The Power of
Faith and Prayer
Why have so many
Christians lost their power, or never had any?
do so few Christian ministers show any evidence of dynamic
spiritual power?
In an age preoccupied with physical power,
nuclear power, and destructive power -- why is there so
William F.
It has been said that in the hands of men, "Power corrupts; and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Sadly, this ancient axiom is all too true. Why is this so? The prophet Jeremiah gave us a clear insight into the answer: "The heart is deceitful above all things," he wrote, "and desperately wicked: who can know it?" (Jer.17:9).
The apostle Paul also showed a prime
reason why there is so little spiritual, godly POWER on earth today. He wrote, "Because the carnal mind is
ENMITY AGAINST GOD: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can
be" (Rom.8:7).
Mankind's wicked heart and carnal
mind -- these two things separate us from contact with God, and therefore also
separate mankind from the ability to USE the awesome power of God for healing,
for miracles, for incredible answers to fervent prayer!
Yet, despite this fundamental
reality, Jesus Christ prophesied, when instructing His disciples, "Verily,
verily (or, most assuredly), I say unto you, He that BELIEVETH ON ME, the works
that I do (including performing miracles, and great healings!) SHALL HE DO
because I go unto my Father. And
whatsoever ye shall ask IN MY NAME (there is awesome POWER in the name of Jesus
Christ, when used rightly), that will I DO, that the Father may be glorified in
the Son" (John
Jesus went on, "If ye shall ask
ANYTHING in my name, I will DO IT!" (verse 14).
In the tumultuous days of the early
Church, the power of God was evident in the lives of the apostles. "And by the hands of the apostles were
many SIGNS AND WONDERS WROUGHT among the people . . . Insomuch that they brought
forth the sick into the streets, and laid them on beds and couches, that at the
least the SHADOW OF PETER passing by might overshadow some of them.
"There came also a multitude
out of the cities round about unto
There was awesome spiritual POWER
present in the early
There is a CAUSE for every EFFECT!
the early apostles, we read, "And with GREAT POWER gave the apostles
witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and GREAT GRACE was upon them
all" (Acts
today the
reason the Worldwide Church of God, and Church of God International, and other
Churches, are lacking in the POWER of God is revealed in Revelation, chapter 3,
where God describes the "end-time" Church of God, the Church which
would exist just prior to the Second Coming of Christ, and which would include
the VAST, OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of Christians in the "last days."
what Jesus said:
unto the angel of the Church of the Laodiceans write: These things saith the
Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; I
KNOW THY WORKS, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or
and neither cold nor hot, I WILL SPUE THEE OUT OF MY
MOUTH" (Rev.3:14-16).
Notice! How can a Church which is predominantly
LUKEWARM expect to exert or manifest any spiritual POWER? How can a Church which is in dire danger of
being EJECTED like spit from the mouth of Christ possess any spiritual POWER
WITH GOD? Impossible!
can a Church which rejects new truth, and compromises and waters down old
truth, and begins to consort and fornicate spiritually with the WORLD, by
embracing the world's "solutions" to problems, including "life
insurance" instead of FAITH IN GOD, and all the "Procedures of
medical science," so-called, instead of the HEALING POWER OF ALMIGHTY GOD
such a Church, and its membership, are polluted and besmirched with sin,
lawlessness, and perversion of truth and blighted with spiritual and physical
disease. Rather than drawing near to God
in all humility and fear, and receiving of His all-powerful Holy Spirit, they
being FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT (Eph.5:18), they are GRIEVING the Spirit of God (Eph.4:30).
Rather than putting "on" Jesus Christ, as a garment, they are putting
Him off, shoving Him away from their lives (Rom.13:14). Instead of the Spirit
of God bubbling up in their hearts, like a fountain of fresh water, they are
drying up spiritually, like a parched, seared, scorched desert. Rather than STIRRING UP the flame of God's
Spirit (II Tim.1:6-7), they are in the process of QUENCHING the Spirit of God
(II Thess.5:19).
of burning brightly with the oil of God's Spirit, they are sputtering and
flickering and in danger of their light going OUT (Matt.25:8).
says of such compromise artists, who are NOT filled with the ZEAL of the Lord
of Hosts (Psa.69:9), like Jesus Christ Himself, "Because THOU SAYEST (they
have a big mouth, and are proud spiritually), 'I am rich, and increased with
goods, and have need of NOTHING' (they are spiritually self-sufficient in their
own eyes); and KNOWEST NOT that thou art WRETCHED, and MISERABLE, and POOR, and
BLIND, and NAKED" (Rev.3:17).
over a year and a half, now, I have been crying out to the leaders, and members
of the Worldwide Church of God, and others, to REPENT! To change their ways, to
SHAPE UP, to flee from their sins, and to RETURN TO ALMIGHTY GOD, our Loving
Heavenly Father -- but they have refused to listen. They have instead cursed me, called me a
false prophet, and cast me out of their fellowship! But since they are no longer fellowshipping
with God, I don't miss their fellowship at all.
But I long for them to repent, and change their ways, before it is too
says to them, "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: BE ZEALOUS
THEREFORE, and REPENT!" (Pev.3:19).
YOU repent? Will YOU draw near to God,
and forsake every evil path?
YOU turn to God with renewed ZEAL, literally "on fire" for God and
His Truth, unwilling to compromise with it in even the slightest iota of a
prayers of thousands in the
Jesus Himself said, the prayers of the Pharisees, for all their show, are
meaningless and irrelevant -- exercises in futility -- displays of pure
folly. Notice',
he spake this parable unto certain which TRUSTED IN THEMSELVES that they were
righteous, and despised others" (Luke 18:9). This is the common attitude of a Pharisaical
minister, or Church member!
men went up unto the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus
(notice! He didn't even get down on his
knees; obviously he didn't spend very much time humbling himself before the
Throne of God) WITH HIMSELF (he wasn't really speaking to God, but to
himself'. This so-called prayer was a .. monologue" which was a one-way conversation with
himself, even though he may have THOUGHT, in his own mind, that God would
surely be listening to such a devout, holy one as "he"), 'God, I
thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers,
or even as this publican. I fast twice
in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess.'
the publican, standing afar off (with a humble attitude, self-effacing, not
presumptuous at all), would not lift so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote
upon his breast, saying, 'God be merciful to me a
tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for
every one that exalteth himself shall be ABASED; and
he that HUMBLETH himself shall be exalted" (Luke
does Jesus Christ say, first, to these end-time Christians who have lost their
first love, their earnest zeal, and much spiritual truth?
tells them to BE ZEALOUS, and to REPENT!
These two prerequisites are the key elements that we all need in order
to recapture the POWER of God's Holy Spirit which was poured out upon the New
Testament Church of God, and the apostles of olden times!
have our prayers answered, WITH POWER, with dynamic and direct intervention of
Almighty God, we must rekindle the Spirit of God and become renewed in
two things. The apostle James wrote,
"The effectual FERVENT prayer of a righteous man availeth MUCH"
(Jas.5:16). It has a "POWERFUL EFFECT," according to the Good News
Bible. The Living Bible says, "The
EARNEST prayer of a righteous man has GREAT POWER AND WONDERFUL RESULTS."
Phillips Translation says, "TREMENDOUS POWER IS MADE AVAILABLE through a
good man's earnest prayer."
Moffatt translated, "The prayers of the righteous have a POWERFUL
EFFECT." Says the Amplified Bible, "The earnest
(heart-felt, continued) prayer of a righteous man MAKES TREMENDOUS POWER
goes on to cite the example of the prophet Elijah -- a praying man, who spent
much time communing with God in prayer.
James wrote, "Elijah was a man subject to like passions as we are
(he was human, and had weaknesses just as we do), and HE PRAYED EARNESTLY that
it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years
and six months. And he prayed again, and
the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit"
much zeal do you have in your prayers?
Do you raise your arms and hands toward heaven, sometimes, and your arms
tremble and shake with the intensity and exertion of your emotion and prayer?
Christ was filled with the ZEAL of God, and His Spirit. This is one reason He could do the amazing
miracles which documented His Messiahship!
Prophesying of Christ, David wrote, "FOR THE ZEAL OF THINE HOUSE
HATH EATEN ME UP (CONSUMED ME); and the reproaches of them that reproached thee
are fallen upon me" (Psalm 69:9).
if you begin to manifest ZEAL for God, as Jesus did, then men and ministers
will begin to reproach you, too. They
cannot stand a white-hot, fervent servant of God. "Take it easy," they will tell you;
"Calm down. Go with the flow. Don't get all upset because the Church won't
admit error when you show it to them.
Just forget it. Leave it to
God. Let Him correct them. It's none of your business." And so they
remain in their rut, their nose to the dirt, and cannot see the forest for the
trees. Truly, as Jesus said, they are
BLIND spiritually!
reason there is such a lack of powerfully answered prayers, today, is the
tremendous lack of real spiritual ZEAL!
That is why God commands us, through the apostle Paul, "That is why
BURNING -- the (gracious) gift of God, (the inner fire) that is in you"
(II Tim.1:6, Amplified Bible).
notice the example of fervent zeal of Phinehas, the grandson of Aaron. When Phinehas saw an Israelite leader take a
Moabitish woman into his tent, a woman who worshipped Baal-peor, thus sinning
against the Lord, he went into the tent after them and thrust them both through
with the sword. When he did that, God
stopped the plague which had been smiting
Phinehas did this, God spoke to Moses, saying, "Phinehas, the son of
Eleazar, the son of Aaron, hath turned my wrath away from the children of
the original Hebrew, the phrase in verse 11 literally says that Phinehas was
"ZEALOUS WITH MY ZEAL." That is, he had the very zeal of God!
we desire to be pleasing in God's sight, and to serve Him, and to have our
prayers answered mightily, and POWERFULLY, then we, too, must put on -- as a
cloak or garment -- the very ZEAL OF ALMIGHTY GOD! We need to BURN with white-hot fervor for God
and sizzle with fervor for His divine Truth!
you zealous for the TRUTH of God?
to have our prayers answered, with powerful divine intervention, and amazing
results, we must be righteous in God's sight that is, we must be walking in His
commandments and laws and we must also be filled with divine ZEAL. This dynamic zeal is a product of the Spirit
of God within us, energizing us, and giving us POWER! To have more of God's
Spirit within us, we must spend much time with Him in prayer, and Bible study.
Jesus Himself sometimes
spent all night in prayer to God (Luke
Men and Women Lack Faith
primary reason people even in the
real, solid, substantial, rock-hard and unwavering
faith in God is simple: Despite appearances, they are not close to God. They don't spend nearly enough time with Him
in prayer and Bible study, even praying over the Scriptures while on their
knees before God's Throne.
ago, in the late 1950's, Lesson Four of the Ambassador Bible Correspondence
Course taught students how to study and understand the Bible. It was excellent. But the key thing I remember from the lesson
was the instruction and exhortation that to really understand God's Word, we
should spend ONE HOUR EACH DAY in prayer, one hour a day in Bible study, and
one hour a day in meditation upon the Word of God.
struck me mightily as a teenagers and I began to strive to do it. I found it easy during those high school years
to spend an hour a day studying the Bible; sometimes I spent the entire Sabbath
reading the Bible, and one Sabbath I read the entire book of Psalms (150
chapters), Proverbs (31), Ecclesiastes (12), and Song of Solomon (8). But, although from time to time I did pray an
hour or more at a time, I found this habit difficult to develop. And when I went to
the other hand, of course, if you are close to God, sometimes even a short
prayer of ten seconds can achieve great results. When Jesus' friend Lazarus was dead and
buried in the tomb, Jesus lifted up His eyes and prayed, "Father, I thank
thee that thou hast heard me. And I knew
that thou hearest me always: but because of the people I said it, that they may
believe that thou hast sent me" (John
after having said this short, ten-second prayer, Jesus
cried aloud, "LAZARUS, COME FORTH!" (verse
43) -- and the dead man arose from his grave, stood
up, and walked out of his tomb (a cave), bound hand and foot with graveclothes!
about POWER with God! Talk about
effectual, effective PRAYER! CHRIST HAD
why, then, do people today -- including the vast, overwhelming majority of
ministers, including those in the Worldwide Church of God -- lack this kind of
prayer power, this kind of contact with GOD?
have already discussed the problem of disobedience. Many are disobeying God's commands, and don't
even know it. But their disobedience
cuts them off from God, as Isaiah wrote (Isa.59:1-2). God declares, "He
that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his PRAYER shall be
ABOMINATION" (Prov.28:9). Those who forsake the laws of God, and turn away
from faith in God, and pervert the truth of God, even their prayers are utter
abomination and filth in the sight of God.
Consider this, you who insist on observing Pentecost on the wrong day,
who replace true faith in God with human "insurance," who do away with
the Sabbatical year land rest commandment, who look to medical
"science" and human surgeons for "healing" instead of the
Divine Healer Himself!
cannot truly have faith God will answer prayers if he is living in disobedience
to the laws of God! The apostle John
wrote plainly: "And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, BECAUSE
WE KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS, and do those things that are pleasing
in his sight" (I John
used to wonder why there was not more spiritual POWER in the Worldwide Church
of God. Then, in the 1960's, I began to
discern that many things were not done according to the Word of God, and that
human "politicking" was commonly practiced as a way to "get
ahead" and to be "ordained" to the ministry. God's Word was already being shoved
aside. In the 1970's I perceived the
situation had gotten much worse -- indeed, something very serious was
"rotten in
was about that time that I ceased working for the Church in the publications
field, and began Triumph Publishing Company, publishing exciting books which
relate the message and truth of God!
had often wondered why, when Richard David Armstrong died in 1958, due to
massive injuries sustained in a violent automobile accident, and Herbert
Armstrong prayed fervently that God would raise him from the dead, why his
prayer was not answered. But when I
learned of the many sins which had been covered up and hidden, during the
1950's and 1960's, I no longer wondered why many prayers were not
answered. The answer seemed all too
separates from God! God cannot use
somebody who is filled with sin and wickedness, who PRACTICES SIN, in his
life! As the apostle John wrote,
"Whosoever is born (or, begotten) of God doth not commit (practice) sin:
for his seed remaineth in him: and he CANNOT (PRACTICE) sin, because he is born
(begotten) of God" (I John 3:9).
Those who commit sin, transgress the law of God, for sin IS, by
definition, the transgression of God's law (I John 3:4). But if we abide in Christ, then we do not
practice SIN (verse 6). Those who say
they abide in Christ, that is, are Christians (even ministers!), but who
practice SIN, have not really seen Christ, neither known Him (I John 3:6).
fact, John said, one who says he knows God -including ministers! -- but who "keepeth not his commandments, IS A LIAR, and
the truth is not in him" (I John 2:4).
is time we took a new look at what God said in Isaiah. We read: "Behold, the Lord's hand is not
shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear deaf, that it cannot hear: But
YOUR INIQUITIES have separated between you and your God, and YOUR SINS have hid
his face from you, that he WILL NOT hear" (Isa.59:1-2).
we desire to pray with power, and to have our prayers answered, then regardless
of our station in life, we must ROOT OUT SIN, uproot it, and cast it out of our
lives! Isaiah wrote, again, "Depart
ye, depart ye, go ye out from thence, touch no unclean thing; go ye out of the
52: 11).
one is "clean," spiritually, and not hiding sin in his life; unless
one is truly striving to obey God, and not compromising with sin; unless one is
keeping God's commandments, and NOT LIVING IN ADULTERY -- his prayers are
useless, futile, and vain -- an outright unclean thing in themselves -- an abomination!
even if we obey God, and if we pray fervently, and perseveringly, continuously,
that is still not enough to have power with God, and to have prayers
answered. Even if we wrestle with God,
tenaciously, in prayer, as Jacob wrestled with the One who became Christ all
night (Gen.32:26-28), there is still one thing needed before God will hear us.
apostle Paul put it this way: "But without FAITH it is impossible to
please him: for he that cometh to God must BELIEVE that he is, and that he is a
rewarder of them that diligently seek him" (Heb.11:6).
you say, in your heart of hearts, when you pray to God, "I BELIEVE!" "I REALLY BELIEVE!" "YES, FATHER, I B-E-L-I-E-V-E!!!"
a man brought his son to the disciples for healing, they could not cast the
demon out. Then the man implored Jesus
Himself, "IF thou canst do any thing, have compassion on us, and help us"
rebuked the man's lack of faith, answering, "(You say to Me), If You can do anything?
(Why,) all things can be -- are possible -- to him who believes!" (verse 23, Amplified Bible).
Moffatt translates this, "Jesus said to him, "'If you
can"! Anything can be done for one
who believes."' The Phillips translation has it, "'If you can do
anything!' retorted Jesus.
'Everything is possible to the man who believes.'
continue with the Phillips version.
do believe,' the boy's father burst out.
'Help me to believe MORE!'"
then proceeded to heal the boy.
"The spirit gave a loud scream and after a dreadful convulsion left
him. The boy lay there like a corpse, so
that most of the bystanders said, 'He is dead.'
Jesus grasped his hands and lifted him up, and then he stood on his own
feet" (Mark
another place, Jesus asked two blind men, who cried out to Him to have mercy on
them, "Believe ye that I am able to do
this?" When they answered, "Yea, Lord," He responded by touching
their eyes, and said, "According to your faith be it unto you"
(Matt.9:29). And their eyes were opened!
much faith do YOU have?
a centurion came to Jesus to heal his servant, Jesus replied, "I will come
and heal him." But the centurion
said that wasn't necessary, and said, "Lord, I am not worthy that thou
shouldest come under my roof: but speak the word only, and my servant shall be
healed" (Matt.8:5-9).
replied, speaking to all the audience which had gathered, "Verily I say
unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in
I ask -- how much faith do YOU have?
fact is, it does not require very much. Great miracles can be accomplished with just
a "smidgen" of faith -- just an "ounce" of faith will go a
long way. In fact the power of faith is
far greater than Einstein's famous formula where E = mc squared. There is far more POWER in an ounce of
"faith" than in an atomic bomb or hydrogen bomb!
later said to His disciples, who asked Him why they could not cast out the
demon from the man's son, "Because of your UNBELIEF: for verily I say unto
you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed (a very tiny seed, almost
microscopic), ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place;
and it shall remove; and NOTHING SHALL BE IMPOSSIBLE TO YOU" (Matt.17:20).
to move mountains! How much faith is
required to do that? Jesus answered,
just faith the size of a tiny seed of mustard!
That isn't very much, is it?
another place, where Jesus cursed a barren, unfruitful fig tree, and a day
later the disciples saw it all withered up from the roots, they marveled. Jesus told them, "Verily I say unto you,
If ye have faith, and doubt not,
ye shall not only do this which is done to the fig tree, but also if ye shall
say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; it shall
be done. And all things, whatsoever ye
shall ask in prayer, BELIEVING, YE SHALL RECEIVE" (Matt.21:21-22).
records this incident also, and quotes the words of Jesus as follows: "Have
faith in God. For verily I
say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and
be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, BUT
SHALL BELIEVE that those things which he saith shall come to pass;
I say unto you, What things soever Ye desire,
when ye pray, BELIEVE THAT YE RECEIVE THEM, and ye shall have
them!" (Mark 11:22-24).
another example of the power of a little faith, the disciples came to Jesus and
asked Him, "Lord, Increase our faith." They, like many of us, desired
more faith than they had. Many times,
remember, Jesus had rebuked them for their "little faith" (Matt.6:30;
replied to them, "If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say
unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in
the sea; and it should obey you" (Luke 17:16).
Peter had tried to walk on the water, imitating Christ, and began to sink,
Jesus grabbed him by the hand to rescue him, saying, "O thou of little
faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?" (Matt.14:31).
we begin to doubt because, like Peter, we are too close to the problem and too
far away from God. Unless we are walking
with God, and talking with God often, and studying His Word deeply and
prayerfully, unless we are filled with the Word of God, we honestly don't know
how to exercise faith in a given situation, and often become desperate, like
the man with the demon-possessed son. So
we pray the prayer of desperation -- crying out to God for mercy, and He hears
us, because God is a merciful, compassionate God. He does not want us to suffer, or die, and
does not try us beyond our means (I Cor.10:13).
have heard of many prayers of "desperation" which were prayed in
utter sincerity and were heart-felt, and even if faith were lacking, God
remembers that we are weak and are made of dust, and he often overlooks our
weakness and lack of faith, because of the urgency of the situation. He still rescues us, and heals us, and
delivers us from death, even as He did Peter.
summary, then, the power of our faith is up to us. We determine our faith, and the answers to
our prayers. Unless we begin to exercise
faith, by using it often, it will remain weak and impotent.
said, "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall
find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you" (Luke 11:9).
begin by asking,
Are you ready to begin?