Trump will win Nov 5 but will NOT NOT NOT be allowed to take office:
Democrats will “NOT” Certify the election of Trump.
Democrats will say: “Trump is an INSURRECTIONIST”.
Democrats will say: “Trump is NOT fit for Office of the President”.
Democrats will say: Trump is a Fascist DICTATOR.
Demoncrats will say: Trump is another Hitler!
The coming Election Meltdown:
There will be a coming CRISIS of unthinkable events of total “Chaos” and Martial Law in the USA, and it will NOT be safe to be in the USA.
Because the USA Stock Market will Crash, and for sure there will be burning buildings & RIOTS when Trump is “not” Certified. NOT “allowed” to be President.
Trump’s Election will not be “Certified” BECAUSE:
In this the 118th Congress, the current party alignments as of September 12, 2024, 6 are as follows:
• House of Representatives:
220 Republicans (plus 2 Delegates and the Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico) and
211 Democrats (plus 3 Delegates), and
4 vacant seats.
Editor’s Note: There are “many” RHINOS (Republicans In Name Only) in the 220 Republican Party.
Therefore Trump will NOT be Certified:
• Senate:
49 Republicans,
47 Democrats, and
4 Independents.
This 541 number is the maximum number of individuals who may currently serve in the House and Senate and assumes that no seat is temporarily vacant.
As of September 12, 2024, there are three House vacancies, and no Senate vacancies.
The 541 number includes the:
535 Members from the 50 states (100 Senators, 435 Representatives),
5 Members who are Delegates (from the District of Columbia, Guam, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Northern Mariana Islands), and
1 Member who is Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico.
References in this report to “Representative(s)” include the 435 Members of the House from the 50 states and exclude the Members who are Delegates and the Resident Commissioner.
Percentages in this report assume a full Congress of 541 Members.
Get out of the United States RIGHT “NOW”
AT LEAST move to a town of less than 400 people
A house secluded in the Tennessee small Mountains/Appalachia, where the people/Hillbillys all have their own tens of THOUSANDS of guns for protection/their way of life.
BECAUSE against the Nazis DEMONcrats:
The smalltown Hill people are “not” Affected, while Cities RIOT.