Tishri 10, 5994 September 17, 2013 Sermon Highlights:
Highlights of Tishri 10,
5994 Sermon:
Sermon Highlights
Subject: Sermon September 17-13
Day of AtOneMent Service
Tishri 10, 5775 -September 17,
301 Level (For Netsari only):
You FAST not because you have to, but because you "WANT" to.
Because you don't even feel like
eating when you remember the "GREAT SACRIFICE" Yah gave of Himself, that
Yah (Yahveh) made for you.
And now on His Day of AtOneMent you show Him that nothing else
matters to you but HIM and His Kingdom, and
you don't even feel like
eating "because" it is such a great moment in time: For you to
be accepted in the God Family "officially" on the Day of
It is like being in your 1st Love, where
you just want to spend time "ALL" your time, with your beloved
Yah today, and the last thing you want to do is waste that
time eating for yourself.
He gave His life for you so that you could be in "HIS" family.
You are not concerned about your physical needs on this day, because
you are totally enraptured with the
significance of this day, and
eating food means nothing to you
is just a waste of your time and
energy to eat.
You are totally enthralled by the
significance of this DAY OF AT-ONE-MENT.
Your "whole" day is devoted to Yah and Father, and eating is
the last thing you want to bother with, because
you are totally enamored with the
significance of THIS the Day of "being" At ONE with God. You want to spend your whole Day being with "HIM", just like a 1st
Love, you spend ALL your time with Him today because He is so precious to
you. Eating is the last thing on your mind! Prayer, Bible Study and MEDITATION with Yah is all that matters today!! Walking
with Him in Meditation "ALL" day is all that matters to you, and you don't even
feel like eating, nor do you want to, because you are IN LOVE with butterflies
in you stomach. Afraid to say the wrong thing to your beloved Yah. Totally
invigorated Spiritually today, as
you are "now" ONE of the God Family. Totally
enlightened and at peace Meditating
and talking with your beloved Yah all day today.