Pre-Existence of Christ
or Superstition?
Did Jesus
Christ exist as a member of the divine Godhead
before His
human birth? Or is this teaching mere
superstition? What is the truth? In recent times a
new theology has gained ground which says
that Jesus
Christ had no existence prior to conception in the
womb of Mary
His mother. Some claim the New Testa-
ment documents
are often unreliable and untrustworthy --
especially the
gospel of John. Its time you knew what
going on
"behind the scenes" in modern theological circles
-- and the
modern assault on the Bible and the divinity of
Christ -- and
the architect behind this furious attack!
William F. Dankenbring
Recently, a friend sent me an article written by Anthony
Buzzard entitled, "The Preexistence of Christ -- Truth Or Tradition?"
published by the extremely liberal Foundation For Biblical Research, as well as
another article along similar lines. In his letter he remarked, "I hope
you'll have time to read and consider
them before you write your article refuting them. Some points shouldn't be ignored!"
I suppose I could humanly take offense at that remark;
apparently he thinks I might just dash off a quick response which will leave
many questions unanswered and leave him feeling empty or uncertain.
Frankly, I must admit I am somewhat "tired" of
hearing about Anthony Buzzard's new heresy (which I suppose isn't really
new). I read his booklet entitled
"Who Is Jesus?" and his dissertation a year ago, and wrote an article
entitled "Who Was Jesus Before His Human Birth?" in response to it.
The Abuse of Scripture
When the devil came to Christ with specious interpretations
of Scripture, Jesus didn't have someone else to appeal to to answer his
arguments. He Himself used Scripture
(Matt.4:1-10; Luke 4:1-13). He knew
God's Word well enough to defeat the devil; and He set us an example for doing
battle with the adversary and all his henchmen, including the likes of Anthony
I know Buzzard from Ambassador College days. We entered as freshmen the same year
(1959). He was the son of a British
admiral, and consequently Herbert Armstrong appointed him freshman class
president. I had no office, but I knew
my Bible better than anyone else in the class (scoring 99% on the first Bible
test in freshman Bible to the disbelief of Roderick Meredith the teacher). At any rate, Anthony had adustment problems,
and eventually left college, let his hair grow long, left the Church, had a
nervous breakdown (he was apparently under much pressure to "succeed"
at college besides persecution from his family for his affililation with the
"American" Church). Eventually
he rejoined the Church, then left again; now he teaches at a Bible college and
has a masters degree, for which he wrote his thesis denying the pre-existence
of Christ. Interestingly, while still at
Ambassador, he dated the woman who was to become my wife. On one of their dates he remarked to her,
"You really know God, don't you?"
Obviously he did not.
Charles Hunting, former evangelist, and a distinctly
NON-scholarly type, has joined with Buzzard in this belief. Jim Tabor, professor at North Carolina
University in Charlotte, who himself once came to Ambassador after attending a
Bible college in the midwest, and who briefly taught Hebrew at Ambassador (he
was my Hebrew teacher one semester), has also adopted a similar view. His story is also unique; after being let go
from Ambassador, he later joined the faculty at Notre Dame, then William and
Mary, and last year University of North Carolina. During this sojourn he lost his faith in God
and Christianity, and became a secularist and agnostic, as he himself relates,
but apparently recaptured his faith in God through the study of Judaism and the
Old Testament Scriptures. Now he
believes only the "Old Testament" is inspired Scripture, as such, and
the New Testament is not. Particularly,
he would throw out or relegate to "second place," whatever that
means, the gospel of John and his epistles.
This, of course, makes it easier for him to deny the pre-existence of
Christ, as John's gospel is the key element in explaining the purpose and plan
behind God's sending the Messiah, and how it all came about.
Attack on the New Testament
Tabor writes in "Restoring Abrahamic Faith," a
recent publication of his, "In other words, the New Testament, as it has
comes (sic) to us, in multiple manuscripts, Greek translation, with
interpolations and editorial expansions, is a mixture of 'wheat and tares' as
he himself predicted" (p.45). Did
Jesus really predict that His Word would become a mixture of "wheat and
tares"? Nonsense (John 10:35;
17:17). Jesus said, "Heaven and
earth will pass away, but MY WORDS WILL NEVER PASS AWAY"
Tabor claims the New Testament is not Scripture. But the apostle Peter said it was! He wrote, specifically about Paul's writings,
"Paul also wrote you with the wisdom GOD gave him. He writes the same way
in ALL his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters
contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and
UNSTABLE people distort, AS THEY DO THE OTHER SCRIPTURES, to their own destruction" (II
Tabor, probably well-meaning and sincere, nevertheless
claims much of the New Testament is uninspired and seems to think it is the
responbility of people -- scholars, and so forth -- to sit down and determine
how to choose between the correct sayings of Jesus and the incorrect,
uninspired passages. Nevertheless, he
claims only the Old Testament is "Scripture" as such.
Doesn't that same strange?
Consider! Only the New Testament
witnesses to the life and sayings of the Messiah Himself! It interprets the OLD TESTAMENT. It brings us the NEW COVENANT to replace the
Old Covenant. How could it be less than
inspired Scripture?
Are books dealing with the "first Moses" more
important, and Scripture, but books dealing with the "second Moses,"
the Messiah, LESS IMPORTANT, and NOT
"Scripture"? Apparently it
offends Tabor that most of the New Testament was written originally in GREEK,
not Hebrew! But why should this make any
difference? Greek was the "lingua
franca" of that time -- the common spoken language throughout the
Mediterranean world. God PRESERVED the
New Testament through the Greek Orthodox Church which copied manuscripts
faithfully through the centuries. Tabor
is wrong to conclude we have no reliable New Testament documents, and must
resurrect what we can out of the Vaticanus, Sinaiticus, and from fragments of
old parchments lost in desert caves!
What a low opinion he must have of God's ability to PRESERVE AND PROTECT
His own "witness" to the Messiah!
Tabor seems to like the synoptic gospels -- Matthew, Mark
and Luke. He writes, "These show
every evidence of authenticity, particularly those from Luke, or from what
scholars call the Q source (contained now in Matthew and Luke). But there are other statements in the
Gospels, particularly in the Gospel of John, which seem to contradict Torah
faith [or his interpretation of it!].
What are we to make of this? MY
APPROACH [is there any vanity here?] is to go with the clear,
central, multiple-attested
tradition of the Synoptic Gospels. John,
who reflects more of his own style (compare 1,2,3 John), and a HELLENIZING,
QUASI-GNOSTIC THEOLOGIZING, is always secondary."
Isn't that interesting?
Tabor, like Buzzard, rejects the divinity and pre-existence of
Christ. It helps his case to just do
away with the entire Gospel of John and relegate it to "Hellenizing
[pagan], quasi-Gnostic" influences which, of course, are dubious,
suspicious, untrustworthy, and not to be considered inspired Scripture! I have always felt (I read the New Testament
through many times before reading the Old Testament as a teenager), personally,
that the key to understanding the New Testament is to look at Matthew, Mark and
Luke as virtual "newspaper reporters" of their day, who were simply
trying to give the "facts, just the facts," about the actions, deeds,
and words of Christ -- like a fascinating biography, from birth to death,
essentially chronological and written simply as factual reporting. The gospel of John, however, goes far beyond
such "reporting." It gives us
penetrating depth and analysis missing in the other gospels. John gives us an inner glimpse into the PLAN
AND PURPOSE of God, WHY Christ was sent, and over and over explains that He
came down from Heaven, previously abode with the Father, and gave up His
divinity to become flesh (John 1:1-4, 14).
John testifies that Christ is greater than Moses (John 1:17), and
plainly writes, "No one has ever seen God [the Father], but GOD THE ONE AND ONLY, who is at the Father's
side, has made him known" (v.18).
The Gospel of John
In John 3, we read, "The one who comes from above is
above all. . . The one who comes from heaven is above all. He testifies to what he has seen and heard .
. ." (John 3:31-32). John plainly
states, "No one has ever gone into heaven except the one who came from
heaven -- the Son of Man" (John 3:13).
In John 5, we read that the Jews tried to KILL Jesus because
they perceived by His words that He claimed to be divine. "For this reason the Jews tried all the
harder to kill him; not only was he breaking the Sabbath, but he was even
calling God his own Father, MAKING HIMSELF EQUAL WITH GOD" (verse
In John 6, Jesus repeatedly referred to the simple fact (it
seems so simple when we read it, if we will just believe what Jesus says, and
not what some men try to make Him say by their twisting and distorting and
misinterpreting His words!) that he is "the bread of God" who
"comes down from heaven and gives his life to the world" (v.33),
"I have come down from heaven" (v.38), "I am the bread that came
down from heaven" (v.41), "I came down from heaven" (v.42),
"No one has SEEN the Father except the one who is FROM GOD, only he has
seen the Father" (v.46), "But here is the bread that came down from
(v.50), "I am the
living bread that came down from heaven" (v.51), "This is the bread
that came down from heaven" (v.58).
Jesus went on to state that nobody could really believe this
essential truth unless they are specially enabled to do so by the Father (verse
65). You cannot approach the Son of God
and understand Him by coming to Him via the avenue of human scholarship, or
Jewish study of the Torah, or the misguided Churches of mainstream
Christianity, or the various sects and cults.
Does this explain why so-called "scholars" are unable to
understand basic, fundamental truths of Scripture?
How To Understand the Bible
The only way to
approach God, and to learn the truth about the Son of God, is on one's knees
before the Father, praying for truth, revelation, mercy and divine guidance and
understanding. Only those who truly have
God's Spirit leading and guiding them will ever understand!
As Paul wrote, "But God has revealed it to us by his
Spirit. The Spirit searches all things,
even the deep things of God. . . The man
without the Spirit does NOT ACCEPT the things that come from the Spirit of God,
for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they
are spiritually discerned. The spiritual
man makes judgments about all things, but he himself is not subject to any
man's judgment. 'For who has known the
mind of the Lord that he may instruct him?'
But WE have the mind of Christ" (I Cor.2:10-16). Only those who truly are converted (Acts 5:32;
2:38) and who have the MIND of Christ dwelling in them (Rom.8:9-10) can
understand these things.
Frankly, my heart goes out to men such as Anthony Buzzard
and Jim Tabor, who seem to have lost their way spiritually, and who think they
have found their way "back" into the fold, but who haven't. Their writings convince me that they are
still groping blindly for the true faith.
In some respects they appear to have made shipwreck of the faith; their
faith capsized in tumultuous oceans of doubt and sea-fogs, blinding their
vision. However scholarly and
intelligent they may be, humanly (and there are many much more intelligent than
they are, who also reject the faith of God's Word), I must lump them together
with those of whom Paul writes in I Corinthians:
"For the message of the cross
is foolishness to those who are
perishing, but to us who are being
saved it is the POWER OF
For it is written: 'I will
destroy the wisdom of the wise
[so-called scholars!]; the
intelligence of the intelligent I will
frustrate.' Where is the wise man? Where is the SCHOLAR?
Where is the philosopher of this
age? Has God not made foolish
the wisdom of the world? . . . Jews
demand miraculous signs
and Greeks look for wisdom, but we
preach Christ crucified: a
stumbling block to Jews and
foolishness to Gentiles, but to those
whom God has CALLED, both Jews and
Greeks, Christ the
power of God and the wisdom of
God" (I Cor.1:18-24).
Here Paul calls Christ "the power of God." Isn't that one more evidence that He is
divine? Luke wrote the words of Gabriel
to Mary about the conception of Christ:
"The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the POWER OF THE MOST HIGH
will overshadow you. So the holy one to
be born will be called the Son of God" (Luke 1:35). The Holy Spirit, which is also divine, is
also the "power" of God (Acts 1:8).
Yet these modern nay-sayers seem to seek to diminish both
the love of the Father and the power of the Son. They seek to minimize both the sacrifice of
the Father and the sacrifice of the Son.
To my mind, one of the most amazing and mind-boggling truths of all time
is that One who was VERY GOD was willing to GIVE UP His divinity, and become a
mere human being! THAT is the essence of
It is as if a commander-in-chief of the armed forces of a
nation, such as General Colin Powell, were willing to strip himself of all his
rank and power, and become a mere buck private in the army, and go through
basic training, being yelled at by sergeants and corporals, forced to take long
marches under full pack, and to peel spuds and do latrine duty -- ALL WILLINGLY
-- and then forced to DIE a horrible death, killed for TREASON by his own
fellow soldiers, even though he was innocent of any wrong-doing!
Concept of True Love
The concept that Jesus was a mere man, and did not pre-exist
with God the Father, is mind-boggling.
Consider, for example, what the apostle Paul had to say to the
Phillippians, concerning the nature and prerogatives of Christ. Paul wrote:
"For he, who had always been
God by nature, did not cling to
his prerogatives as God's equal, but stripped himself of all privilege
by consenting to be a slave by
nature and being born as mortal man.
And, having become man, he humbled
himself by living a life of
utter obedience, even to the extent
of dying, and the death he died
was the death of a common
criminal" (Phil.2:6-7, Phillips).
"Though he were divine by
nature, he did not set store upon equality
with God, but EMPTIED
himself by taking the nature of a servant;
born in human guise and appearing in
human form, he humbly
stooped in his obedience even to
die, and to die upon the cross"
"Who, although being
essentially one with God and in the form of
God [possessing the fulness of the
attributes which make God God],
did not think this equality with God
was a thing to be eagerly grasped
or retained; but stripped Himself
[of all privileges and rightful dignity]
so as to assume the guise of a servant
(slave), in that he became like
men and was born a human being. And after He had appeared in
human form He abased and humbled
Himself [still further] and
carried His obedience to the extreme
of death, even the death of [the]
cross!" (Amplified).
Tabor, Buzzard, and others seem to think that Jewish people
will not "accept" a Jesus who is divine. That is not true at all. There are many Jewish converts, today, who
accept the divinity of Christ and worship Him as the Son of God. The Jewish New Testament has no problem with
Christ's divinity. Translated by David
Stern, it declares:
"Let your attitude toward one
another be governed by your being
in union with the Messiah Yeshua: Though he was in the form of
God, he did not regard equality with
God something to be possessed
by force. On the contrary, he
emptied himself, in that he took the form
of a slave by becoming like human
beings are. And when he appeared
as a human being, he humbled himself
still more by becoming obedient
to death -- death on a stake as a criminal!" (Jewish New Testament).
I have also found that Buzzard and others, despite their
many words and much writing, tend to do two things which appall me: First, they tend to only recite for the
reader those verses which they desire to emphasize and make commentary on. The other verses, which would tend to weaken
or even invalidate their arguments, they generally ignore, or if they admit
their existence, only refer to them obliquely, in passing, with a footnote, or
a cursory reference -- and then tend to "explain them away" without
spending adequate time or energy discussing them. Is this approach really HONEST? I don't think so.
Yet it is a very familiar tactic, often employed by the
devil, to deceive and to delude the unwary and unwatchful (II Cor.2:11). I can only hope and pray that these people
will "come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has
taken them captive to do his will" (II Tim.2:26).
We have all read John 3:16 -- "For God so loved the
world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not
perish but have eternal life. For God
did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world
through him. Whoever believes in him is
not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he
has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son" (John
John goes on:
"This is the verdict: Light
has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their
deeds were evil. Every one who does evil
hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will
be exposed. But whoever lives by the
truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what he has
done has been done through God" (John 3:19-21).
These new "infidels," if I may call them that,
deny the real heart and core of this basic passage. If Christ were merely a human being, with no
pre-existence, in what sense would He have truly been a "Son of
God"? How could He have been
"sent into the world"?
Is Christ the "Son" of God merely because the Holy
Spirit conceived Him in Mary's womb by uniting with an egg? Or doesn't the Father-Son relationship go
back into the aeons of time, while Father and His (created) Son co-ruled the
Universe? If Christ were only human, how
is He really God's Son any more than the rest of us, and why would He be called
"the ONLY begotten son" of God?
Are we not also "begotten" of God? Oh, but He, unlike us, was begotten at
conception! But so what?
The idea that Christ was merely human, but was
supernaturally conceived, poses three basic difficulties: 1) that makes God the Father a respecter of
persons, showing favoritism, because He gave Christ advantages over the rest of
us! Yet there is no respect of persons
or favoritism with God (Rom.2:11). Why
didn't God just conceive all of us the same way? Then we could all have lived perfect lives,
and theoretically, there would have been no need for a Saviour at all! Then we could all sit at God's right
hand! If Christ were merely human, but
had this one advantage over the rest of us humans, then why didn't God make us
all the same way -- and give us all the "same chance"?
Secondly, 2) if Christ were merely human, does this not
diminish to virtually nothing the sacrifice the Father made in giving up His
only begotten Son (or should I say "son," small "s")? If Christ were merely human, like the rest of
us, with NO pre-existence with the Father, during which time they were together
for aeons, and worked together, and loved each other incredibly, then when
"he" died on the stake, what did the Father really give up?
Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac, a type of
Christ, his only son, the son of promise, whom he had lived with for some 15-16
years, and whom he loved dearly. But if
Christ were only a human being born 2,000 years ago, who "became" the
"Son of God," doesn't that take away from the awesome love the Father
had for mankind? Then He only sacrificed
a human being -- not a truly "divine" Son with whom He had shared a
family life for aeons of time! Such an
idea relegates the idea of "divine love" to virtually nothing more
than great human love -- a slap in the Face to the Father!
As a husband and wife live together, and go through trials
and experiences together, their love is forged and grows stronger and deeper
and broader and higher. The furnace of
affliction and sharing sufferings and delights nurtures and nourishes
love. This takes TIME. But if Christ only existed a few years, and
then died, that picture subtracts from the deep, awesome ETERNAL LOVE which the
Father and the Son shared from the beginning of TIME!
Thirdly, 3) if Christ were merely human, and lived a perfect
life, dying for sins, how many of the rest of us could his perfect life atone
for? Even though He had God's Spirit,
these people argue that he was merely a human being. Then his life would atone for ONE HUMAN
BEING'S SIN! In order, logically, for
his DEATH to atone for the sins of billions of human beings, His life would
have to be worth MORE THAN all their lives put together!
But if Christ is the original Creator of mankind -- in
Genesis we read, "Let US make man in OUR image" (Gen.1:26) -- this fact would solve the problem
completely. As Paul writes in
Colossians, "For by him were all
things created" (Col.1:16). The
life of the CREATOR would be worth more than the lives of all His created
subjects put together!
The Writings of
Let us also look at the writings of Paul in this
regard. Jim Tabor dismisses the writings
of Paul by simply saying that he writes things "hard to be
understood," and claims that Paul's writings are "less of a problem
than many imagine. He has been
mistranslated, misinterpreted, and maligned almost beyond recognition"
(p.45-46 of "Restoring Abrahamic Faith"). Of course, Tabor is here referring to the
epistles of Paul themselves! Is he not
overstating his belief? He presents NO
evidence or examples of such "mistranslation, misinterpretation, or
maligning beyond recognition."
Therefore his statement begs the question. He presents no case whatsoever. A judge would therefore have to declare a
"mistrial" and throw his case out the window even before hearing it
-- for he offers no evidence!
Tabor goes so far as to claim, "As for the New
Testament, it should not be forgotten that no one in the early Church had
one. In fact, that would be true for
everyone in the entire Biblical tradition, from Enoch to Ezra, and from Yeshua
to Paul." That is true, of course.
Abraham didn't have a "Torah," either. Nor did Moses for most of his life! And none of them ever had the Writings or the
Prophets. Therefore, Tabor's statement
above is meaningless. However, he
continues: "The GREAT ERROR is to
equate the documents of the New Testament with what those documents themselves,
and everyone mentioned in them, call The Holy Scriptures." Tabor only accepts the Tanakh, consisting of
the Torah, Prophets, and Writings, as Scripture.
"The New Testament documents do not even claim to be Scripture," he asserts. He
goes on, "They are in Greek, not Hebrew.
They do not reflect the style or either the Torah or Prophets . . . In
other words Luke is far more reliable than Mark, or certainly than
John." Tabor concludes, "The
New Testament documents should be interpreted in the light of the Holy
Scriptures, not the other way around" (p.47).
Isn't that statement shocking? Isn't such a conclusion startling?
For a professing believer in Jesus, or Yeshua, to boldly
make such claims is very shocking to me.
I would have to regard those statements as categorically untrue and
self-defeating. Certainly, Satan the
devil has stolen a march on scholars and intellectuals who dismiss the New
Testament so cavalierly. It seems
incredible to me that such people would think for one minute that God cannot
inspire HOLY SCRIPTURE IN THE GREEK LANGUAGE as well as in Hebrew! Furthermore, I find it amazing that they
would conclude that God would inspire Scripture to be written detailing the
Law, Writings and Prophets, but when the GREATER than Moses came along, the
Messiah, that God would not
inspire NEW SCRIPTURES to be written detailing His life and sayings!!!
The very idea is preposterous, and frankly elevates Moses
far above Christ. Furthermore, such a
belief turns the New Testament into a riddle, and a soupy mush, without divine
inspiration, begging the question, What can we believe? Which verses reflect the true sayings of the
Messiah? Which are not accurate, and
why? And how can you prove it? And what about the people who lived hundreds
of years ago who thought the New Testament was inspired? Did God just allow millions to be deceived on
this point? If the New Testament is not
Satan's End-Time ASSAULT on the
Thus Satan the devil has launched his final end-time assault
-- a new ASSAULT ON THE BIBLE! This time
he has focused his energy on the New Testament, in order to destroy faith in
Jesus Christ, the Messiah! Truly, he
knows that his time is short. He is
furious (Rev.12:12), and therefore he is going straight for the jugular!
But since Tabor seems to think Paul's writings are easily
handled to disprove the pre-existence of Christ, let us look at the book of
Hebrews, which is generally credited to Paul.
Let's read the Jewish New Testament here:
"In days gone by, God spoke in
many and varied ways to the
Fathers through the prophets. But now, in the acharit-hayamim
[End Times], he has spoken to us
through his Son, to whom he
has given ownership of everything
and through whom he CREATED
THE UNIVERSE. This Son is the radiance of the Sh'khinah [God's
manifest glory], the very expression
of God's essence, upholding all
that exists by his powerful word;
and after he had, through himself,
made purification for sins, he sat
down at the right hand of HaG'dulah
BaM'romim' [the
Power Above].
he has become much better than angels, and the name God has
given him is superior to
theirs. For to which of the angels did
ever say, 'You are my Son; today I
have become your Father'?
"Also, God never said of any
angel, 'I will be his Father, and he
will be my Son.' And again, when God brings his Firstborn into
the world, he says, 'Let ALL GOD'S
"Indeed, when speaking of
angels, he says, '. . . who makes his
angels winds and his servants fiery
flames;' but to the Son, he says,
you rule your Kingdom with a scepter
of equity; you have loved
righteousness and hated
wickedness. Therefore, O GOD, your
God has anointed you with the oil of
joy in preference to your
companions;' and, 'In the beginning,
Lord, YOU laid the foundations
of the earth; heaven is the work of
YOUR hands. They will vanish,
but you will remain; like clothing,
they will all grow old; and you will
fold them up like a coat. Yes, they will be changed like clothing, but
never end' " (Heb.1:1-12).
Clearly, the Jewish New Testament proclaims the divinity and
pre-existence of Christ with power and authority! There is no indecision, waffling, or
demurring here. This is straight from
the shoulder, pulling no punches. Paul
plainly calls Christ GOD, and quotes Old Testament Scriptures as referring to
Christ as very GOD! See Psalm 45:6-7 for
the Old Testament PROOF that Christ the Messiah is also GOD!
The Real
"Anti-Christs" of Our Day
Frankly, I believe the New Testament Scriptures are very
clear. The ones who are misinterpreting
Paul's words, and mistranslating and misrepresenting his words and theology,
are the very ones who are maligning the divinity of Christ! They are the real "ANTICHRISTS" who
were especially prophesied to come into the world, particularly during these
"End Times" or "Last Days" (I John 2:18). Isn't it interesting that John says of these
"antichrists," prophetically speaking, "They went out from
us, but they did not really belong to us.
For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but
their going showed that none of them belonged to us" (verse 19). This prophecy has LITERALLY come to pass!
Anthony Buzzard begins his paper by stating as if it were
commonly accepted fact, "The very commonly held idea that Jesus was alive
before His conception raises a number of questions about the nature of the
Messiah." He then goes right on to ask
such a question -- namely, "Can one indeed be a human being in any
meaningful sense if one does not originate in the womb of one's mother?"
Now think about it.
Isn't that a strange questions?
Buzzard does not address the issue openly and objectively. Rather, circumlocuitously, he sneaks up via
the back door, hiding in the underbrush, and attempts to ambush ignorant and
naive Christians, by the subtle approach the Devil used on Eve in the garden. He also used the "question"
approach! He said to Eve, "Did God
really say . . .?" (Gen.3:1).
Buzzard (I feel he is aptly named -- God somehow sees to it
that people are named what they are! And
like a buzzard or vulture, he picks the bones of the dead and near-dying,
attacking the weak and those unable to defend themselves from his attacks)
begins his paper with a subtle question.
These kinds of questions are meant to implant the seeds of
DOUBT. They could produce a nasty
harvest of poisonous weeds, if allowed to remain in the soil! Buzzard asks, O so innocently, "Can one
indeed be a human being in any meaningful sense if one does not originate int
he womb of one's mother?"
"Can one indeed. . .?"
Can you not see the
spirit of Satan in that vicious question, just like in the garden of Eden? "Did God really say the Messiah
pre-existed?" "Is it really
true that . . .?" Well, let's face
this question head-on. Using Buzzard's
reasoning, then Adam and Eve could not have been human -- for neither one
originated in the womb of a woman! How
about that?
Furthermore, if you READ Matthew 1:18-21 and Luke 1:30-35,
dealing with the birth of Christ, you will find out that JESUS WAS CONCEIVED IN
"difference" between Him and other human beings is that His Father
was a Spirit Being -- or, putting it another way, the male sperm which united
with Mary's ovum was THE LOGOS, the second member of the Godhead, who had
transformed Himself into a human male reproductive cell! What is so hard to believe about that? Even today medical science can take male
sperm and inject them into infertile women to help conception along, or even
take a human egg and sperm from a woman
and a man and let them "fertilize" outside the womb, in a special
solution, and then re-implant the fertilized egg in a woman's uterus. What "science" can do God can do
With God all things are possible (Matt.19:26). Who are we to question the ability and power
of God?
Buzzard then says, "Surely an angel differs from a
human being precisely because he
has an origin outside the system of
human procreation."
Analyze that statement. What really makes angels different from humans? Buzzard is totally off base here. The difference has nothing to do with their point
of origin -- God could create humans ANYWHERE HE CHOSE! By Buzzard's reasoning, since Adam and Eve
arose "outside the human reproductive system," Adam and Eve were
not human! Need I go on?
Buzzard then presents us with another doubt-ridden question. Satan is not only persuasive, but persistent. The third question -- "If . .
." Did you catch that? The third question begins "IF." Did not the tempter come to Jesus and begin
his temptation by saying, "IF you are the
Son of God, tell these stones to become bread"? (Matt.4:3). Buzzard challenges the reader, saying,
"IF Jesus was really a being who changes Himself (or is changed by God) in
order to enter the human race through Mary, he is clearly a being vastly
different from the rest of humanity."
Why would that be so "clearly" obvious or
true? The statement is not true at
all. Although the source of the
"cell" that united with Mary's ovum was divine, why would that make
Jesus any different from other men or human beings? Only the source or origin of that
"cell" was different. But that
That is what the Scriptures state unequivocally -- but Buzzard avoids
these Scriptures with a 100-foot pole!
"Since the children have flesh
and blood, he too shared in their
humanity so that by his death he might
destroy him who holds
the power of death -- that is, the
devil -- and free those who all
their lives were held in slavery by
their fear of death. . . For this
reason he had to be MADE LIKE HIS
WAY, in order that he might become a
merciful and faithful high
priest in service to God, and that
he might make atonement for the
sins of the people. Because he himself SUFFERED when he was
tempted, he is able to help those
who are being tempted" (Heb.2:
Paul further declares about the humanity of Christ:
"During the days of Jesus' life
on earth, he offered up prayers and
petitions with loud cries and tears
to the one who could save him
from death, and he was heard because
of his reverent submission.
Although he was a son, he learned
obedience from what he suffered
and, once made perfect, he became
the source of eternal salvation
for all who obey him . . ."
Plainly, Jesus Christ was obviously FULLY HUMAN, just like
you and I are -- but He also was "divine" in the sense of His origin
on His Father's side!
Setting the Stage for
Buzzard then states, categorically, "We maintain that
the idea [of pre-existence of Christ] has to be held prior to an investigation
of the scriptural evidence and then read into the Bible" (emphasis
his). He adds, "There is also a
strong bias in our translations, due to the preconceptions of 'orthodox'
theologians, which encourages this process of 'reading-in.'
Notice how clever this is.
Buzzard offers no proof whatsoever.
He expects us to take his word for this "strong bias." He offers no proof -- he merely "accuses." Now I ask you -- who is the "accuser of the
brethren"? The apostle John
declares, "For the accuser of our brothers, who accuses them before our
God day and night, has been hurled down" (Rev.12:10). Satan is the accuser! By falsely accusing unnamed "'orthodox'
theologians," without offering
any proof, Buzzard follows faithfully in the tradition of Satan the devil, who
is also "a liar and the father of lies" (John 8:44).
Thus, after prejudicing the mind of the reader against the
concept that Jesus had a literal pre-existence, Buzzard goes on to construct
his case. He begins by building upon the
fact that Matthew, Mark and Luke -- the synoptic gospels -- do not mention any
such pre-existence. He quotes various
scholars to attest to this fact, which is really completely unnecessary --
appealing to worldly scholars proves nothing of itself, but it shows a tendency
and a trend in Buzzard's thinking.
Anyone who will read the synoptic gospels will see that the
pre-existence of Christ is nowhere discussed there.
The question becomes, then, why not? Could it be that they were not concerned with
such "theological" matters, because they were merely writing short
"biographies" of the life of Christ, revealing His statements,
actions, and miracles -- like any fair-minded, judicial, investigative reporter
worth his salary? The three synoptic
gospels do not concern themselves with questions of why. Rather, like true reporters, they deal
primarily with "facts -- just the facts." There is no explanation or theologizing in
them -- that duty is, as it
were, left up to John to
tackle in his gospel.
John is the apostle whom God chose to write about the
mystery of Christ's pre-existence, and His having come down from heaven, and
His statements which indicated He was "very God."
Although Buzzard builds his case on the fact that the
pre-existence of Christ is not mentioned in the three synoptic gospels, that is
irrelevant and proves nothing. The
absense of proof does not constitute proof of the opposite!
Buzzard claims that this absence has "embarrassed"
many orthodox theologians. Pray tell,
why? It doesn't embarrass me. I find it interesting, but not unusual,
considering the purpose for which God inspired the three synoptic gospels to be
written -- as basically factual reporting of the birth, life and death of the
Messiah, the one known as Jesus. Yet,
Buzzard continues to prejudice the case by saying, "It is a very
remarkable fact that traditional Christianity has insisted nevertheless that
Jesus did exist before His conception . . ." Hogwash!
Bogus nonsense! How dare Buzzard
presume such a thing simply because three gospels don't discuss this
matter! The book of Esther doesn't
contain the name of God -- should we therefore throw it out of the Bible? The Song of Solomon is a love poem -- should
we cast it out of Holy Scripture?
Next, Buzzard avoids the New Testament evidence which would
shoot down his theory in flames, and instead diverts the attention of the
reader to passages in Isaiah where One who claims to be God says He stretched
forth the heavens and asked, "Who was with me? (Isa.44;24 RV), and Job who says that God "alone stretches
out the heavens" (Job 9:8). But we
have already pointed out that it was the One who became Christ who did these
things -- therefore, He is the One who says, through Isaiah, "Who was with
me?" The Father had not yet been
revealed to mankind; Christ came to reveal Him (John 1:18; 14:8-10). Read my article, "Who Was the YHVH of
the Old Testament?"
It seems strange to me that Buzzard continually quotes
various writers and their human opinions about the gospel writers, or the books
of the New Testament, which absolutely proves nothing! Doctrine should not be formed by the opinions
of uninspired scholars or writers who all have their own axes to grind and
problems. Doctrine should flow solely
and only from the WORD OF GOD!
Dishonesty Evident -- Colossians 1:16
On page 3 of "The Pre-existence of Christ -- Truth or
Tradition?", Buzzard declares,
". . . many will appeal to
Col.1:16 and read in a way which contradicts
the texts quoted above. Here Paul says that 'in Jesus,' 'through
and 'for Jesus' all things have been
created. We must emphasize before
all else that Paul did not say that
'all things were created by Jesus.' No
text in the New Testament says
Read that very carefully.
Read it twice. I want you to
notice something.
Is Buzzard telling
the truth? Did you look up Colossians
1:16 and READ it? Let's not be lazy --
that's why so many people get into deep water and great trouble when it comes
to understanding the Bible. They take
things for granted. The take scholars
"at their word." They DON'T
They DON'T really
"PROVE ALL THINGS," as Paul commanded (I Thess.5:21).
Here is a fundamental principle of Bible Study. NEVER TAKE A WRITER'S WORD FOR ANYTHING! Always look up the Scripture, preferably
in two or three translations, if it is an important proof text!
Buzzard categorically
says this verse does not say "all things were created by Jesus." Technically, is he correct? Notice what it says. In the New International Version, which I
generally use, we read: "FOR BY HIM
Now, I ask you -- isn't Buzzard grasping at straws? Isn't he being devious and dishonest? It seems to me that this verse says exactly
what Buzzard says it doesn't
say! Of course, the sentence is
structured in the reverse sequence -- BUT THE MEANING IS THE SAME! Phillips has this verse, "He [Christ]
existed before creation began, for it was through him that everything was made,
whether spiritual or material, seen or unseen."
Buzzard grossly misrepresents
when he declares this verse does not state that all things were created by
Jesus. It says that very thing, but in
slightly different words!!! Again, I ask
you: Who is the "father of
liars"? Who is it in whom the truth
does not dwell? "He [Satan] was a
murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth
in him. When he lies, he speaks his
native language, for he is a LIAR and the father of lies" (John 8:44).
Whom Do We Believe?
Buzzard then quotes a Trinitarian, Arthur Wainwright, as
sayin that in the three synoptic gospels Jesus nowhere suggests that He was
creator, concluding that "in no passage [in Matthew, Mark Luke] does Jesus
say he existed before his birth . . ."
As I have already said, however, this point is meaningless
and proves nothing. Absence of proof in
one source does not invalidate the truth of the pre-existence of Christ! Absence of proof does not prove the reverse!
Although Buzzard admits Wainwright believes that Jesus was
alive at the Creation, he never discusses those passages of Wainwright!
He only quotes what he agrees with.
He admits that Wainwreight believes that Colossians 1:16 links Jesus
with creation. But Buzzard negates this
point by claiming that "other authorities do not think that Paul is
speaking of the Genesis creation at all in this passage."
What other authorities?
Buzzard doesn't say. But I must
ask -- what difference does it make what mere MEN think or say? Who calls them "authorities,"
anyway? And who cares what MEN
think? They are not "authorities"
to me -- they have NO AUTHORITY WHATSOEVER!
In God's eyes, they are mere pipsqueaks, I assure you of that!
This brings up a point:
Who determines what we believe?
Are we followers of MEN, or supposed "human authorities"? Or do we follow the WORD OF GOD? If we claim to follow the Word of God, then
shouldn't we read it, and quote it, and ignore with what self-styled human "authorities"
say or think?
"In The Beginning Was
the Word"
Buzzard continues to quote various men and supposed
"scholars" and their opinions about various Scriptures, such as John
1, instead of quoting the entire passage or vital portions of it from the book
of John itself. This is a device which
distracts the reader's attention from the Word of God itself, and the very
words of John which God inspired him to write, and focuses the attention instead
to the opinions of various men ABOUT what John wrote -- a very clever trick to
confuse and disorient the unlearned and unwary.
Rather than read, for example, James Dunn's opinion, which
makes no difference whatsoever (who is James Dunn? Is he an inspired Christian apostle or
prophet? Is he, more likely, an
uninspired "scholar" who does not even have the Spirit of God abiding
within him?), let's read the words of John himself.
John wrote:
"In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God. He was
with God in the beginning.
Through him all things were made; without him nothing was
made that has been made. In him
was life, and that life was the
light of men. . . . The Word BECAME
FLESH and made his
dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One
and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and
(John 1:1-4, 14, NIV).
Now do you see? Do
you see WHY Buzzard did not want to quote the entire passage, as it appears in
the Bible? Let's cut through all the
chaff and smoke-screens which he and others throw up to confuse the issue, by
their constantly quoting MEN about these passages of Scripture, and let's LOOK
only safe way to avoid deception, delusion, and devious doctrines of
Satan-inspired men!
But again -- don't ever take my word for it, or theirs
either, for that matter -- SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES! Do as the Bereans did. Don't just read some "scholarly
appearing" article, which raises doubts and causes consternation or
dismay, and "assume" the author knows what he is talking about. Consider the possibility that he could be
demon-inspired or Satan-inspired. How do you know? How can you prove what the TRUTH is?
The Bereans had the answer. "Now the Bereans were of
more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with
great eagerness and EXAMINED THE SCRIPTURES EVERY DAY to see if what Paul said
was true" (Acts 17:11). Did you
notice how little Buzzard actually quoted of the Bible, and the very passages
which he disputed -- but how much time he spent quoting various men and their
"opinions" which proved nothing?
John 3:13
On page 6, Buzzard discusses John 3:13, where Jesus clearly
spoke as "he who came down from heaven." We read:
"No man has ascended into heaven, except he who came down from
heaven, the Son of man, who is in heaven."
But notice! Buzzard does not
immediately discuss this point at all, but rather focuses on the obscure
question of what He meant by "no man has ascended into heaven," using
the perfect tense of the verse "has ascended." He goes on to claim that this referred to the
visiion in Daniel 7 where the "Son of man" appeared before the throne
of the Ancient of Days.
Buzzard writes, "How then can it be said that the Son
'has ascended to heaven'? Simply because
this is what had been forecast about Him in Daniel."
Wha-a-a-a-a-a-t? Read
that again. Daniel had seen IN VISION a
picture of the Son of Man, Christ, appearing in heaven before the Father's
throne. Daniel records: "As I looked, 'thrones were set in
place, and the Ancient of Days took his seat.
His clothing was whsite as snow; the hair of his head was white like
wool. His throne was flaming with fire,
and its wheels were all ablaze. A river
of fire was flowing, coming out from before him; ten thousand times ten
trhousand stood before him. The court
was seated, and the books were opened. . .
"In my vision at night I looked, and there before me
was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led
into his presence. He was given
authority, glory and sovereign power; all peoples, nations and men of every
language WORSHIPED HIM. His dominion is
an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that
will never be destroyed" (Dan.7:9-14).
Notice! Daniel merely
had a vision of the future, of the time just before Christ's Second Coming,
when He would be given power and authority over all nations. Pray tell, what does this have to do with
John 3:13? Again -- let's read the
entire verse! "NO ONB has ever gone
into heaven EXCEPT THE ONE WHO CAME FROM HEAVEN -- the Son of Man [a title
Jesus often used of Himself!]" (John 3:13, NIV). Jesus' statement here has nothing whatever to
do with Daniel's vision. Buzzard
stretches and stretches and his point collapses, because he has stretched too
far and too thin, to make the connection!
Buzzard then offers HIS OWN "mistranslation" or
paraphrase of John 3:13. Did you read
it? He wrote, "Thus 'No one [it is
written in the book of Daniel] IS DESTINED to ascend to heaven except the one
who came down from heaven, the Son of Man who [in Daniel] is in
heaven.'" Buzzard claims the final
phrase "who is in heaven" belongs in the original, but the New
International Version leaves it out.
Buzzard's claims that Jesus was referring to the vision in Daniel when
He spoke of the Son of man "ascending to heaven" is, frankly, very
thin and extremely forced.
The proper sense of this expression is found in the Amplified
Bible: "And yet no one has ever
gone up to heaven; but there is One Who has come down from heaven, the Son of
man [Himself], Who is -- dwells, Whose home is -- in heaven." Moffatt has
this verse: "And yet, the Son of
man, descended from heaven, is the only one who has ever ascended into
heaven." Phillips has it: "No one has ever been up to Heaven
except the Son of man who came down from Heaven."
Buzzard claims Jesus was here talking about His future
ascension into heaven. But that is not
what He said! Once we truly understand
who Jesus was, and that He did pre-exist, it becomes obvious that He had
ascended up to heaven many times during Old Testament history!
The One who became Christ came down from heaven and talked
with Adam and Eve (Gen.3:8); He visited with Abraham and Sarah (Gen.18:1-5); He
wrestled with Jacob 32:24-30); He spoke with Moses on Mount Sinai (Exo.3:1-14);
He was seen of the 70 elders of Israel (Exo.24:9-11); and Moses in particular
was permitted to view Him from behind at a close distance (Exo.33:12-23). He ascended and descended from heaven many
times! And this could not have been the
Father, for no man has seen the Father -- at any time -- ever! (John 1:18; 6:46).
The proofs that Jesus IS the YHVH of the Old Testament, who
was prophesied to stand on the Mount of Olives in the last days (Zech.14:1-4;
Acts 1:7-12) are far too many to list here.
I suggest all who are interested to write for my article "Who Was
Meanwhile, take a concordance and look up such words as
"Saviour," "Redeemer," and compare their usage in the Old
and New Testaments. Jesus IS the
"Saviour," the "Redeemer," the "Only One" of
John 8:58
In John 8, Jesus said to the Jewish crowd, "If I
glorify myself, my glory means nothing.
My Fat her, whom you claim as your God, is the one who glorifies
me. Though you do not know him, I know
him. If I said I do not, I would be a
liar like you, but I do know him and keep his word. Your father Abraham rejoiced rejoiced at the
thought of seeing my day; he saw it and was glad."
The crowd responded, "You are not yet fifty years old,
and you have seen Abraham?"
Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, before Abraham
was, I am!" (John 8:54-58).
When Jesus told the assembled unbelieving Jews, who accused
Him of having a demon, that He existed before Abraham's day, He was not
fooling. Buzzard states, "The day
of Messiah 'preexisted,' so to speak, in Abraham's mind" (p.8). In other words, Buzzard claims,
"Messiah's day was a reality to Abraham through the eyes of faith, though
it had not yet arrived. So also the
Messiah 'existed' as the supreme subject of God's plan long before the birth of
Abraham" (ibid.).
But wait a minute!
Buzzard is reading a lot into this passage that simply isn't there. Again, his explanation is extremely forced
and conjectural. Jesus literally said
that before Abraham existed, He existed.
That's what He said. No matter
how Buzzard and others try to explain away that simple fact, it remains
Notice! Jesus used
the expression, "I am," several times at crucial junctures to refer
to Himself (John 18:5; 4:26). However,
in these instances the expression proves nothing. Jesus merely used it to identify Himself to
others. However, John 8:58 is far
different. Here Jesus uses a very unusual
setting for saying, "I am" -- which was the very NAME of God
(Exo.3:14). He tells the hostile Jewish
crowd who were baiting Him,
"I tell you the truth, before
Abraham was, I am!" (John
This is a plain and straight-forward statement that He
existed BEFORE ABRAHAM! He is clearly
implying here that as the Logos (John 1:1-3), He pre-dated their father Abraham
in existence!
What could be plainer than that? We don't have to try to twist, and squeeze
every nuance of meaning from this verse -- it is very straight-forward and
crystal clear. The Jews knew what He
meant when He said this. They picked up
stones to stone Him for what they considered to be blasphemy (verse 59). They knew He wasn't talking about merely
being an "idea" in the mind of Abraham!
How To Study the Bible
What more can I say?
Recognizing Christ as God does not set John against Matthew, Mark and
Luke -- except in the mind of Buzzard who does not grasp the fact that all
truth of God is not found in many different places. John's gospel provides the meaning and purpose
which the other three gospel accounts leave out. To properly understand the nature and
divinity of Christ, we must put ALL the Scriptures together, and not try to set
one against another.
As Isaiah wrote, "For precept must be upon precept,
precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there
a little: For with stammering lips and
another tongue will he speak to this people" (Isa.28:10-11, KJV). "But the word of the LORD was unto them
precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here
a little, and there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be
broken, and snared, and taken" (Isa.28:13).
Buzzard ends his article with a reference to John 17:3 where
Jesus addresses the Father, in His prayer, as "the only true
God." To Buzzard, this seems to
clinch the case for Christ having no divine pre-existence. Does this mean, then, that only the Father is
God, after all, and Jesus is not divine and did not pre-exist? Buzzard would have you think so. But again, he fails to honestly quote the
context of Jesus' remark!
What about this verse?
Let's read Jesus' prayer, and His remarks, in context. John records:
"After Jesus said this, he looked toward heaven and prayed: 'Father, the time has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify
you. For you granted him authority over
all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given
him. Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God,
and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. I
have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do. And now, Father, glorify me in your presence
Why does Buzzard so
obviously leave out verse 5 from his remarks dealing with John 17:3? His silence speaks volumes. His silence is DEAFENING. Jesus, in the form of the Logos of God, was
with the Father and shared His glory before the world began -- before the time
of Creation of the universe!
"'I am the Alpha and the Omega,' says the Lord God,
'who is and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty' " Rev.1:8).
"I am the First and the Last. I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I
am alive for ever and ever!" (Rev.1:17-18).
Jesus Christ, Himself, says:
"Behold, I am coming soon! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the
prophecy in this book" (Rev.22:7).
"Behold, I am coming soon!
My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what he
First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. . . . I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning
Star" (Rev.22:12-16).
"He said to me:
'It is done. I am the Alpha and
the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To
him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the
water of life. He who overcomes will
inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son' "
Both Christ Jesus and the Father are "the Alpha and the
Omega, the Beginning and the End."
Both are divine. Both are
God! The Father is the Supreme head of
the Family of God; Christ is His eldest, firstborn Son. Together, as "Elohim," they created
the heavens and the earth (Gen.1:1-2), and then created man in their own image
and likeness (Gen.1:26).
Let's rejoice in the divinity and glory of the Father, and
our Saviour, Jesus Christ!