Dynamite Sermon Highlight:
Subject: Link for: The Beast is "ALREADY" all AROUND you, but no Ministers know what is going on by October 20.
Click here for link to Video> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ltZBjh71p7A
Subject: The Beast is "ALREADY" all AROUND you, but no Ministers know what is going on by October 20.
No ministers know what is going on by October 20.
The more integrated the world becomes= the sooner we will see nightmarish Global tyranny.
1.) The World Is Run By Satanist Maniacs who Will have to be slain by God In The End.
Bergoglio is a 2 Horned Beast because he controls both the Spiritual "AND" Political affairs of this World.
2.) Bel was Satan's previous Name.
Some of Satan’s worst people also have “Bel” in their name, such as Jezebel, Belzebub, Belial, BAALpeor, BAALim, BAALberith, BELshazzar, BAALhanah, BAALberith, and “ReBEL”,
the children of Belial saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which ye have not known; – Deu 13:13,
sons of Belial; they knew not the LORD. – 1 Sa 2:12
And thus said Shimei when he cursed, Come out, come out, thou bloody man, and thou man of Belial: – 2 Sa 16:7
And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believes with an infidel? – 2 Corinthians 6:15
The name “Belial” in Hebrew:
snip: Good leaders in the Bible are named after El, including DaniEL, SamuEL, MishaEL, NathanaEL, IsraEL, AbEL, GabriEL, ELisha, ELijah, ELeazar, ELisabeth, EzikiEL, etc..
3.) Therefore Satan's previous name ended in "EL" which meant "IN GOD", for at the beginning when he was created “good” he was: “IN” God.
snip: Some actually teach that “Lucifer” was the name of Satan before he fell, but that’s impossible. First of all, “Lucifer” is a Latin name which was chosen by Jerome, the Catholic author of the Latin Vulgate Bible, long after Satan’s fall into sin, and that name is only used once in the entire Bible. Ironically, Jerome had a friend named “Lucifer”. Secondly, the name “Lucifer” isn’t even appropriate for Satan as I have carefully shown in the article at this link.
4.) The Archangels names all ended in El. Michael, Gabriel, Raphiel. Satan (Bel) was an Archangel also. If the name does not end in "EL", then they are NOT an Archangel. Metatron is “not” an Archangel.
5.) List of the names of the Archangels.
Video # 384
Sept 19, 2015
The “Obedient” Church of God