There will not be enough money left in the banking system
to repay “any” depositor.
YOU are “NOT” going to be protected.
1.) “YOU” do NOT NOT NOT own the money you deposited in your bank account.
2.) “YOU” GAVE IT ALL TO THE BANK, as the Banks’ Asset, for the bank to do whatever it wants with your money. PROOF: They already invest and speculate using your money, because it is now “their” money.
3.) When the Market Collapse hits, the Banksters WILL take your money out of your account AND use your money to try to save their Corporation. YOU will be left with zero, just like in the 1933 banking collapse.
The only solution for you is to take all but $2,000 of your money OUT OF THEIR HANDS.
To preserve your WEALTH, buy Gold.
To preserve your ability to buy your daily needs, buy Silver.
· “IF” you don’t follow our instructions to BUY GOLD AND SILVER, you WILL STARVE TO DEATH.
Do NOT put your gold and silver in the Banks’ vault safety deposit box BECAUSE they will empty your safe deposit box and give you a paper voucher.
Put your gold and silver hidden on your property.
If you don’t have it in your hands, then you don’t own it.
Where the Bankers in this below picture say:
“they [you] know [you mistakenly think it works} it works”
The Bankers are mocking your ignorance of the system when they say: “YOU know it works”.
BECAUSE: There will not be enough money left in the banking system to repay “any” depositor, let alone just some= NO ONE gets saved. YOU lose ALL your money. They “WILL” TAKE IT= A BAIL-IN.
YOU must right now put your money into silver and gold, and hide it on your property of STARVE TO DEATH in the future.
As of February 3rd Friday 2023, the USA Dollar collapse is ahead in less than 416 days= circa Purim March 23, 2024. Haman is hung. Esther 5:14= Our USA Bankster Slave MASTERS are put out of Business/eradicated].
AND “then” 1 month later
3 Nuclear missiles hit the USA in 444 days from today Feb 3rd 2023= circa Passover April 22, 2024.
1.) Washington D.C.= destruction of the USA political center that controls the Nations of the world.
2.) New York= destruction of Financial Center of the world.
3.) Los Angeles= destruction of The Media Center of the world.
= 3 ribs ripped out of the USA/Ephraim. Daniel 7:5.
Right NOW on February 3, 2023, there is still a year (6th year/Day of the March out of Egypt’s slavery)= this year 2023 in which to re-organize your finances: That means RIGHT NOW;
And reap a double portion in this 2023 (6th year/Day of your march out of Egypt’s slavery), ahead of the 7th rest year (7th Day of your march out of Egypt’s slavery= year of 2024, in which there is so much chaos that no man can work.
This is the 7 Day March out of Egypt;
And is NOT the 7 year Tribulation, which does not start those 7 years of Tribulation until 2026.
The USA as we know it today, is OVERTHROWN “before” the 7 years of Tribulation start in 2026.