Science (An excerpt from
The Millennium Prophecy)
Physics of
Destruction (How the
Wormwood Brown Dwarf Star Destroys Things When It Gets
All bodies floating in
space broadcast fields of gravitational waves but it takes
quite a bit of mass before those gravitational waves become
“significant”… are able to hold onto things. A
gravitational wave-field reaches out in all directions in
three-dimensional space but if a body in space is also
spinning on an axis then something else happens at the
equatorial plane of the spinning body (star or planet).
The moving gravity field “distorts” time-space. As the
rate of spin increases… change in angular momentum per unit
time… the distortion of the affected local time-space
“intensifies”. Where the distortion is maximal (around
the “equator”… at a right angle to the axis of rotation) it is
reflected back by the dark matter/dark energy of time-space
(“Dark Soup” if you will) and stable tubular gravitational
“node rings” will form… like invisible concentric “hula hoops”
around the equatorial plane of that spinning body (star or
planet). They may be invisible but they definitely are
there. These stable concentric “hula hoop” node rings
will usually fall within a few degrees of the equatorial plane
and that’s where the planets will orbit around the sun.
And for the planets, their gravitational node rings are where
moons will orbit around planets. In short, a
gravitational field of a body in space spinning on an axis is
the basis for stable planetary orbits around stars as well as
stable orbits of moons around planets. The size of the gravity
field (amount of mass) and spin rate determine the reach
(diameter) and the characteristics of the “affected zone”
where the concentric planar node rings will form. The
sun has a gravitational wave-field that reaches out into space
for about half a light year in all directions but its mass and
its spin rate only generate stable node rings out to about
four and a half “light hours” of distance… the distance to the
node ring of Neptune. Beyond that the outer planetoid
bodies have different orbital configurations that are not
guided by planar gravitational node rings. So the
gravity field itself will reach out way beyond the “distortion
zone” radius where the node rings are
Again, the gravitational node rings of the sun
are where most of the planets orbit… from Mercury all the way
out to Neptune. And the planets will have moons orbiting
in their gravitational node rings. If the rate of
rotation with respect to mass is slow then there might be one
or two such gravitational node rings. If the rate of
spin is faster and/or the mass is greater then more
gravitational node rings will form farther and farther away
from the surface of that star or planet. If the rate of
spin is really fast compared to the mass of the star or the
planet, then equatorial discs can also form as they do for the
gas planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune… especially
Saturn) in between the node rings. Saturn is large
enough to hold 60 Earths… well… if it were hollow. It’s
really BIG. But it only takes 10 hours and 32 minutes
for a complete 3600 rotation (a Saturn “day”). It makes
more than two full revolutions for every Earth day. As
rotation rates go Saturn is really “hauling a$$”. It
does not dawdle. So its time-space distortion activity
is way more “intense” than the pattern generated by
Earth. That combination of heavy mass and very high
rotation rate not only generates node rings for its moons but
ice discs that span the space in between them. Anyway,
mass that throws a gravity field plus spin rate determines the
characteristics of the node rings and any disc formations.
Assuming Wormwood rotates on its axis… like all stars
and planets seem to do… it will also generate a set of local
concentric gravitational node rings based on its mass and its
rate of spin. And because Wormwood is so heavy… 1/17th
of a solar mass… it will be holding on to its gravitational
node rings with really long arms… a radius that’s probably
much larger than the orbital diameter of Mars. When it
approaches the ecliptic plane of the solar system on its
perihelion walk-through, its gravitational hula hoop node
rings slice right through the middle of the sun’s ecliptic
plane node rings like a table saw… a table saw with numerous
concentric node ring saw blades that have space junk and
debris embedded in
the hula hoop cutting
blades. Actually they don’t really “slice” each other
the way that saw blades cut things. It’s more like they
are trying to “bash” each other… like a sword fight with big
round pipes. It’s a battle of gravity field distortion
zones but the “cutting plane” geometry is analogous to a table
 | During the years when it
is making its trek out through the Kuiper Belt and the Oort
Cloud, Wormwood can grab ice chunks, frozen methane, comets
and various other forms of space junk… whatever Mr. Kuiper and
Mr. Oort have on the daily menu. And when it is cutting
through the solar system within node ring range of the
asteroid belt, it will also grab asteroids in its grip… if
they happen to be available. If any asteroids happen to
be just slightly out of good solid gripping range when
Wormwood is bashing its way through the asteroid belt, it can
still shove some of them out of stable orbit patterns and make
them slowly spiral inward toward the Sun. Many of those
displaced asteroids will slowly spiral inward toward the sun
and some of them can hit the Earth a thousand years later long
after Wormwood has gone back out toward deep
From the best that we can tell… without access
to classified NASA and NSF (Office of Polar Operations)
information… Wormwood approaches our sector of the solar
system from the southern (hemisphere) side of the ecliptic
plane along a planar line that stretches from June 21st (Right
Ascension: 18 h) (Summer Solstice) orbital position arcing up
over the center of the Sun then back down along Right
Ascension: 6 h to the December 21st (Winter Solstice) orbital
position… geometrically. In June the earth would be
facing Scorpius and Sagittarius in the midnight sky… summer
stars. In late December the earth would be facing Orion,
Taurus or Gemini (the Twins) in the midnight sky… winter
stars. (If you are from the southern hemisphere just use
the months of the year.)
Wormwood’s orbit
pattern approaches our sector of the solar system from the
southern hemisphere side on the June 21st edge of the
system. It comes up through the ecliptic plane from
southern side to northern side between the solar node ring of
the asteroid belt and the solar/orbital node ring of Jupiter
but it stays firmly in its own elliptical orbit plane as it
slices through the sun’s ecliptic plane in its perihelion arc
over. If you look at the edge of that elliptical orbit
you would only see a straight line… like looking at the edge
of a sheet of paper. It arcs up over the sun
(perihelion) and comes back down on the December 21st side of
the ecliptic plane and cuts through again back down to the
southern side. Geometrically the perihelion end of
Wormwood’s elliptical orbital plane and the solar ecliptic
plane intersect at right angles to form a line from RA: 18 h
position on the summer side of Earth’s orbit through the
center of the sun to RA: 6 h position on the winter side of
Earth’s orbit. So use the Summer Solstice position (RA:
18 h… June 21st) and the Winter Solstice position (RA: 6 h…
December 21st) of the earth to divide the solar system “down
the middle” and that is the line that Wormwood will be using
as it traverses the ecliptic plane during its perihelion walk
through… the extended Solstice Line.
With a
little study of the artwork for Wormwood’s perihelion arc over
and its node rings you can see that its node ring cutting
action remains “in plane”… Wormwood’s own elliptical orbital
plane… but it is so heavy that its node ring arms can easily
span the orbital diameter of Mars… and may very well span the
orbital diameter of Jupiter. That’s a lot of
diameter. It can be coming in on the Summer Solstice
side (RA: 18 h) and it can reach all the way across the
orbital diameter of the Earth to the Winter Solstice side (RA:
6 h) and hit us on the winter side even though it is still
inbound on the summer side. It has really long arms
holding onto its very destructive node rings. Its node
rings can be cutting through our solar system at any time once
it gets “within node ring range”. The question is where
is the Earth when one of those node rings is cutting through
the sun’s third node ring (where the Earth orbits)? If
the Earth is fairly close to that extended Solstice line… on
either end… when a Wormwood node ring is coming through
“Earth’s sector of space” then the Earth gets hit with
gravitational destruction. If the Earth is not too close
to that Solstice line when a node ring comes through Earth’s
sector of space then there is little or no destruction except
for general gravitational stress… ex: when old earthquake
fault lines that suddenly become active or when old dormant
volcanoes suddenly become active… for no apparent reason…
which is happening a lot in 2008 and 2009.
this point I need to connect another conceptual dot to bring
more clarity. When the Chief Physicist of the Universe
was designing this universe one of the features that He built
in was the fact that all waves “attenuate with the square of
the distance”… they “lose their strength” the farther out they
reach. This is true of magnets, water waves, sound
waves, light waves and gravity waves. Magnets don’t
reach out that far. If you put a few inches of
separation between them they just sit there but close together
is a different story. Listening to hard rock music full
blast right in front of a 500 watt speaker system will make
you go deaf. But even at full volume it is not as loud
if you are three blocks away. The power of the sound
wave attenuates (loses strength) at longer distances from the
sound source. Drop a pebble into a glassy smooth pond on
a calm day and the splash waves will be taller close to the
pebble splash point but will flatten out and disappear 40 or
50 feet away. Yes. Bigger pebbles (rocks) make
bigger waves that will go farther but the same rule
applies. Eventually they flatten out and
disappear. Light waves may go forever… until they hit
something and get absorbed… but they keep spreading out as
they go until they get so dim that you can barely see
them. Gravity waves behave the same way. The
farther away you get from a gravity source, the less
gravitational attraction/pull that object has on you.
And the reach of the hula hoop distortion wave of gravity is
much less than the reach of the gravity wave itself. For
example, the sun’s gravity wave reaches out for about half a
light year in all directions but only four and a half light
hours to the node ring of Neptune… the outermost planet
carrying node ring.
As luck would have it, a similar
kind of attenuation pattern applies to the clash of the
orbital node rings when Wormwood is in the neighborhood… but
for a different reason. Why? A spin generated gravitational
node ring has a very short cross sectional diameter compared
to its full reach ring diameter… like a hula hoop. Stand
a hula hoop up on edge on the floor and it is usually about
three and a half feet tall… max ring diameter. But if
you cut straight through the hula hoop with a knife, the cross
sectional tube diameter is only about one inch. The same
kind of hula hoop pattern is true of the gravitational node
rings for the Sun (where the planets orbit), for the planets
(where the different moons orbit) and for Wormwood (where the
space junk orbits). The max ring diameter of the
outermost node ring for the Sun is about 9 light hours… the
max ring diameter of Neptune’s node ring. The diameter
of the Sun’s third node ring (where the Earth orbits) is only
17 light minutes (radius of 8½ light minutes). For
Wormwood, the maximum radius of the outermost node ring looks
like it can easily reach from one side of Mars’ orbit to the
other… and might even span the orbital diameter of
Jupiter. We don’t really know for sure because NASA and
the NSF South Pole people won’t say… if they even know.
But regardless of Wormwood’s max node ring radius, it is the
much smaller cross sectional time-space distortion tube
diameter that concerns us when one of its node ring tubes is
in the neighborhood crossing hula hoop tube swords with the
Sun’s third node ring… where the Earth is orbiting. And
that’s good news because it means that any node ring sword
fights between the Sun and Wormwood are usually fairly
short. They may get very “intense” but they don’t last
forever because Wormwood… and its node rings… continue moving
along that June – December Solstice line as Wormwood comes
through town on its perihelion walk through. So any
clash of node ring tube swords will be limited in duration
because the tube diameter is small compared to the maximum
ring diameter… like a hula hoop.
Since Wormwood has a
stable perihelion orbital arc it will always have all of its
node rings clashing swords with the Sun’s node rings along the
extended geometric line that runs from the June 21st midnight
sky (Summer Solstice) position through the center of the Sun
to the December 21st midnight sky position (Winter Solstice)
on the opposite side… the June 21st – December 21st “Line of
Destruction” if you will. If one of Wormwood’s hula hoop
node rings is sword fighting with the Sun’s third node ring…
on either end (June end or December end)… it destroys things
here on earth IF earth happens to be “within the cross
sectional tube diameter range” of the node ring sword
fight. Ok, then what is the tube diameter sword fight
range? Answer: About three or four weeks on either
side of the centerline of the “Line of Destruction”. The
farther earth is away from that centerline, the less effect a
node ring clash will have. So the “Danger Zone” for the
earth is centerline of that Solstice generated “Line of
Destruction” (June 21st – December 21st) plus/minus about four
weeks. There are large separation distances between the
node rings of the Sun… where the planets are… so the same is
probably true for Wormwood’s node rings… where the space junk
is. You get a node ring slashing through along with some
asteroids or space junk and then nothing for several
years. Then along comes another node ring and then
nothing for a couple years. The point is that Wormwood’s
concentric node rings have quite a bit of separation in
between them. But remember that Wormwood’s node rings
can reach all the way over to the December 21st end of Earth’s
orbit even though it is still approaching the solar ecliptic
plane from the southern side on the June 21st end. It’s
got very long arms holding those node ring tube swords… lots
of reach.
When a node ring of Wormwood clashes with the
sun’s third node ring (where Earth is orbiting) the battle of
spatial distortions can get very “intense” depending on how
close Earth is to the centerline of the Line of
Destruction. The effects on planet Earth can be very
messy. It can make entire tectonic plates shift
positions and slide around on the plastic mantle
underneath. Part of the credit for the easy slip and
slide goes to the MohoroviÄ ić discontinuity that is situated
between the lithosphere and the mantle underneath. The
time-space distortion stresses on the tectonic plates can
split continents in half. They can pull/push the plates
in various directions. Wormwood’s gravitational grip can
reach down through the Earth’s surface layer… the lithosphere…
and rearrange the plastic mantle underneath with major bulges
or depressions causing entire sections of the lithosphere to
rise or fall depending on how the mantle is reshaped…
producing “block faulting” in the plates or in sections of the
plates that “float” on top of the affected area of the
mantle. Its node rings can reach through the Earth and
pull islands or continents down under the ocean
(Atlantis). They can pull continents or islands up out
of the ocean. They can do both simultaneously. You
can imagine the earthquakes, volcanic activities, tsunami
activities that can happen. Wormwood can radically
change large portions of the Earth’s surface geography in a
single day. And if any of the asteroids it is holding
happen to transfer to planet Earth, the blast of the impact
destroys anything and everybody within the “kill
radius”. Ocean impacts can deliver massive shock waves
that send 1000 foot tall tsunami waves heading toward the
coastlines of any island or continent within range. If a
ten foot tsunami is headed your way you might be able to climb
a nearby tree or hill of some sort. If a 1000 foot
tsunami is bearing down on you, where can you go? One
minute after it hits your location your body is rendered into
hamburger in all the debris.
There is one other way that Wormwood causes
massive destruction besides the gravitational damage it can do
to Earth’s tectonic plates. The ancient civilizations
were deathly afraid of the specific time that it made its
“crossing” from southern hemisphere space into northern
hemisphere space. Why? Answer: Wormwood’s atmosphere is
a methane atmosphere. When it is traveling out through
the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud it picks up generous
tonnages of methane ice. Its hot surface is quite
capable of melting the methane ice and rendering it back to
gas. When Wormwood gets close enough to a planet it can
“contribute” billions of tons of methane gas to any planet
that happens to be within “atmospheric range” and is ready to
receive the “contribution”. If Jupiter happens to be
near the “line of destruction” it probably helps itself to
more than its share because of its great mass and its close
orbital proximity. The same would apply… to a lesser
extent… to Mars and Saturn. But Jupiter already has a
lot of methane gas in its atmosphere. So does
Saturn. So methane gas doesn’t mean much to them since
they are already well supplied. Mars has a CO2
atmosphere and a greatly reduced gravitational pull so any
methane it collects from Wormwood tends to migrate to its very
thin upper atmosphere and wisp back off into space.
Methane is hard to hold onto. It takes a pretty good
gravity pull to hang onto it. Even Earth’s gravity is
not quite strong enough to hold onto methane gas permanently
our methane is constantly “bleeding off” back to space from
the upper ionosphere. And it doesn’t matter if the
source of methane is termites, ants, cows, people or leaking
oil well pipes. Methane is a light gas. Here on
Earth it will slowly migrate to the upper atmosphere and
eventually exit the atmosphere for space.
But when
Wormwood is in the neighborhood and is throwing billions of
tons of methane around, if Earth happens to be within
“atmospheric range” of Wormwood’s methane atmosphere, the
result is not good. Earth supplies oxygen to mix with
the methane (natural gas) and when Wormwood adds in red hot
pellets of rock, pieces of asteroid(s) and any other pieces of
solid space junk it might have in tow, the result is literally
fire raining down from the sky. Consider the description
supplied to us in Revelation 8:7 The first sounded, and
there came hail and fire, mixed with blood, and they were
thrown to the earth; and a third of the earth was burned up,
and a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green
grass was burned up. At first blush, the description
seems symbolic. But if you consider the physics, the
gravitational node rings with all sorts of embedded/entrained
space junk, the chemistry, the mixing of methane and oxygen…
all the stuff that Wormwood brings with it when it arrives… a
better interpretive approach would suggest that the
description is in fact very literal. The Revelation is
telling us that when Wormwood gets within atmospheric range,
ice chunks (water and methane), methane gas (billions of tons
of it), and iron oxide powder (billions of tons of it) will
all be thrown to the earth. The little rocky pellets
will glow red hot as they fall through earth’s atmosphere and
the mixture of Wormwood’s methane and earth’s oxygen will mean
that fire is raining down from the sky. And the iron
oxide will probably look similar to blood when it is poured
into water… when it first starts to mix in with the
water. Suddenly the description seems very literal
indeed. But look at the size of the affected area… a
third of the earth was burned up. The interface between
the spheroid shape of Wormwood’s atmosphere and earth’s
spherical surface can be as large as one third of the surface
area of planet earth. That is an extremely large
affected area. And within the affected zone, one third
of the trees are burned so badly that they are destroyed…
rendered lifeless. Also, close to 100% of the green
grass in the affected zone is completely destroyed… rendered
lifeless… so that it cannot recover. Basically, anything
or anybody caught out in the open inside that one third area
of earth’s surface is incinerated… well… cooked for a
while. It is NASTY and VERY DANGEROUS! And it can
affect a larger area of the earth because the earth rotates on
its axis while Wormwood throws billions of tons of methane
into our atmosphere. The fire can rage for many
hours. That’s a lot of very nasty destruction. The
Revelation says that one third of the surface of the earth
will be incinerated. That’s a lot of surface
No wonder the ancient people
were so afraid of Wormwood when it started a crossing event
through the ecliptic plane… especially on the inbound
side. Anyone caught out in the open when the fire rained
down on the affected zone of the Earth was burned to
death. And anything combustible was incinerated.
That’s why the 20,000 grave sites near Bab edh-Drha were
filled with half a million burned bodies. When Wormwood
rained fire down from the sky all those people got caught out
in the open. Without adequate heat shielding (caves or
cellars) they were all burned to death. And those
underground facilities of ancient Derinkuyu, Cappadocia
(Turkey) suddenly make a lot more sense too. With
several square miles of underground rooms, tunnels and water
supplies… enough for roughly 200,000 people… they would have
been able to survive the fire raining down from above when
Wormwood was in the neighborhood. Burned villages up on
the surface could be rebuilt fairly quickly but lives were a
little harder to replace. And Cappadocia was not the
only place that prepared underground tunnels and dwelling
places. High tech versions of underground complexes have
been found in Brazil, Peru and Nicaragua in the western
world. Some of the South American tunnels are big enough
to drive trucks down into them. Some of the walls are
lined with obsidian glass which tends to suggest that they
were cut or sealed/treated with some kind of laser
equipment. Other ages and civilizations besides
Cappadocia have had to deal with Wormwood’s fire breathing
ways. The only way to survive fire raining down from the
sky if you are in the affected zone is to get some form of
heat shielding between you and the fire. If you don’t,
you are burned alive when the fire storm arrives. Even
three or four feet of dirt can shield you from the flames but
getting caught out in the open is a death sentence…a bad
(Note: In The Millennium Prophecy we develop
the points of evidence that suggest that Wormwood is already
closing in on our solar system with destruction in its
hand. The case is very compelling.)
Now connect
the dots from these different pieces of evidence: 1.)
Jesus Christ, the Designer and Builder of the Universe,
personally states for the record (in The Revelation) that
Wormwood (a star) does indeed exist and that it is coming our
way. It will effect physical/judgmental changes here on
the earth when the proper time comes… the “end times”.
2.) Hidden/forbidden archeology and geology suggests that
these types of destruction events have happened before many
times and uniformitarian science cannot properly explain the
available physical evidence (anomalies) here on earth.
3.) An inside military source admits anonymously that Wormwood
is indeed there. It follows an elliptical orbit mostly on the
southern side of the ecliptic plane and crosses over into the
northern side above the ecliptic plane on perihelion arc
over. It is very heavy… about 60 times Jupiter’s mass…
and has a methane atmosphere. Its outbound ecliptic
crossing is December 21, 2012. 4.) Text book celestial
mechanics would tell us that an orbiting body with that much
mass will have a long gravitational reach, it will spin on an
axis (like stars and planets all seem to do) and will generate
a set of node rings in the affected time-space perpendicular
to the axis of rotation. With 60 times Jupiter’s mass,
the gravitational node rings will easily span the orbital
diameter of Mars and possibly even Jupiter. 5.) Measurable
orbital deflections/perturbations have been observed in the
orbits of Uranus and Neptune since 1821… orbital
deflections/perturbations that should not be there but they
are. The deflections are larger near the extended line
of the Summer Solstice side of Earth’s orbit based on
proximity. 6.) NASA claimed to have found a possible
target location for a “Planet X” but very quickly realized
what it meant and began a systematic cover-up of the real
evidence. And as we will see in the material following,
the continuing actions of NASA and the NSF suggest that a
dangerous orbiting body is indeed approaching and is coming up
from the southern side of the ecliptic plane. 7.) NASA
enlisted the aid of the media to deliberately misinform the
public about the danger. They LIED to us. And they
did it while being supported by taxpayer money. 8.) Dr.
Robert S. Harrington (astronomer/physicist) was able to tell
the correct general direction to search for a “Planet X” based
on the historical physical deflections (perturbations) in the
orbits of Uranus and Neptune. With 330,000 mathematical
iterations he determined with 5:1 odds that such a body would
be coming from the southern side of the ecliptic plane on the
Summer Solstice side of the solar system because that was the
direction from which the gravitational force was pulling on
those planets when they strayed off their normal orbits.
9.) The December 26, 2004 Sumatra earthquake continued for 10
minutes rather than 30 seconds or a minute. When the
shaking was finished the whole island had been moved 110 feet
from its former location. The deadly tsunami that
followed killed about 225,000 people. The December 26th
orbital position of the earth on that date was only five days
off of the Summer/Winter Solstice line… the Line of
Danger. 10.) The August 15, 2007 earthquake in Peru
lasted for three minutes (continuous) once it got
started. The “epicenter” was slightly more southern
latitude than the 2004 Sumatra quake and Peru was on the
correct side of the earth (time of day: 18:40 hrs) for a
“glancing blow” if a Wormwood node ring was coming through
along the Line of Danger (the Solstice line). 11.) NASA
and the National Science Foundation (NSF) are tracking
Wormwood’s inbound approach with the newly assembled South
Pole Telescope… material we shall be addressing shortly.
And there are cover story lies for public consumption so that
they do not have to reveal the truth. They’re still at
it… lying to the
Based on the description of the events
associated with Sixth Seal (Revelation 6:12 – 14), I would
estimate the time for the next nodal ring clash for planet
Earth at June 21, 2009 plus/minus a few weeks on either
side. The closer Earth is to the June 21st Summer
Solstice “Line of Destruction” when the node rings cross
swords, the more destructive the events will be. The
Revelation description is not very encouraging. Rev 6:12
– 14: (12) I looked when He broke the sixth seal, and there
was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth
made of hair, and the whole moon became like blood; (13) and
the stars of the sky fell to the earth, as a fig tree casts
its unripe figs when shaken by a great wind. (14) The sky was
split apart like a scroll when it is rolled up, and every
mountain and island were moved out of their places.
Let’s go over the list and make physical interpretations of
what we can expect for June, 2009: 1.)a great earthquake…
The node rings of the sun and Wormwood clash with world wide
tectonic shaking lasting 10 or 20 minutes (maybe more) of
continuous shaking, major destruction of cities around the
world, and possible tsunami events after the
earthquake. 2.)the sun became black as sackcloth made of
hair… We get volcanic activity at tectonic plate edges… rims
of fire that eject high tonnages of ash plume into the upper
atmosphere that block out the sun light over large areas of
the earth. (And the hair being referenced would be black
hair common to people of the Middle East not blond hair found
in more Nordic people.) 3.)the whole moon became like
blood… Wormwood throws large tonnages of iron oxide dust and
debris between the Earth and the moon or into Earth’s
atmosphere. When we look through the veil of iron oxide
dust, the moon takes on a blood red color. 4.)the stars of
the sky fell to the earth… Wormwood throws asteroids and
various forms of space junk into Earth’s atmosphere that
impact on the surface as meteorites. Expect some severe
tsunami events if there are impact pieces landing in the ocean
that are of significant size. 5.)the sky was split apart
like a scroll when it is rolled up... At least one of the
volcanic eruptions will be a large pyroclastic explosion… a
volcanic cone that will “blow its top” like Mt. St Helens in
May, 1980. The blast concussion feels like the sky is
“splitting apart” anywhere within sound range of the
cone. The curling action of the mushroom cloud when
viewed from below looks like a scroll when it is allowed to
spring back into the rolled up position. The description
seems a little odd but St. John was a first century writer and
he used a word picture of something that was familiar to
describe a mushroom cloud… something he had never seen before.
Expect more volcanic explosions as Wormwood approaches.
There might be several volcanic mounts that erupt explosively
like Mt. St. Helens did but there will be at least one.
6.)every mountain and island were moved out of their
places… Tectonic shifting from the Wormwood node ring
earthquake will shift the mountains and islands into different
places. Displacements may be measured in tens or
hundreds of feet of difference but the shifts will be
measureable with modern surveying equipment. If any of
the GPS satellites are still up and running after this assault
from outer space, the measurements can be made easily and with
accuracy as close as 10 centimeters. If the GPS system
is destroyed we might have to do it the old fashioned way with
ground based surveying equipment but the results will show
that many of the known positions for mountains and islands
will in fact be displaced to new positions. Again, with
major earthquake activity and island movements expect severe
tsunami events to follow for various coastal cities.
Because of its mass, methane atmosphere, gravitational
node rings (and their associated debris), Wormwood can cause
tremendous upheaval for Earth depending on how close the Earth
is to the Solstice based “Line of Destruction” when the
node rings come ripping through our sector of the solar
system. The closer Earth is to Solstice plane of
Wormwood’s buzz saw node rings, the worse the destruction will
be. Its gravitational gripping force is strong enough to
be able to torque the Earth’s crust (lithosphere) right over
on its side. And those gravitational node rings are
oriented at 90° to the gravitational rings of the sun’s
ecliptic plane. Each time these gravitational nodal
rings cross swords there are repercussions in the fabric of
the time-space for any planet orbiting near those locations…
including Earth. It’s like a sword fight with two live
running solar system chain saws. Sooner or later
something bad is bound to happen. Wormwood can elevate
whole continents thousands of feet right up out of the oceans
by virtue of the plastic distortions it can cause in the
mantle under the Earth’s crust. It can cause entire
continents or chains of islands to disappear below the ocean
waves… again, by virtue of its influence on the mantle under
the Earth’s crust (lithosphere). It can rip continents
in half. It can create mountains where they did not
exist before. It can flatten down mountain ranges or
submerge them under the oceans. It can slide the
tectonic plates around… shove them together… pull them apart…
and trigger tsunami events with ocean waves over 1000 feet
tall that run inland for hundreds of miles… and don’t forget
associated earthquakes and volcanic activity around tectonic
plate edges. It can put Brazil at the South Pole… South
Africa at the South Pole… Canada at the North Pole. It
can move the Earth’s magnetic poles around. It can
reverse the rotation of the Earth so that the Sun rises in the
west and sets in the east… or vice versa. It can
stimulate massive outbursts of solar activity so that our Sun
begins to trigger large Coronal Mass Ejections… bursts of heat
and radiated particles. If it gets close enough, it can
pour methane gas down on our oxygen atmosphere and literally
rain fire down on us from above. Since it has so much
iron oxide dust, it can throw millions of tons of red dust on
us as well as meteorites, comets or asteroids or any other
space junk that it might have in tow. And don’t forget
the nasty Vasopressin type chemicals that can trigger extreme
aggression in man and in animals… just for fun. If I had
to guess, I would say that Wormwood is largely responsible for
the shape of Earth’s continents and its 23.450 axis tilt…
which determines our seasons and most of our annual weather
patterns. If any of this is beginning to
sink in as you think about it, you can see that when Wormwood
arrives it can bring civilization… any civilization… to an
abrupt halt and there is nothing that anybody can do to stop
it. Its destructive power makes the Revelation judgment
events seem very ominous. When the Wormwood judgments
arrive they will be very bad indeed and a lot of people are
going to die.
Anyway, the reason for this little side
trip is to point out that the Revelation descriptions are
indeed accurate. The prophecies about the Wormwood
judgments are true and they refer to real physical events that
will actually happen on a fairly strict timetable when the
proper time arrives. As we have seen in this section,
Wormwood is capable of delivering extreme destruction while it
is still a long way off. It has very long node ring
support arms. The node rings deliver the initial
destruction. Then when Wormwood gets closer in, its
atmosphere can rain fire down from the sky… which it will do…
probably in June of 2010. Then it will arc up over the
Sun (perihelion) and begin making its return (outbound)
pass/crossing through our solar system on or about December
21st, 2012… the same date as the end of the Mayan
calendar. On December 21, 2012 Wormwood will hit the
earth with a nasty node ring right down the middle of its
orbital path. It will radically alter earth’s
physical/surface features and all the maps of earth will have
to be redrawn. Revelation 16 describes the outbound
event list.
When Wormwood gets closer to the
earth it becomes visible via the reflected rays of the
Sun. It should have a red-orange color… complements of
its iron oxide composition. But even when it is not
visible… as it approaches but before it gets here… it can
still have profound effects on the earth’s weather and seismic
activity because its node rings can reach out for such long
distances. Remember, this thing is heavy enough to
torque the crust of the earth right over on its side… with
massive tsunamis when the lithosphere slips. It can rip
continents in half, elevate continents thousands of feet up
out of the ocean beds or sink whole continents and mountain
ranges under the waves because of the plastic distortions it
can produce in the mantle under the earth’s lithosphere
(crust). It is so heavy that can cause profound
destruction whenever it comes through our solar system
(inbound or outbound) and the amount of destruction here on
earth depends on how close the node rings are to the earth
when they bash their way through the earth’s orbital node ring
(the sun’s 3rd ring). If a Wormwood node ring cuts
through the solar node ring where the earth is orbiting and
the earth happens to be eight weeks or more away from that
ecliptic orbital position, we might get some bad weather and
some earthquakes. But if earth is within a week of the
Solstice centerline when one of Wormwood’s node rings comes
through, then the earth and its people get CREAMED…
royally. Inbound approach and outbound departure each
give Wormwood four chances to cause major destruction and loss
of life… eight in all. And it can literally rain
fire down on us from the sky by throwing millions of tons of
methane gas into our oxygen atmosphere and then lighting it up
with pieces of micrometeorite pellets glowing red hot as they
enter our atmosphere. Wormwood is dangerous and very
nasty when it cruises into town for a perihelion visit.
As I write this material
in December, 2007, (updated in March/April, 2009) the Wormwood
brown dwarf star is already having profound effects on our
weather and on Earth’s seismic activity. The August,
2007 earthquakes in Peru and the Sumatra quake in 2004 were
the early node ring arrivals. Wormwood is also causing
changes in sun/solar wind activity so that more frequent
storms, tornadoes, tsunamis and hurricanes are happening as
well. Old fault lines in the lithosphere are being
stressed and earthquakes are happening in various places where
there has been no seismic activity for centuries.
Wormwood’s destructive powers are not a trivial thing.
As a dark body star it is very heavy and it causes problems
when it is in the neighborhood. It is causing problems
now… even before it “arrives” visually. Wait till it
gets up close and personal. The destruction will be
unlike anything modern mankind has ever seen before… and
uniformitarian science will have to rethink its assumptions…
if any of those types of “scientists” are still alive when the
iron oxide dust settles.
We now return to the
Revelation but you can now more clearly see that the
descriptions of judgment events that Jesus revealed to the
Apostle John were indeed descriptions of real events.
The Revelation is not an allegory, a myth or a funny word
picture. It is a prophecy. And because it is a
prophecy it is referring to real events… not something
mythical, allegorical, spiritual, a word picture or some
descriptive literature… a prophecy = a real event. And
as Wormwood’s nasty node rings cross swords with the sun’s
third node ring (where the Earth orbits), those events will
get more and more physically intense. The Earth will
quake with greater intensity and duration… exactly like Jesus
said it would. The meteorites from Wormwood’s debris
field will fall through our atmosphere… exactly like Christ
said they would. Our weather will get progressively more
unstable resulting in crop failures and problems in various
places… exactly like Christ said they would. Fire will rain
down from the sky… exactly like Christ said would. If a
Wormwood node ring cuts fairly close, it will cause
lithosphere slippages and trigger massive tsunami events with
500 ft or 1000 ft waves roaring inland… perplexing many hearts
as people stare impending death in the face… exactly like
Jesus said they would. The powers of the heavens (node
rings and the planets that orbit inside them) will be shaken…
exactly like Jesus Christ said they would. Wormwood’s
node rings beat on every planet they touch. These are
not myths, allegories or irrelevant word pictures. These
are real physical events that Christ predicted would indeed
come to pass… and now they are starting to play out… exactly
like Jesus Christ said they would. Ready or not… here
they come. And from the best that we can tell, it looks
like it will get massively more serious in June or July,
2009. Personally, I wish it was later… like maybe 100
years or so. But that’s not how things are shaping up
now. The celestial mechanics of the Wormwood brown dwarf
star set the time line for the Revelation events by
intersecting that seven year event line twice (inbound and
outbound) with two separate sets of real celestial/solar
events that are already impacting us here on Earth.
Again, ready or not… here they