He invited Omar Khader, a well know murderer and terrorist to Canada from Gitmo and paid him 12.5 Million Dollars – from our taxes !!!
we do NOT control our Country= the Shadow Government controls our Country
Sent: Monday,
October 22, 2018 10:09
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: Fwd: Trudeau actively recruits foreign ISIS fighters to Canada
Trudeau is actively recruiting ISIS fighters to Canada!
Forwarded message ---------
Date: Mon,
Oct 22,
2018 at 8:55 AM
Subject: Fwd: UNBELEIVEABLE !!!
He did not answer the question, nor did he deny this !!!
I could add my opinion to all the people below the article who expressed what they thought of him, I just agree with all of them..
Why is anyone surprised… He invited Omar Khader, a well know murderer and terrorist to Canada from Gitmo and paid him 12.5 Million Dollars – from our taxes !!!
Read comments below the article…
What a sad state of affairs for Canada !!!