy 10:12 states: "This is what God "requires" of you.
Exodus 31:13 states: "My Sabbaths you shall keep, for it is a SIGN between you and ME throughout your generations"... :17 it is a SIGN... FOREVER.
John 14:15 If you love me you will KEEP My Commandments.
:21 God will manifest Himself in you "if" you keep His Commandments!
:23 We will make our home with him,
Therefore the converse is:
God will "NOT" make His home in you if you do not keep His Sabbath Commandment.
If you follow what GCI states, then according to the Bible:
God will "NOT" make His home with you. WAKE UP and believe your Bible!
2.) The evil foolishness of the CGI/WCG is examined in light of their GCI (Grace Communion International) leadership stating that you can celebrate Halloween if "you" want to.
"Hallo"ween is Ancient Satan Worship
as a Covenant with Death and Hell!
Editor's Note of Re-Discovered Truth:
3.) Only "God's" Name is to be Hallowed. You pray "Hallowed" be "Thy" Name!
Not any man's name, nor any man invented day such as "Hallow" ween. No day can be proclaimed "HALLOWED" by man. That is blasphemy.
Hallowed Evening is "NOT" Hallowed at all.
It is an obscene Satanic Evening.
4.) Proofs from recognized leading sources, that Samhein "is" directly from the Druid and Witches "HIGH" Satanic Festival.
5.) The Catholic festival of "All Saints Day" perpetuated the pagan Samhein of November's eve.
Today in the year 2012 Satanists throughout the World will perform Human Sacrifices on Halloween of adults and children, and also of animals. It is too terrible to even speak about all the things the Satanists, Witches, and Warlocks do on Halloween Night.
6.) The truth of Apple Bobbing revealed.
Hint: It is a Baptism into the waters of the Devil.
Apple Ducking:
The apples represented the "Souls", in the Cauldron of Regeneration (just like the symbolism of your Church Baptism water) with the Lord of the Dead gathering dead souls to regenerate those who had been condemned to inhabit animals for the past year. By Dunking/pushing down the Apples/Souls into the water
7.) Demons "DO" go into/enter animals, the same way that the Demons went into the herd of swine.
8.) The children dress up as wandering spirits in skeleton costumes, children IMITATING THE DEAD, the same way that in past times you tried to fool the Demons by dressing up as a fellow disembodied wandering spirit, so that the real wandering spirits would not recognize and harm you.
9.) You placate the Demons with food. That is the "actual" symbology;
if you are foolish enough to give out candy on Halloween.
10.) The pumpkin represents the "severed head", therefore you have severed heads all around your neighbourhood on all the porches, the same way as "real" severed heads were placed on porches.
11.) Halloween/Hallowed evening is TOTALLY Satanic, and you must not have anything to do with the acts of Darkness. Acts 19:19; Ephesians 5:11.
12.) Lists of Scriptures are given proving you are "NOT" to have anything to do with Halloween.
By participating in a "Hallow" Evening, you are WORSHIPPING SATAN, whether you say so or not.
You will be ever learning and never coming to a knowledge of the Truth.
1 Corinthians 10:21 You cannot eat the Halloween treats of the Devil and later have Yah's Bread and Wine.
You cannot be partakers of the Table of Devils and the Lord's Table.
That is how "Serious" this is.
And you cannot have a Church get together on Hitler's birthday
and say it is harmless fun.
You are marching in Satan's parade of Satanic Days if you have a party of "any" kind on Halloween night.
The Scots assembled marriage minded people for divination games on this evil night.
I Repeat: Do NOT give out treats on Halloween
you are part of the Table of the Devil.
That is how serious this "IS"!!
Wake up you sleepers, and give your head a shake, or PERISH in Hell.
Sermon Highlights
Subject: Sermon Oct 27-12

Oct 27, 2012 - 


c Lawrence Nowell
The Obedient Church of God
 c Lawrence A Nowell
c c Lawrence A. Nowell