Subject: Here is the DATA and NOW you COG ministers do NOT have an excuse not to tell your flock that you are to protect NOT NOT NOT to take the jab nor the swab Go to and just TYPE 1 word hydrogel if these don't open for you.
YOU COG ministers REFUSE to tell your (God’s) sheep in your care NOT to take the jab nor swab,
and you COG ministers whine and procrastinate by saying “you” need more data.
But YOU don’t have data because YOU are too lazy to do the research from the alternative uncensored sites.
So since you refuse and neglect to SEE actual unscrubbed uncensored data,
HERE IT IS, so that now you COG ministers are without excuse:
Just click here>
And start to SEE SEE SEE the proof that the jab is a kill shot, and that the swabs are “also” kill shots.