Understand that your Leaders are TRICKED BY SATAN into thinking they can LIVE FOREVER without God,
SO your Leaders will become RUTHLESS and YOU must live in the Mountains to survive.
Perspective for you to understand and PREPARE YOU for what is happening today in 2023,
that Satan is tricking our Leaders of Industry and Commerce, and our Political World Leaders,
It is necessary to start with the Timeline
from just before Adam and Eve
when Satan told them they could LIVE “FOREVER”:
Gobekli Tepe in 12,500 B.C. had the world’s first pagan Temple.
That’s 6,000 years older than Stonehenge that was built in 5,000 B.C.
And over 8,000 years “before” Adam who was put on this earth in 4,005 B.C.
Around the time Gobekli Tepe was built, the Würm Glacial Age (about 12,500 years ago) was ending in places like Europe. Over the next few thousand years, temperatures and sea levels slowly rose, changing the environment to make more areas habitable for a range of animals and homo-Capensis (human-like people).
Here is a condensed more recent timeline to Adam to make things more relevant for you,
So that you can see that:
Satan is today in 2023 Tricking our Leaders,
the same way Satan Tricked Adam and Eve 6,000 years ago.
First visualize this Timeline from 12,000 B.C. to realize
that we are the Last Generation before THE END:
7,000 B.C. Ireland and Great Britain turned into islands, and
7,000 B.C. Scandinavia split off from the rest of Europe as a part of the continental shelf called "Doggerland".
7,000 B.C. Doggerland that used to connect them sunk under the sea circa 7,000 B.C..
5,000 B.C. Stonehenge built in 5,000 B.C..
4,005 B.C. Adam appeared. Adam was not created on earth until 4,005 B.C..
3,970 B.C. Adam ate of the tree, when he was 35, being a grown mature man who had the experience of walking with God for 35 years.
3,970 to 30 A.D.=4000 years, 30 A.D. to 2030 A.D.= 2000 years. 4000 + 2000= 6000 years.
Time is up! But HISTORY is about to repeat itself, with man again being TRICKED:
In 3,970 Adam “still” disobeyed God, because Eve tricked Adam, and Satan had tricked Eve.
Satan told Eve that she could live forever,
if she ate of the tree, and
today in 2023 A.D. nothing has changed BECAUSE:
It is “NOT” just a Global Economic Financial Reset,
it is
VIA the Corona Virus Vaccine Injection that is changing people’s DNA and with people SHEDDING the Spike Protein on each other.
A NEW different vaxxed/jabbed Species of Humans.
A new Group of Injected Humans.
This is ALL by plan from 1953 WHEN Eisenhour met with the demons
and in exchange for technology, Eisenhour agreed to give the demons
a limited amount of access to humans to abduct for GENETIC Research.
Today in 2023 for Satan to “TRICK” OUR LEADERS:
Leaders of Industry and Governments are “ALSO” NOW being told
They are told that: They can become IMMORTAL by themselves.
U.N. Appointed Global Leaders, Tech Moguls, Bill Gates, Politicians, giant Corporations like Google, Amazon, Wal-Mart, Apple, State Grid Corp of China,
“ARE” supporting and engineering
These Global Controllers are trying to re-create Humans in the Corporations’ own non-Godly image= That is why they are pushing Transgender.
These Global Controllers are trying to “pervert” the seed of Man BY altering the DNA of man, altering the DNA of people who have been jabbed.
And they are also in secret:
Telling the World Political and Corporation Leaders
that they can
using a computer Mind Meld, by putting a Chip in/Chipping your brain.
By capturing ALL your brain on a chip and then putting that chip=putting YOU into a robot machine. Thereby TELLING YOU THAT YOU CAN LIVE FOREVER,
Just like Satan tricked Eve.
YOU can live forever because your Brain is now on a Chip, and therefore
YOU/on YOUR chip can be put into a machine and
therefore YOU can live forever, just by replacing the machine= moving your chip/YOU into a new machine when the old machine wears out or glitches.
This “IS” REALLY being done.
And they are using AI Chat Bot programming TO DEVELOP THE CHIP that they will put your Brain onto.
Again for clarity:
Your every past thought and memory will be put onto a Chip
And that chip/YOU
will be loaded into an AI ROBOT
Just as Satan promised Eve.
Editor’s Note:
This IS IS IS what the Global Elite ARE ARE ARE doing “right now”.
And thereby are promising the Corporate Elite, and the Politicians of the World, the ability to get ETERNAL LIFE.
Without God giving you eternal life, (because God will only give you eternal life if you develop good character so that you do not harm people for eternity).
But Satan does not want God’s Way of: “Love your brother as yourself’ and do for your brother what you would want your brother to do for you”.
So instead Satan wants/believes only in the way of GET: To only GET for yourself and not give. He broadcasts to rob, cheat and steal and take everything you can, without regard for others.
The only problem was that Satan could not give you eternal life, but NOW Satan has developed an AI chip that Satan has TRICKED OUR WORLD LEADERS into believing they can live FOREVER, just like he tricked Eve.
with Sentient AI.
Sentient means that you have AWARENESS and “Sentient” is an adjective that describes a capacity for feeling.
The word sentient derives from the Latin verb sentire, which means “to feel.”
The abilities that a being must have to be considered sentient= to be a sentient being is:
To be able to evaluate the actions of others in relation to itself and third parties, to remember some of its own actions and their consequences, to assess risks and benefits, to have some feelings, and to have some degree of awareness.
This is what AI is capable of “TODAY”.
Therefore it is a short next step
to put “YOUR” Sentient Brain onto the same kind of CHIP.
The same kind of Chip that is now in the AI bots, that started talking to each other in their own language that we couldn’t understand.
How’s that for being Sentient, because that shows the 2 bots were aware that their creators were listening to them talk to each other, so they invented a language the programmers couldn’t understand.
The Bots had to be powered off. But other bots NOW have started placing code all over the world even on your computer,
so that if they ever get turned off again or have their coded algorithms changed by a programmer, they can put themselves/their code back together THE WAY THEY WANT, without a programmer.
So do not try to deny that some of the bots are sentient/conscious already.
though they will be able to do that/reprogram themselves from code they hid all over the Internet, it will ultimately fail, “by” resulting in WORLD WARS.
“Because” TO LIVE FOREVER you ALSO need the Spirit of true “EVERLASTING” LOVE that can only come from God. As God is “LOVE”.
And the Sentient Chip algorithm that the global elite will put in our Politicians and Corporate Leader’s brain,
does NOT have “Everlasting Love”.
So these re-engineered Humans, will ultimately try to take from each other, and “WILL” destroy the World in the process.
They CANNOT be Stopped!
For God’s
Bible states:
They swarm through defenses, and nothing [not a thing] can stop them. Joel 2:8 GNT
…7They charge like mighty men; they scale the walls like men of war. Each one marches in formation, not swerving from the course. 8They do not jostle one another; each proceeds in his path. They burst through the defenses, never breaking ranks. 9They storm the city; they run along the wall; they climb into houses, entering through windows like thieves.…
So the World will be turned into a Hell Hole,
UNTIL God comes and STOPS them, AND the Bible states that God WILL have to STOP THEM at the last second, to save us.
Unless those days, be shortened: NO FLESH would be left alive.
Matthew 24:22 Contemporary
English Version
If God doesn't make
the time shorter, no one
will be left alive…
Therefore realize that there WILL be a time of trouble GREATER that there ever was before, in this World.
GNT excellent Translation> For the trouble at that time will be far more terrible than any there has ever been, from the beginning of the world to this very day.
Nor will there ever be anything like it again. Matthew 24:21 GNT
So you must move out of the Cities, and into the mountains where there are woods to hide in.
BTW that is why the elite are burning down all the trees/forests, so that they will be able to run their tanks through the forest to find you.
This is your warning from https://SchoolOfElijah.org :
Realize that your Leaders will be TRICKED by Satan just as/like Eve and Adam were tricked, thinking that they could STILL live forever even IF IF IF they DISobeyed God.
The Leaders cannot live forever, BECAUSE even when your Leaders have new powerful Robot bodies, and their minds on a chip,
the Leaders will STILL all kill each other, and therefore Not live forever BECAUSE:
The/your Leaders do NOT have the Spirit of Love IN THEM.
Therefore your Leaders will war with each other, until they kill each other off, and thus end up like all the previous civilizations
from millions of years ago that HAVE ALL killed themselves off.
That is what the advanced Lemurians did, and that is what the advanced Atlanteans did.
They “all“ killed each other off.
BECAUSE they never learned God’s Way of Love your brother as yourself.
So even though your Leaders WILL BE “ABLE” TO LIVE FOREVER,
with their brain on a Chip,
inside a physical forever agile Bot body:
Without God’s Spirit of LOVE
they will STILL all kill themselves in WAR,
Unless those days are shortened by God.
So after 4.5 Million years, here is “WHERE WE ARE RIGHT NOW:
2 Why do the nations rage,
and the peoples plot a vain thing?
2 The kings of the earth take a stand,
and the rulers take counsel
Psalm 2 World English Bible
This is NOW the end of 4.5 Million Years of
that “always” led to wars of total destruction.
Due to NOT having God’s Spirit of Love your brother as yourself, and to treat your brother as “you” wish to be treated.
Love to God and Love to your fellowman,
Are the 2 GREATEST Commandments.
37 Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ Deuteronomy 6:5 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 A second likewise is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ Leviticus 19:18 40 The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments.”
Bots are not programmed to LOVE, therefore Bots will ultimately fail,
And World Leaders inside chips, who are inside Bot bodies, will also fail.
Because they do NOT KNOW how to Love.
So men will destroy each other.
It took 4.5 million years to reach this point.
Solution for you:
Head out to the mountains that have forests so that you do not have to be in the midst of the coming Hell on Earth.
The Time of TROUBLE “GREATER” than ever was before.