Canada has taken ANOTHER STEP to pave the road to

"cut off your head".


Revelations 20:4 :
1.) … them that had been beheaded for the witness of Jesus and

2.) for the Word of God, and

3.) who had not worshiped the beast, nor his image, nor had received his mark upon their foreheads or on their hands; …


Canada Launches UN Declaration Targeting Online 'Disinformation'

Submitted by Dave Hodges on Thursday, October 19, 2023 - 23:39.


Ms. Joly [REPRESENTING CANADA] launched the Global Declaration on Information Integrity Online jointly with Dutch Foreign Affairs Minister Hanke Bruins Slot during the U.N. General Assembly in New York on Sept. 20.

"Information integrity is essential to help ensure the strength of democratic processes and to protect fundamental rights," says a joint statement by Canada and the Netherlands.

"The erosion of information integrity, including the propagation of disinformation, weakens the strength of democratic engagement."

In a speech on Sept. 20, Ms. Joly said the declaration is a "concrete step toward establishing global norms on disinformation, misinformation, and information integrity," the National Post reported.

Speaking to the U.N. on the same day, Ms. Bruins Slot said the emerging online environment makes it difficult to determine what is and what is not truthful.

Canada now has, taken ANOTHER STEP, to pave the road to: "cut off your head".