The Good Die Young
1.) Explanation of "why" the good in the World die young.
Yah/Yahveh/God "spares" people who are "kind" people, from the coming Tribulation.2.) 301 level: What will happen to "YOU" and "WHEN":
3.) You "CAN'T get in through the Back Door in the last 10 days of Awe!!!
It is a "LIE" that you have 10 days of Teshuba to repent in from Trumpets to Atonement.
You "can't" develop the character in 10 days.
You "meet" Christ/Yah IN THE AIR on TRUMPETS.
That is 10 days "BEFORE" Atonement.
Therefore the "called" are "JUDGED" "BEFORE" the 10 days of Awe/Atonement. "Period".
Wake up!
"NO" repenting during the 10 days, because you are already
JUDGED and raised "on" Trumpets,
"BEFORE" ATONEMENT. Period. Stop listening to Jewish Fables.
4.) We, TO COG have
"MORE" Truth than Armstrong.5.) The list of the Truths/ "FACTS" prove it.
We "TO COG" have over "20" Restored Truths, Armstrong only had 18. FACT.
Believe your EYES, not ministers'/sinisters lies.
Humbly, we "ARE"
God is using TO COG to perform "HIS" Romans 9:28 Work.
(unless you do "not" want to believe your "eyes").
TO COG is the Romans 9:28 Work, before your "EYES".
Write down "all" the 20+ Restored Truths listed in this Sermon,
then follow TO COG, into Yah's Kingdom,
in "your" unbelief of the TRUTH, following sinisters' continuing 1972 lies.