Sermon Transcript
7th Day of Unleavened Bread
April 13, 2012
Given By
Lawrence A. Nowell
1.) Just average God’s days
instead of following the stars and the moon.
2.) “I don’t want to preach
about it, how you broke God’s heart, but if I preach to you a little bit
longer, if I preach, won’t you listen to God’s heart, God’s heart?”
3.) Greeting, brethren and
friends worldwide, this is The Obedient Church of God broadcasting to the world
broadcasting only the first century doctrine without any additions and without
any deletions. Now,
4.) “We don’t want to preach
about it, how you broke God’s heart, but if I preach to you a little bit
longer, if we preach, won’t you listen to God’s heart, God’s heart, God’s heart,
God’s heart?”
5.) Bonjour Paree, France,
sez sez hours apres midi le houre du dinier au France, 6 P.M., suppertime in
France; 9 A.M. on the West coast in Los Angeles; 12 noon, New York on the East
coast. Breakfast time, lunch time, suppertime, the perfect time for our
spiritual feeding today.
6.) “We don’t want to preach
about it, how you broke God’s heart, if we preach to you a little bit longer,
if we preach, won’t you listen to God’s heart, God’s heart?”
7.) Yes, indeed, yes, indeed,
how you broke God’s heart. Welcome on the seventh-day of Unleavened Bread. Now
we are carrying on with the first century doctrine of God’s Church, and only
God’s Church, only God’s ways.
8.) We are the only group,
and the facts prove it, who knows how to pilot God’s ship correctly. We are the
only ones who are showing you that you are not, “not, not” to be heading out to
the restaurants on the Sabbath Day. That’s a big one that all of the churches
of God have got wrong. They’re hiring people, instead of picketing the
restaurants, telling the restaurants to close on the Sabbath Day.
9.) We are The Obedient
Church of God; we’re piloting God’s ship correctly. Also by the facts proving
to you that you are supposed to be having the Sabbath Day on the seventh-day.
So our brethren in Pakistan are a day behind us, 200 plus of them, and we have
taught them and they are obedient. They are obedient.
10.) What’s happening is that
they are celebrating tomorrow the Feast of Unleavened Bread the seventh-day.
They will be celebrating it on Saturday.
11.) And they will be
celebrating God’s seventh-day Sabbath on the Sunday because they have to wait
for the shadow of the sun to reach their area; they are roughly 22 hours behind
Jerusalem. So, of course, you have to wait until the shadow of the sun comes to
your country.
12.) We are the only ones
preaching that. All the rest of the churches are causing their members to sin
and be part of the Devil and part of the pope’s movement to move the Sabbath
Day to the first day of the week, or churches of God moving the Sabbath to the
sixth-day of the week in half of the world.
13.) We are the only ones who
know how to pilot God’s Church correctly, so you’ve tuned in to The Obedient
Church of God, the life-giving Church of God. All the other churches, if you
are breaking the Sabbath, that’s a test commandment.
14.) So, today being Abib 21st,
Friday, which is the seventh-day of Unleavened Bread, so let’s all please rise
and enter the throne room before the hymns. So all face the north heaven, raise
your hands to the north heaven, palms outstretched, bow your head, eyes closed.
15.) “Almighty, most
merciful, loving Father, thank you for your seven days of unleavened bread,
that we can learn to be more like you during these seven days so that we can be
part of your family.
16.) Thank you for inspiring
the prayers for the Holy Spirit to be given out to the members. The members in
Pakistan have responded wonderfully to knowing that tomorrow they are going to
be keeping the seventh-day of Unleavened Bread.
17.) And, as always, they
keep the Sabbath on a Sunday because that’s the seventh-day of the shadow, and
that’s the proper way to keep it. Father, we thank you again that they are
responding so well, and learning every jot and title.
18.) Help the Americans to
learn how to respond to at least as well as the people on the other side of the
world in our congregation in Pakistan.
19.) Now Father, we ask you
to inspire the service, the speaking and the hearing. Especially inspire the
listening on the video tapes, which is so important since most people tune in
on the video tapes.
20.) Now we ask you to be
with the brethren in Pakistan, protect them for as you know eight of them were
murdered for being Christians, and that’s how we learned of them, and brought
them into the safety of the hollow of your hand.
21.) Thank you for answering
their prayers for their food and their other needs. Thank you so much for
answering their needs, so now they can have a wonderful day of the seventh-day
of Unleavened Bread tomorrow.
22.) Now Father we turn this
service over to your hands, and ask it all in Yeshua ha Mashiac’s holy
righteous name Jesus Christ our soon-coming King. Amen.
23.) Yes, indeed, the
brethren in Pakistan are responding. And they have been taught not the have the
Sabbath in their part of the world on Saturday, and they have it on Sunday
every week, which is proper because they have to wait 22 for the sun to come in
their country.
24.) And, they have been
taught this week that they have to keep the last day of Unleavened Bread on the
seventh-day, which is Saturday. So they are responding and they are obeying
Father. And that’s wonderful.
25.) We can’t get the
American people to obey Father to have the seventh-day Sabbath on Saturday on
Sunday in the rest of the world; as it falls on Saturday in the Western world,
but it falls on Sunday in the Eastern world, and that included Australia and
New Zealand, and China and Japan. China and Japan, the two largest nations in
the world.
26.) And we are The Obedient
Church of God on so
this is bigger than us. It’s going out to the world.
27.) Now that we are in the
Throne Room, we want to praise Father as our first deed, and as you know we
have entered the Throne Room by prayer. So now all take the beautiful 1934
fuchsia-colored hymnal. We hold it up for camera one, camera two, camera three.
28.) Please turn to page 35,
“In Distress I Cried to God.” Page 94 in other hymnals, and all sing out
because this is your sacrifice; it is the fruit of your lips, it is your
sacrifice. Don’t embarrass yourself. Please give a proper sacrifice to Father,
page 35, “In Distress I Cried Unto the Lord.” All sing out.
29.) These hymns are so
important. The wording and the verbage of them, “He will protect your coming
in, and He protect your going out.” That is your petition to Father.
30.) Now let us turn to page
number 39, “To the Hills I’ll Lift Mine Eyes,” page 95 in other hymnals. As you
know every New Moon Month, we have a new set of hymns; these hymns fit in
perfectly, because of the timing of the new moons, and here are the words. Sing
out the words, “For the silent moon by night has meaning.” “To the Hills I’ll
Lift Mine Eyes,” 121st Psalm. Such a beautiful hymn. It was written
by Dwight Armstrong.
31.) Dwight Armstrong, from
these hymns, you can tell he was moved by the Holy Spirit. And it’s wonderful
to have these hymns in the 1934 Hymn Book, because these hymns in the 1934 book
and more poignant, more direct, than the words in the other hymnals.
32.) Now let us turn to the
third hymn, “Unless the Lord Shall Build the House,” page 61, and page number
96 in other hymnals. And again it is so important because today we’ll be
listing some of the things of why we are the church congregation to follow,
because we are the only ones who are the ones who know how to pilot God’s ship
33.) And keep the Sabbath
Day, which is a basic commandment. Genesis 1:14, “Lights shall mark days,” and
the shadow of the sun shall mark days. Don’t you dare move the Sabbath to the
sixth-day in Australia.
34.) All sing out here,
“Unless the Lord Shall Build the House,” the weary toilers toil in vain. Sing
out to Father. Yes, indeed, “in the gates we are free from fear, and boldly
face their enemies.” Yes, indeed. In the gates we are free from fear because we
do know how to pilot God’s ship correctly through the storms, through the
waters, through the treachery of the ministers who are changing God’s ways.
35.) So unless the Lord shall
build the house, the weary builders toil in vain, 127th Psalm. So
you can’t be having sinisters build God’s House; it has to be every jot and
title of Father. And the facts prove that we are the only ones who are
following the seventh-day Sabbath in half the world.
36.) And there are other
points that are so important that prove who is teaching the church that is
teaching the truth. There is only one church.that is teaching the major twelve
points to get you to stop sinning. And I hope you have been examining yourself
during the Days of Unleavened Bread.
37.) We taught you on
Passover night that’s not the time to examine yourself; that’s the time to pay
tribute to Yeshua ha Mashiach, Christ Jesus our Lord who gave His life’s blood
and bled to death on the stake for you.
38.) And when you swallow the
bread you think of all the flesh being torn off of His body, right down to the
bone. That’s what you think of. You don’t think of your sins.
And when you take the wine,
you think of all His blood being spilled out on the cross, on the tree, on the
stake so that He bled to death as the sacrificial lamb.
39.) That’s why they didn’t
break His legs; they [the Roman soldiers] fulfilled the prophecy that not one
bone shall be broken.
40.) And on the Passover
supper we had a leg of lamb without the bone being broken. We were blessed with
that because the grocery butcher had said the bone was cut, but when we opened
the package of lamb, we put it on the fire and it turned out very well. In
fact, wonderfully well. It was the best lamb I’ve ever tasted. Best night for
the Passover.
41.) And we followed Yeshua
and we burned whatever was left. So I hope you burned whatever was left over,
and didn’t put it in your fridge because you are supposed to burn whatever is
left. So next year you’ll know better if you hadn’t.
42.) So we are teaching you
continually, one jot after another. It’s so important. Don’t forget we are
telling you that you’ve got to get out of your gods and goddesses days, like
Mother-goddess Day; Sky Father’s Day, the Spring Equinox; Ra-Osiris Turkey-god
Day. You can’t deny it is Ra-Osiris because you just look in the encyclopedia
and it goes back 4,000 years.
43.) We are not to add a day, Deuteronomy 12;32;
Galatians 1:6; Galatians 1:9; and the big one, moving God’s Sabbath to the
sixth-day in half the world just like the Pope moved to the first day, moved
the Sabbath to the first day [of the week]. You are just as bad as the Pope.
44.) All you people going
right out of services and hiring people to work for you on the Sabbath Day.
Don’t give me any of these excuses that they’d be working anyways. Then you
could sell cocaine on the street, because they’d be selling cocaine anyway, so
you might as well sell cocaine on street and make a lot of money. Well, don’t
use that argument.
45.) If you want to still try
to use that argument, point 2, you’re taking money out of your wallet on the
Sabbath Day, which means you are buying on the Sabbath Day. And you cannot be
buying on the Sabbath Day. This is one of the marks of the Beast.
46.) So every church of God
heads out after services, instead of picketing the restaurants, they are paying
people to work on God’s Sabbath Day, instead of bringing people into the
congregation and telling then not to work.
47.) So, of course, we’re the
only Church of God that’s preaching this, because the Living Church of God isn’t,
the United Church of God isn’t, the Philadelphia Church of God isn’t. None of
these churches is Philadelphians because they’re breaking the Sabbath with all
their members buying and selling on the Sabbath Day, and having the Sabbath Day
on the sixth-day.
48.) So you are witnessing
the Romans 9:28 “short work.” We had Mr. Armstrong from 1934 to 1986; then one
year of mourning for the fallen leader; then in 1987 we had William F.
Dankenbring from 1987 to 2008; and then in 2008 you can go on our Internet Site
and look back and see that I gave a sermon on Cleansing the House of the Lord.
49.In 2008 is when the Ten
Years of Awe started, the Ten Years of Awe and the “short work” of God by The
Obedient Church of God.
50.) Look at the facts,
folks. No one else is telling you not to have the Sabbath Day on the Sixth-day
in half the world, no one else is telling you not to buying food and hiring
workers, no one else is telling you about Mother-goddess Day, Sky-Father’s Day,
Turkey-god Day, adding “potential visibility” to God’s Bible, deleting the
words of the Bible requiring two witnesses, refusing to sleep in the Sukkah,
when all the people in Jerusalem sleep in their temporary dwellings.
51.) And if you come out here
to Townsend, Tennessee, we’re exactly the same temperature as Jerusalem. And we
are telling you to assemble three times a year, according to Deuteronomy 16:16.
You should be here right now. Where are you? “Where are?” You figure that one
52.) Deuteronomy 16:16, “All
the males are to assemble three times a year.” And we can all count up to
three. Three times a year are Passover and The Days of Unleavened Bread are
one; Pentecost, two; Feast of Tabernacles, three. Or scratch that out of your
Bible. Yep! Deuteronomy 16:16, three times a year. Very simple.
53.) Can you afford to do it?
Of course you can, because if you just save $20.00 a week, you’ll have enough
money at the end of the year to but a $3-400.00 ticket and take a trip and fly
down here three times.
54.) Remember, at the Feast
of Tabernacles most people had “tons of money” they didn’t know what to do
with. Why? Because they weren’t appearing three times a year. They were only
appearing once a year. So, I know for a fact most of the members had “tons of
money,” and members that didn’t have money were given money by other members so
everybody had “tons of money.”
55.) Look, we’re The Obedient
Church of God and it says three times a year. You are supposed to be at the
feast site three times a year. And if you can’t figure out which congregation
that is preaching the seventh-day Sabbath, something is wrong with your brain,
because we’re the only ones preaching the seventh-day Sabbath in the whole
world, while every other denomination is preaching the sixth-day Sabbath in
half the world.
56.) Here’s what happened.
God used Mr. Armstrong. I love Mr. Armstrong, I’ve even written, or reworded
songs, “I dreamed Mr. Armstrong last night, alive as you and me. Twas I that
said you’re ten years dead. ‘I never died, said he.’ ”
57,) He never died in the
spirit of Mr. Armstrong, in correcting false doctrine, in the spirit then
carried on by William F. Dankenbring in correcting false doctrine, and then in
the spirit of Mr. Lawrence A. Nowell correcting false doctrine. “ ’I never
died,’ said he.”
58.) So you must go to the
feast site three times a year. The Bible commands it.
59.) And you must assemble on
New Moon Day. That’s why the gates were open. And it says clearly in Isaiah
66:23, and in Ezekiel 46:1 “shall worship on the new moons.’ Plural. And
trouble reading English? Worship on the new moons. Plural.Nehemiah 10:33.
60.) And no working on New
moon Day, and no buying of New Moon Day. “When will the new moon be over that
we may sell grain?” Amos 8:5.
61.) Therefore, you have
found the true church of God. And the facts prove it because we are obeying the
Bible. You want to stay in a congregation that is moving the Sabbath Day to the
sixth-day in half the world? See where that leads you. You’re going to have to
explain that one to God. The books are open why you gave your money to a
congregation that is moving the Sabbath to the sixth-day. What’s the matter
with you?
62.) The Pope moves the
Sabbath to the first day. Why don’t you give money to the Pope? It’s the same
thing. Both are breaking God’s Holy Sabbath Day, the big test commandment. Give
your money to the Pope. It’s the same thing as giving your money to the Living
Church of God, the Philadelphia Church of God, Triumph Prophetic Ministries and
all the other churches of God that are refusing to keep the Sabbath Day on the
seventh-day in half the world.
63.) And it’s so easy to
know, because all you’ve got to do is fly out of L.A. X., Los Angeles
International Airport and head towards Australia and bingo, the day jumps all
by itself. Well, it doesn’t jump. You have got to follow God’s law and wait for
the sun to go down. We’re the only ones preaching it.
64.) So you go support the
Pope. Give all your money to the Pope because he moves the Sabbath to the first
day. Give all your money to the Pope’s imitators who are moving the Sabbath to
the sixth-day. The Living Church of God is doing that and refuses to repent,
and the United Church of God refuses to repent, and the Philadelphia Church of
God, and Triumph Prophetic Ministries.
65.) And don’t give me this
hooy that Christ will restore all things, because Hebrews 10:26 says that if
you know better, there is no sacrifice for your sins.
66.) hope you know better, and start obeying
Father. Start supporting The Obedient Church of God where the truth is, and not
where the sinisters are where they are moving the Sabbath to the sixth-day in
half the world, and having Mother-goddess Day, Sky-Father’s Day, Turkey-god
Day, hiring and paying restaurant workers on the Sabbath Day. Give your head a
67.) And adding “potential
visibility” to God’s Bible. Sinisters want to save their own egos. They won’t
change. Their egos are more important, but they’ll cause you to be thrown into
the Lake of Fire, if you willfully disobey now that you’ve been told that the
Sabbath Day is the seventh-day in all of the world.
68.) And that you can’t wait
until Christ comes back. It says clearly that Elisha will restore all things.
Christ will restore the hidden things.
69.) Real ministers have real
truth. And that isn’t any way for any minister to hide the truth from you, to
cover up the truth, because they are causing you to stumble, and that is sin,
punishable by a millstone around the neck.
70.) So there’s a direct, “a
direct” command to these ministers to wake up and give their heads a shake;
they are causing a millstone around people’s necks by braking the Sabbath every
single week by having their members go out buying food, and by telling their
members not to hire people. What’s wrong?
71. Well, they have not
repented. It’s that simple. “It’s that simple.” They haven’t repented. Either
you keep the Sabbath or you don’t.
72.) You don’t lie and take
the Passover and say you are going to obey God, and commit your life to God, and then the first thing
after Passover, the next day is to head out to the restaurant and hire people,
when you should be picketing the restaurant and shutting the restaurant down,
and getting the restaurant workers out of the restaurant and into your
73.) Who are you going to
support? Support the Pope? Your choice. Wake up. You’ve got to be obedient to
Father, and not support the Catholic Church, and not support the Living Church
of God, United Church of God, Triumph Prophetic Ministries, the Philadelphia
Church of God all refuse those points that I have mentioned.
74.) All refuse to keep the
Sabbath Day. We’re going to drill it into you, until you get it right. Are you
going to have to have it slapped over your head with a 2x4 until you get it
drilled into your head?
75.) The lies out there have
been told so long that the other denominations out there say that they are
God’s Church, “they say that they are God’s Church.” Well, not if you don’t
repent. The Worldwide Church of God is no longer God’s Church, “no longer God’s
Church.” God’s not using it.
76.) I gave a sermon on that,
if the tool is dull, the potter can’t fashion the clay, the clay gets thrown
out. So the same thing happened with the Worldwide Church of God. It got thrown
77.) The same thing happened
to Triumph Prophetic Ministries. When it was told about Turkey-god Day, when it
was told about the Sabbath-Day, it refused to repent, so it got thrown out in
2008. It had a nice run of 21 years, from 1987 to 2008.
78.) Now we’ve got The
Obedient Church of God and the facts prove it, and we’re going to carry on, and
we are going to do this with all our heart. And we’re not going to back up,
we’re going straight forward, straight ahead, speak the truth and let the cards
fall where they may.
79.) And we also teach you a
lot, “a lot” of heart-felt knowledge, such as we taught you that you have two
brains. You’ve got a brain in your heart. And God had always said that. And we
found out that the heart had 65 % neurons.
80.) And the heart through
the blood transmits chemicals to the
brain. The brain and the heart have a big argument on who to obey. That’s why
God says follow your heart. Don’t harder your heart. God created a heart with
65% neurons that transmit chemicals to your body and to your brain.
81.) The heart is not just a
pump. Who told you that? We did, The Obedient Church of God humbly. You’re
getting the truth here. Do not harden your heart. don’t let your brain try to
explain away keeping the Sabbath Day in half of the world.
82. You look it up on
neuro-cardiology and you will actually find the most exciting thing medical
science has found out. When was it? It was 1998 from my research. Well, 65% of
the heart cells are neuro-cells, precisely the same as your brain. You have two
brains, one in your head, one in your heart. We told you that. We showed you
that to follow your heart, and not just follow your brain.
83.) Watch out! You can have
a lying heart too where you are comfortable in your congregation. Well, if you
are comfortable in your congregation, bring them all into The Obedient Church
of God. Bring the whole group in. Then you can be comfortable in the truth.
84.) Instead, you are going
to be rationalizing and worrying about Hebrews 10:26 and being thrown into the
Lake of Fire. You know better than to support organizations that move the
Sabbath Day to the sixth-day in half of the world. And the Pope moved it to the
first day. You cannot deny that, “you cannot deny that.”
85.) So welcome to The
Obedient Church of God. So I’m mentioning all this because we’ve just had the
seven Days of Unleavened Bread to examine ourselves. So I want you, in
conclusion, to examine yourselves.
86.) Who are you supporting?
Which group are you supporting? One that moves the Sabbath Day to the sixth-day
like the Pope? Say it over and over until you get it into your head. Stop
supporting them. Maybe that’ll get them to change. In fact, I know it will get
them to change.
87.) Cut off all the money
and they don’t have any money coming in, they will think very seriously. You
just keep tithing to them, they’re not going to do anything. Nothing. They’re
not going to do didiley squat. They are just going to keep on their same ole
merry way, and not repent.
88.) Well, listen to the subtle-energy and wisdom
in your heart. You know that I’m right. You know that I’m teaching from the
doctrines of the Bible. Know that you are not supposed to disobey God. Know
that you are not supposed to have the Sabbath on the sixth-day. So, get out of
those churches that have the Sabbath on the sixth-day.
89.) Get out of the Catholic
Church that has it on the first day. You are supposed to love God with all your
heart, Matthew 22:37. And you are supposed to put God ahead of all your friends
and family.
90.) The idea of this is you
won’t have any peace of mind until you change. Until you change to support the
congregation of The Obedient Church of God that has the Sabbath on the
seventh-day in every country in the world. And the proof is Pakistan because
that’s 22 hours all the way around the world, and we are keeping the Sabbath
Day on the seventh-day in Pakistan. We are the only ones.
91.) We also go to Australia,
also goes for NewZealand. Also goes for Japan and China.
God certainly gave us powerful names here.
92.) You want to be at peace,
you come into The Obedient Church of God. You’ll be at peace.
93.) Now, I want to tell you
The Obedient Church of God is moving ahead full power, “full power.” And we
have baptisms scheduled.
94.) And in regard to
baptisms, the gift of the Holy Spirit is given by the Father by the person
petitioning the Father to give that Spirit. So when you are baptized, the
minister that baptized you was asking Father to give you the Holy Spirit. Now
the minister himself did not give you the Holy Spirit. He asked Father to.
95.) Now when you went down
into the water, there was two parts to the baptism for the new listeners out
there. The outward showing of your repentance was that you go down into the water and leave the sinful
man down drowned in the water, and you come in a new creation in a vow you will
follow every jot and title, including the seventh-day Sabbath around the world.
96.) For all you old-time
members, don’t break your vow. How serious this is. You vowed to keep the
Sabbath on the seventh-day, now do it. I’m going to wake you up, “I’m going to
wake you up.”
97.) Now the second part of
this is, is the gift of the laying on of hands, from the laying on of hands
from the Father. So we will free you from the power from hell by your
disobedience from the power of sin, for service to sin. Only the truth will set
you free. What will set you free? Only the truth will set you free. You’ve got
to walk away from the lies, and walk in the truth.
98.) And this being the
seventh-day of the seven Days of Unleavened Bread, we hope we can wake you up
there to get out of those sinning congregations who refuse to have the Sabbath
day on the seventh-day. Don’t have anything to do with them.
99.) You’ve got to make a big decision in your
life. You’re calling yourself a follower of God. You can’t be part of
congregations that don’t follow God. Wake up! We’re going to set you free with
the truth. If you can’t figure it out for yourself, then follow every jot of
the Bible, and when you see that the seventh-day is the Sabbath of the Lord
your God, follow it in Australia.
100.) As, indeed, some of our
friends are following it and have followed it when we had given them that
information back years ago now. They have been
faithfully following it according to God’s law, which gives you the
character for Him to use you. Because, if you don’t follow God’s law, the way
the family lives, if you are lucky you won’t be thrown in the Lake of Fire.
101.) You might come up in
the second resurrection. But I certainly wouldn’t want to take that chance if I
were you, because God would say, “You’ve just hardened your heart and you won’t
come up in the second resurrection because you’re just abysmal.”
102.) The Man of Sin won’t
come up in the second resurrection. He’ll head right into the Lake of Fire. So
how do you punish criminal behavior? Remember, I told you about Lot’s wife.
Lot’s wife was turned into a pillar of salt because she was incorrigible. She
could not be changed. God knew her heart.
103.) Don’t think God doesn’t
know what is going on. You’ve been reading your Passover service notes,
remember, what Christ said to Peter, “You’ll deny me three times before the
cock crows.” Who can predict the future like that? But Yeshua ha Mashiach.
104.) So He’s giving you every
opportunity, “every opportunity” to change, but He knows your heart, so you
better be doing the change out of your heart. He knew Peter would deny Him
three times, and He predicted it, “predicted it” accurately.
105.) We’ve restored the
first century Christianity that was practiced in the first century, and you’ve
got to open your mind to following the seventh-day Sabbath.
106.) Now fools are slow of
heart, “fools are slow of heart.” And there ate 4,000 offshoots of the
Worldwide Church of God. There are about 30,000 denominations in the whole
world, but, unbelievably there are about 4,000 offshoots and we’re counting the
little groups, the home groups that meet in homes where 2 or 3 families get
together and they have their Bible study.
107.) Now there are 4,000
different Churches of God, and there shouldn’t be, “there shouldn’t be.” They
should open their minds and we pray to Father that their minds will be open to
the scriptures so they won’t be denied, and they can come into the safety and
protection of The Obedient Church of God.
108.) How many members did
Yeshua have? Well, He had 120. That’s what the scriptures said, 120. The
Obedient Church of God, well, we’ve got about 200, 200 plus, and a lot of
affiliates, an awful lot of affiliates. And some affiliates in high places.
They know we are right, but they just won’t change. They just won’t start
tithing to The Obedient Church of God.
109.) And every jot of the
Bible is followed that we can find in The Obedient Church of God. And we are
saved by grace through faith, not of ourselves. We just do it because we love
Father. In the Days of Unleavened Bread you are looking for sins in your life
because you want to love Father and be more like Him.
110.) Now you can’t have
4,000 different denominations all divided, saying that they are a part of The
Obedient Church of God, that they are a part of God’s Church. They are being
led by God, but they are not in God’s Church if they are woefully breaking the
Sabbath Day, which is the big test commandment.
111.) God does not have
contradictions in His Bible. When the Bible says in Deuteronomy 12:32, don’t
add days and ways, don’t add them. If you don’t want to be accursed, Galatians
1:6 and 1:9, a double curse, if you have Turkey-god Day, if you add Sky Father’s
Day, Mother-goddess Day.
112.) I told you, you have to
call up your relatives before those pagan days. you are not going to have a
part of the goddesses and gods of the foreign nations, and they should not call
you up. Hang-up on them, if they call you up, because then they are abusing
you, “then they are abusing you.”
113.) Don’t say that you are
doing this for your dear mother, because you are supposed to put God before
your dear mother, or your dear father. You are supposed to put God’s ways first.114.)
114.) Acts 4:11-12, There’s
only one way, “only one way.” Isn’t that amazing? Only one way.
115.) We’re cleansing the
House of the Lord. I told you in 2008 we’re going to clean it up. When Triumph
Prophetic Ministries didn’t clean up their act, God stopped using them.
116.) I wasn’t going to start
The Obedient Church of God. I was forced into it because no one else was being
obedient. I couldn’t join any other congregation that was disobedient, breaking the Sabbath all the way around the
117.) They keep Turkey-god
Day as most all of them were, and not having the Sabbath-day followed
correctly, having “potential visibility.” Triumph Prophetic Ministries has
“potential visibility;” you need two witnesses because the Bible says so. [The new moon is] Sighted by two witnesses.
No “potential visibility” is allowed. Two witnesses or nothing, or else you are
breaking God’s law.
118.) You know what happened with Saul. The
bleating of animals when Saul was told to exactly do it, and when he didn’t, he
thought it would be nice to save the best animals. Well, he was disqualified to
be king. You’ve got to do things the same way God says or else you end up with
4,000 different offshoots of the Worldwide Church of God.
119.) So, in your repentance
on the Days of Unleavened Bread, have you examined if you are keeping the
Sabbath in the whole world or just in half the world? Do you think you are only
going to be in the Kingdom if you only keep the Sabbath in half of the world ?
120.) And support the Pope
who moves the Sabbath to the first day, or support Triumph Prophetic Ministries
who move the Sabbath to the sixth-day, or the United Churrch of God that moves
the Sabbath to the sixth-day, or the Living Church of God that moves the
Sabbath to the sixth-day, or the Philadelphia Church of God that moves the
Sabbath to the sixth-day. I tell you get out of those sinning denominations.
121.) You had to get out of
the Worldwide Church of God when it went off the rails sinning. you had to get
out of Triumph Prophetic Ministries when it went off the rail sinning. You’ve
got to come into the safety and protection of The Obedient Church of God.
122.) Unless you want to
reject the stone that was rejected by the builders that we read in Acts
4:11-12. Yeshua just went through the crucifixion, verse 10, and was crucified,
God raised from the dead, by Him this man stands before you whole, this was the
stone that was rejected by the builders, and Yeshua obeyed every jot and title
of His Father’s law.
123.) Not until heaven and earth pass away, shall
one jot or title pass away; there’s more law, because now you can’t even think
lusting after your neighbor’s wife, now you can’t even think of having a home
like your neighbor or a car like your neighbor. Satisfied by what you have, you
do your best to get the best of what you can have. You don’t covet or think
about other people’s things, or other people’s wives, or anything that causes
you to covet.
124.) The law is not just to
commit adultery as it use to be in the Old Testament, but now not even to think
of adultery, or you’re guilty. So now you know there’s more law, not less law.
125.) And we’re speaking
boldly in verse 13. Let’s see what Peter and John…“Now when they saw the
boldness of Peter and John, they perceived that they were uneducated, untrained
men, they marveled. They realized they had been with Jesus.”
126.) The point is, what are
the qualifications for being a minister? Well, if you’re a fisherman, that’s a
good qualification right there. And the Spirit is given at baptism to the
people who are obedient, who Father has led and chosen. Father gives the
127.) We’ve got people that
are counseling for baptism more and more, and we are very, very confident that
Father will lead them to the right time for their baptism. We’ll be happy to
baptize you. And, or re-baptize you if you have to be baptized.
128.) Just as a sidebar, I’m
not going to go into all the details, but I have been anointed for being able
to do the work of God in terms of a ministry as a minister. God has been
petitioned, hands have been laid upon me. God was petitioned to give the Spirit
necessary and the power and protection necessary in order to carry on His
end-time work, and it’ll be done, see where I’m pointing, as sharp as a
two-edged sword.
129.) That was about the
three meteorites that came down in front of me. And it wasn’t any accident, all
in short order, in the exact words of saying,
“Father, this work will be done with power, and zing, a meteorite comes
down right in front of me.
130.) And then I said, “Does
that mean that it’s going to be done with a sword and a vengeance?” And zing, a
meteorite come down like a sword at an angel in front of me.
131.) And I said, “Oh, oh.
Okay, Father, I’ve seen enough, I’m going inside. Does that mean that this
isn’t an accident?” These meteorites
coming down? And ZING, a meteorite goes
straight across the sky and doesn’t come down. An underline across the sky.
Just mentioning that. Things are happening.
132.) I didn’t want to have
The Obedient Church of God. I didn’t think, particularly, of the name, The
Obedient Church of God.
133.) I didn’t think,
particularly, of the name The World Father gave me that name. How
did I end up with I guess Father wanted it because people
would trip over that name, trip over our site, and come to the knowledge of the
truth, because we own Nobody else does. Oh, they’ve tried
to buy it. They’ve offered money for it. No way, Jose.
134.) And the big one: For The; so
this is God’s work.
135.) Yes, I’ve been anointed
for the ministry, and Father was petitioned to give me the power and the
Spirit. Therefore, you can have full confidence when you are baptized, re-
baptized in The Obedient Church of God that we will petition Father to give you
the same power and the same Spirit that He has given me for the ministry, and all
the members of The Church of God that petition God for His Spirit.
136.) Including the brethren
in Pakistan that have to be baptized, because it’s the Father that gives the
Spirit. Come into the protection and safety of The Obedient Church of God, and we
will get Father to give you the Spirit, if He so choses.
137.) It’s ridiculous for you
to be staying in all the other congregations that are all breaking, willfully
breaking, God’s law of the Sabbath Day.
138.) So prepare now, it’s
the last Day of Unleavened Bread. You can’t be Godless on the last Day of
Unleavened Bread. Better make up your mind now what your are going to be doing
before the sun goes down today. We know that in the “last days” that people
will become lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant,
disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy.” We’re all reading this in II
Timothy 3:1-5. So you might as well say the ministers because in the last days,
men. Ministers are men. Let’s use the word.
139.) Ministers will become
lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, disobedient to their
parents, disobedient to God, ministers without obedience to God, without
self-control, can’t control their reading, can’t control their tempers, can’t
control themselves, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited,
lovers of pleasure: Turkey-god Day rather than lovers of God.
140.) Holding on to a form of
Godliness, although they have denied its power, always learning, but never
coming to a knowledge of the truth. Look. The Obedient Church of God learns and
comes to a knowledge of the truth by performing the truth. That’s how you can
sort out the goats. That’s easy to do.
141.) Remember, I told you
there aren’t any “shoats” in the Kingdom. Well, that’s a cross between a sheep
and a goat; there aren’t any hybrids. There aren’t any “shoats” in the Kingdom.
You are either a sheep or a goat. And there aren’t any “geeps” either, just a
sheep or a goat, not a “geep.”
142.) Watch out! We don’t
allow any goats in sheep’s clothing around. Remember, I told you the ministers
are the wolves. They are the ones who are causing you to break God’s Sabbath
143.) Dr. Meredith of the
Living Church of God doesn’t tell his members not to buy on the Sabbath Day. He
won’t tell the members that. Let’s put him on the spot. Why won’t you tell the
members to picket the restaurant, to tell the restaurant workers not to work on
God’s Sabbath Day? Why don’t you do that Living Church of God?
144.) It doesn’t go by the numbers and how many churches, it
goes by the truth. Remember, Christ only had 120 members; the disciples had
3,000, but Yeshua himself had 120.
145.) Now, we want the masks
to come off. And this work is going to get stronger all the way, “all the way”
until 2018. And by the way, you’ve only got 900 days to live, “you’ve only got
900 days to live.” Wake-up. We’re in the end-times. Place of safety 2015, 900
days to live. That’s all you’ve got.
146.) And you can’t get in on
the last second, because you’ve got to develop the character, “you’ve got to
develop the character.”
147.) You realize that
everybody has to appear before the judgment seat of Christ that each one may
receive for what is due for what he’s done in the body, whether it is good or
evil. You’ll have to explain that to God. God is not going to be having people
getting away with evil.
148.) Why Lot’s wife had to
be turned into a pillar of salt, I told you, it was not because God was mean,
but if God let her get away with disobeying Him, that would set the whole tone
for the rest of the world that they can disobey Father, and Father will just
let it slip by. Well, Father is not going to let it slip by on the authority of
the Bible, I tell you He’s not going to let it slip by.
149.) I tell you Living
Church of God, you teach your members not to buy and sell on the Sabbath Day.
You can have wonderful dinners that’s in the home, if you go to the same
restaurant on the preparation day and buy ten dinners and stick them all into
your fridge, and then have a wonderful banquet on the Sabbath Day. But not
hiring the restaurant workers.
150.) I suggest you go to the
restaurant workers and say, “Come on over to our place and have a free lunch.
You don’t have to work today.” Get them into the church instead of paying them
to break God’s law.
151.) He’ll separate the
people one from another. When the Son of man comes, Matthew 25:31-46,RSV, “When
the Son of man comes into His glory and the angels with Him, He will sit on His glorious throne. Before
Him will be gathered all the nations. He will separate the people, one from
152.) “As the shepherd separates the sheep from
the goats, he’ll place the sheep on His right hand but the goats on the left.
Then the king will say to those who are on the right, ‘Come your who are
blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom.’ ”
153.) What’s he going to say
to the other group who refuses to follow the Sabbath Day in half of the world?
Or supported the Pope who refuses to follow the Sabbath Day? Or supports the
Living Church of God? United Church of God? Triumph Prophetic Ministries?
Philadelphia Church of God? Church of God the Eternal? That all keep the
Sabbath Day on the sixth-day in half the world? What’s he going to say to them?
154.) Well, he’s going to
say, “Truly, I never knew you.” That’s what he is going to say. “…Then he will
say to those on his left, Depart from me you cursed into the eternal fire
prepared for the Devil and his angels.”
155.) “For I was hungry, and
you gave me no food. I was thirsty and you gave me no drink, I was a stranger
and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not clothe me, sick and in prison
and you did not visit me.”
156.) Just to tell you a
sidebar about The Obedient Church of God, we help the Pakistani brethren. We
have a program for the Pakistani brethren, a feeding and a clothing program. We
also have a learning program so that the children can have books. Yes. So, not
only are we clothing them, not only are we feeding them, we are educating them,
and who knows what will become of it. What ministers will come out of all of
Asia, out of our Pakistani Church.
157.) In the next three to five years teenagers
that are getting the books will be educated, and they can go out through their
158.) So, we are clothing the
hungry, feeding the hungry, clothing them. That’s what The Obedient Church of
God does. How many other churches have that feeding program? How many? Ask your
church has it got a feeding program? I challenge them, “challenge them” to show
their feeding program. Where’s their feeding program?
159.) The Bible says, Depart
from me. I was hungry and you gave me no food. Where’s your feeding program,
other churches? Go on show me. You don’t have one. I know you don’t. I’ve been
in your churches, been a member in your churches.
160.) Well, this is the Day
of Unleavened Bread, your last chance to get out of these sinning denominations
and become a sheep, and not be thrown into hell like the goats. I’ll just leave
it there. We want to accentuate the positive, but we’re trying to get you to
prepare now. Very important for you to prepare now. And we obey every jot and
161.) You might have heard
the shofar on our solemn feast day. That’s how we opened services today. So
what we’re going to do is play the shofar one more time now to wake you up,
that it is like a war that’s going on here. And we are going to be showing you
and the world, we’re going to be taking it to the world, to obey every jot and
title of Yah’s law, “every jot and title.”
162.) So this is an alarm for you on the last Day
of Unleavened Bread. We want to send it as an alarm so you can see it’s an
alarm to you to wake you up. You are being warned by The Obedient Church of
God. Yes, and we’re God’s watchmen, because very single one of God’s watchmen
was obedient.
163.) Not only did they have
a mouth to warn you what was going to happen, they backed it up by their own
obedience. They weren’t disobedient to God. God never used a prophet that was
164.) God didn’t use Mr.
Tkach because he was disobedient. God used Mr. Armstrong when he was obedient
from 1934 to 1937 and then let it run its course to 1986. Then there was a year
of mourning for the fallen leader, and then God used Mr. William F. Dankenbring
while he was obedient until 2008, when he fell off the rails.
165.) Dankenbring fell off
the rails when he wanted to have his Turkey-god Day, which is in all the
encyclopedias. You can’t say you can’t have Christmas Day and obey God; you
can’t say you can have Turkey-god Day, and say you’re doing it in honor of God.
So Dankenbring fell off the rails in 2008.
166.) All we can say is now
you are given a choice to prepare for the 900 days from now to try to be right
with God before you are hit by all the earthquake, and all the giant hail
stones, and all of the 90 % of population being killed.
167.) And by the way, if you
come out here at Pentecost, we’re taking you on a trip, a day-trip to the
Georgia Guidestone. They’re only two hours away from us here. The Georgia
Guidestone, which says that the population of the earth will be cut down to
half a million people. It’s right on the Georgia Guidestone, and it’s just down
the road from us on a day trip. Two hours there, two hours back, actually 130
miles, I think.
168.) The point is. Start
thinking of coming here for Pentecost because you’ve blown it for the Days of
Unleavened Bread. So we are sounding the trumpet. We are sounding the trumpet
and warning of the signs of the end-time, “of the signs of the end-time” where
it is recorded that men would become disobedient and lovers of themselves.
169.) Let’s play that shofar
one more time. Maybe that’ll wake you up like a 2 x 4 hitting you over the
head. Maybe, “maybe, maybe” that would wake you up, because nothing else seems
to wake you up. So here comes the alarm:
170.) There you have it.
We’re playing that so that you can fulfill Hosea 3:5. These are the “last
days,” Hosea 3:5, “They will come trembling to Yahveh and to His blessing in
the “last days.” You will be fulfilling Hosea 3:5. The Bible says so. The Bible
says the “last days.” These are the “last days.”
171.) The Seven Years haven’t
started yet, but they could start at any time with the daily sacrifice. Remember,
you don’t need a temple for a daily sacrifice, Ezra 3;verse 7, some where.
172.) Remember, even in the
Old Testament they didn’t have a temple in the wilderness. They just had a
tent. So you can have an altar, even without a tent. You are living in the
“last days.” So tremble when you hear that shofar warning coming out of The
Obedient Church of God. In Hebrew the phrase acharit-hayamin literally means
“the end of days.”
173.) That’s when the olam
haveh, “the present world,” is coming to an end, and the olam hava, “the world
to come,” is about to begin. These terms stem from Micah 4:1, “the end of days”
that we are in. We want to give you some of that so you know that we know
whereof of what we speak, because we do the research and give you the gestalt of it.
174.) We’re telling you in
the last days of Hosea 3:5, you’ll come trembling to Yahveh.
So this on the seventh-day of
Unleavened Bread I hope wakes you up and that you will repent and will come
trembling to Yahveh and get out of your Living Church of God that is breaking
all of God’s commandments, out of your Triumph Prophetic Ministries, out of
United Church of God, out of the Church of God the Eternal.
175.) All of those churches
are propagating false doctrines, “all propagating false deoctrines.” And we can
prove that and you can prove that by your reading the Bible, and following the
points we have given you, especially the Sabbath Day, which is the big test
commandment. Could anything be any simpler?
176.) Well, we The Obedient
Church of God give you other benefits too, you know. We want you to repent on
that one. Before we run out of time here, we’ll give you a little bit more on
your relationship with Father, how to have it.
177.) Just you know that of which we speak, we’ve
told you that we look for the ten kingdoms to arise, which will be
Canada, the United States, and Mexico, region one;
Western Europe, British Isles, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Turkey, region
two, not just the E.U. but all of Western Europe; region three: Japan, the Pacific
region four: Australia, New Zealand, South Africa;
region five: Eastern Europe, Russia, Siberia, Mongolia, Korea;
region six: Central America, South America, Caribbeans Islands, so there could be a switch between Mexico being
in region one or region six;
I guarantee
you region seven: Egypt, Libya, Tunesia, Algeria, Morocco, Saudi Peninsula,
Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan; region
eight: Africa without the northern African countries, but including Madagascar;
region nine: India, South
East Asia;
region ten: China.
You heard it here on The Obedient
Church of God.
178.) We’ve got everything
you need right here from The Obedient Church of God. I tell you in prophecy
what is going to happen, and we’re telling you right now that war is being
179.) And that’s why the U.
S. Troops that urinated on the dead bodies, the fallen soldiers; that’s why
they blew up a wedding party of 90 a year or two ago; that’s why we have an
army of men go into the houses and slaughter 17 to 21 innocent people sleeping
in their beds, including the children.
180.) That’s to fulfill the
New World Order’s plan to foment the hatred between the Arabs and the whites,
Anglo-Saxons in order to bring in the King of the South. And I might add to
foment the turmoil in the United States.
181.) And I might add that
white guy that killed a black youth, an unarmed black youth, in order to foment
chaos in America. There will be chaos; it’s all being fomented before our eyes.
We know exactly what’s happening
182.) Remember we are the
ones who are telling you, you are being watched by the
Gestapo, “the white shirts”
now. Every communication you have, every Internet communication you have, all
your e-mail is all going into a giant computer. It’s just like the S.S., the
“brown shirts,” storm troopers; we’ve got the “white shirts.”